Unit 3 What were you doing when UFO arrived.doc

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1、集体备课Unit 3 What were you doing when UFO arrived?Unit 3 What were you doing when UFO arrived?Period 1.Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims: .Revise the present continuous tense. Learn the past continuous tense.2. Ability aims: Learn to use the past continuous tense to talk about the past. 3. Emotion aims:

2、 Learn to remember the past and to imagine.II. Main Points1. The present continuous tense.2. Learn the past continuous tense.III. Difficult pointsthe difference between when and while.IV.Teaching MethodTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidspictures, radiosProceduresStepsContentsAims and DemandsW

3、arming up 1. Greetings.2. Free Talk.Arouse the Ss interesting of learning and revise the knowledge learned.Pre-task1. Get the Ss to talk about some activities using the present tense.2. Look at the pictures and talk about it.T: Whats he/she doing?Ss: He/She is swimming/watching TV/reading a book/wai

4、ting for a busetc.3. Get the Ss talk freely.4. Change the time, ask:T: What was he/she doing at 8 oclock last night?Ss: He/She was watching TV.T: What were you doing at this time yesterday?Ss: I was playing soccer. etc. Get the Ss to ask and answer the questions.5. Present a picture. T: What was Li

5、Lei doing when the teacher came in? Ss: He was drawing a car. T: What were the twins doing when the teacher came in? Ss: They were drawing a horse.6. Get the Ss to ask and answer according to the picture.7. T: While Li Lei was drawing a car, the teacher came in. While the twins were drawing a horse,

6、 the teacher came in.Explain the difference between when and while.Get the Ss to revise the present continuous tense.Enable the Ss to learn the past continuous tense.While-task 1. Get the Ss to make a survey of what they were doing at this time yesterday. Then write them down.2. Get the Ss to report

7、.3. Get the Ss to make another survey of what they doing when the teacher came in.4. Get the Ss to report.Enable the Ss to use when ,while.Post-task1. Get the Ss to write down the sentences using the past continuous tense.2. Get some to read aloud.This activity gives the Ss the chance to read and wr

8、ite with key sentences.Homework1. Revise the past continuous tense.2. Ss make sentences by themselves.3. Prepare the new lesson before class.1. Strengthen the knowledge.2. Enable the students to revise the tense.Notes of this periodUnit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Period 2.Teaching ai

9、ms 4. Knowledge aims: .Words: UFO, barber shop, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, alien, land, shirt, while, take off Learn the past continuous tense.5. Ability aims: Learn to use the past continuous tense to talk about the past events. 6. Emotion aims: Learn to remember the past and to imagine.II. Main P

10、oints1. The key words and expressions.2. Learn the past continuous tense.III. Difficult pointsthe difference between when and while.IV.Teaching MethodTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidspictures, radiosProceduresStepsContentsAims and DemandsWarming up 3. Greetings.4. Free Talk.5. Revise the pa

11、st continuous tense by asking the Ss questions such as : What were you doing at 8 oclock last night etc.6. What were you doing when I walked in?Get the Ss to answer the questions.Arouse the Ss interesting of learning and revise the knowledge learned.Read and learn4. Get the Ss to look at the picture

12、, and learn the thing in it such as: barber shop, UFO, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc. Revise: taking a shower, listening to the radioetc.5. Look at the pictures and talk about it.T: Whats he/she doing when the UFO arrived?Ss: He/She is taking a shower in the bathroometc.6. Get the Ss to talk freel

13、y.4. 1a, Ss read the sentences aloud. Then get them to do it. Check the answers.5. 1b, play the tape , Ss listen and do it. Check the answers. Note: cutting, swimming, getting,6. Get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs according to the picture. Get some Ss to act out.7. 2a, play the tape , Ss listen a

14、nd do it. Check the answers. (5 4 1 3 2 )8. 2b, play the tape again, Ss fill in the blanks with when or while. Explain the difference between when and while.9. 2c, get the Ss to look at the picture and talk about it using When the UFO took off the man was / While the girl was, etc.10 . Note: take of

15、f He took off his coat. The plane took off at 8. land The elephant is the biggest animal on land. The plane landed on the airport. walk down, go outGet the Ss to learn the target language.Enable the Ss to listen to the target language.Encourage the Ss to use the target language.This activity gives t

16、he Ss practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Get the Ss to listen and write using the target language.Task one1. Get the Ss to discuss in groups of if there are some people on other planet.2. Get the Ss to report.Enable the Ss to imagine.Homework4. Revise the past conti

17、nuous tense.5. Ss do 3a, 4. 6. Prepare the new lesson before class.3. Strengthen the knowledge.4. Enable the students to revise the tense.Notes of this periodUnit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Period 3.Teaching aims 7. Knowledge aims: .words: scared, climb, jump, shout, rode, cat, train

18、 station, ran , run away, anywhere, met , come in , happen. Language points:the past indefinite tense, the past continuous tense, run away, walk around, say to, shout at, another, happen, crowded, climbing, took the photo.8. Ability aims: Learn to use the past indefinite tense and the past continuou

19、s tense.9. Emotion aims: Learn to talk about different activities.II. Main Points1. Language points 2. Reading and writingIII. Difficult pointsWhat were you doing at 9 oclock last Sunday morning? Where were you ?What did you do?IV.Teaching MethodTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidspictures, ra

20、diosProceduresStepsContentsAims and DemandsWarming up 7. Greetings.8. Free Talk.9. Check the answers of Wb.Arouse the Ss interesting of learning and revise the knowledge learned.Read and learn7. Section B, 1. Point to the pictures and ask Ss to say what they see.8. Ask the Ss to finish the exercise.

21、9. Check the answers.Encourage the Ss to revise the target language of this Unit.Listening1. Read the instructions of 2a.2. Play the tape, the Ss listen and do 2a.3. Correct the answers.4. Play the tape again, Ss do 2b.5. Check the answers.Enable the Ss to listen to the key sentences.Pair work3. Get

22、 the Ss to read aloud the dialogue.4. Get the Ss to work in pairs.One student will start the sentence and the other student will finish it.5. Ask several pairs to say some of their sentences to the class.6. Get the Ss to make more sentences such as:While I was walking home yesterday afternoon, I saw

23、 a big dog. etc.Ss can make as many sentences as they can.This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Practice whileReading1. Get the Ss to look at the picture of 3. T: What do you see in the picture? S1: Suitcase./ A woman. T: Where is the woman? Ss: She is at the train st

24、ation.2. Get the Ss to read the article and circle the words they dont understand.3. Get some to read the article.4. Ask the Ss to write the answers to the questions.5. Correct the answers.This activity provides reading.Writing&Role play1. Read the instructions, and ask the Ss to explain what is hap

25、pening in the pictures.2. Ask the Ss to complete the work on their own. Remind them to use times in their stories.3. Ask a few Ss to read their stories.4. 4b, Ss work in pairs, then get some to act out as a policeman , the other act as a passer-by.This activity provide an opportunity for Ss to engag

26、e in open-ended writing.This activity provide speaking and listening skills.Homework7. Revise the key sentences of this Unit.8. Do P23 1 、2 、3 9. Write down what they were doing last Sunday.5. Strengthen the knowledge.6. Enable the students to revise the usages.Notes of this periodUnit 3 What were y

27、ou doing when the UFO arrived?Period 4.Teaching aims 10. Knowledge aims: .words: accident, plane, Beijing International Airport. Language points:take off, get out , land, shout(at), shop.11. Ability aims: Learn to write sentences with the past continuous tense.12. Emotion aims: Learn to talk about p

28、ast events.II. Main Points3. Language points 4. Vocabulary and writingIII. Difficult pointswhile, take off.IV.Teaching MethodTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidspictures, radiosProceduresStepsContentsAims and DemandsWarming up 10. Greetings.11. Free Talk.12. Check the answers of Wb.Arouse the

29、Ss interesting of learning and revise the knowledge learned.Self check10. Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks on their own. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs.11. Check the answers.12. Get the Ss to make their sentences with the words.13. Write the answers for each word on the board.This activity

30、focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.Writing1. Read the instructions of Part 2.2. Ask the Ss to complete the work on their own.3. Ask the Ss to share the answers with their partners and then the class.This activity lets Ss practice using while and when in writing.Vocabulary7. Ss do the exerc

31、ise.2. Check the answers.This activity focuses on the new vocabulary introduced in this unit.Just for fun!1.Ask two Ss to read the conversation to the class.2.Ask , Was the girl really scared? How do you know she was scared?This activity provides reading practice with the target language.Language po

32、ints1. take off I took off my coat because it was hot in the room. I was walking when the UFO took off.2. get out The alien got out of the UFO.3. land The elephant is one of the biggest animal on land. The UFO landed on Center Street.4. shout Dont shout at her. She is a little girl.5. Shop I was sho

33、pping when the UFO landed.Learn the language points.Homework10. Revise the key sentences of this Unit.11. Do Exx. 6、7 of the Wb.12. Do Part 2 . Write with while or when.7. Strengthen the knowledge.8. Enable the students to revise the usages.Notes of this periodUnit 3 What were you doing when the UFO

34、 arrived?Period 5.Teaching aims 13. Knowledge aims: .words: heard, modern, kill, Memphis, murder, hear about, bright, playground, bell, rang, told , close, silence, take place, recent, World Trade Center, destroy, terrorist. Language points:hear about/of/from, in silence, take place.14. Ability aims

35、: Learn to read the first sentence of each paragraph and grasp the main idea of the text or paragraph.15. Emotion aims: Learn to talk about past events and love our country.II. Main Points5. Language points 6. Reading skills.III. Difficult pointswas killed, was destroyed.IV.Teaching MethodTask-based

36、 teaching methodV. Teaching aidspictures, radiosProceduresStepsContentsAims and DemandsWarming up 13. Greetings.14. Free Talk.15. Check the answers of Wb.Arouse the Ss interesting of learning and revise the knowledge learned.Before reading14. Look at some pictures , get the Ss to talk about the even

37、ts. Ask them to find out if each event was as memorable for each of them.15. Ss may use the dictionary to help them.This activity encourage Ss to say how historical events affected their lives, and allows the chance to use a variety of language and vocabulary in free talk.While reading1. Read the ti

38、tle try to guess what they will read in the text.2. Ask each student to think of one question they think might be answered in the reading.3. Ask one or two volunteers in each group to read the story out loud to the group.4. Get the Ss to answer some questions on the text. What are the important even

39、ts in the text? Which country is Dr Martin Luther King in? Who murdered Dr Martin Luther King ? Who destroyed the Word Trading Center? Did Yang Li Wei walk on the moon?Enable the Ss to learn to read the title of the text and the first sentence of each paragraph.After reading8. 3a, get the Ss to do i

40、t by themselves.2. Get the Ss to check the answers .This activity tests Ss reading for detail.Writing1.Before Ss write, ask a few Ss to tell the class a little about an experience they read.2. Ask them to reread the second paragraph in the story to review the writing technique of telling a story.3.

41、Give them enough time to write the story , after which ask them to exchange books with a partner who will read the story and identify how it might be improved.4. After making corrections, each student writes a second draft.This activity provides writing practice.Language points1. on April 4, 19682.

42、hear, hear of, hear from, hear about.3. die, died , dying / lie, lay, lying4. was killed, was murdered, was destroyed.5. take place6. in silence7. last, lasted / at last8. heroes, Negroes, tomatoes, potatoes radios, pianos, photos, zoosThis activity provide an opportunity for Ss to learn the languag

43、e points and try to use them.Homework13. Revise the language points.14. Write about an event that you remember well.15. Do Ex6 &Ex 7.9. Strengthen the knowledge.10. Enable the students to revise the usages.Notes of this periodUnit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Period 6.Teaching aims 16.

44、 Knowledge aims: .words: asas, became, flight, earth, hero, flew, tragedy Language points:asas, flight/fly(flew),17. Ability aims: Learn to read and write with the target language.18. Emotion aims: Learn to talk about past events.II. Main Points7. Language points 8. Reading and writingIII. Difficult

45、 pointsasas, the main sentences of each paragraphIV.Teaching MethodTask-based teaching methodV. Teaching aidspictures, radiosProceduresStepsContentsAims and DemandsWarming up 16. Greetings.17. Free Talk.18. Check the answers of Wb.Arouse the Ss interesting of learning and revise the knowledge learne

46、d.Reading16. Ss read through the text, then find out the main sentences of each paragraph.17. Discuss them with the Ss. Help the Ss to find out the main idea of the text and each paragraph.Encourage the Ss to read the first sentence of each paragraph and find out the main idea.Practice1. Ss circle the words they dont know, then look


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