Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake第四课时Section B (3a-Self check)教学设计.doc

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《Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake第四课时Section B (3a-Self check)教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake第四课时Section B (3a-Self check)教学设计.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、万泉中学“四标”课堂导学案Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 第四课时Section B (3a-Self check) 一学习目标(树标)A)重点单词和短语1.Yunnan rice noodles _2.special food _3. chicken soup_ 4. different vegetables _5.crazy food _ 6.你的家乡_7.最喜欢的食物_ 8.一个接一个_9. 把每样东西混合在一起_B)重点句型1.在云南,很多人早餐吃米线。In Yunnan ,many people eat _ _ for brea

2、kfast.2,把鸡肉切成块。 _ the chicken _ pieces3.吧鸡汤烧的滚烫,到100多度。 _the chicken soup very hot , _ 100摄氏度。4.到享受米线的时候了。Its _ _ _ the rice noodles .二自主,合作,展示,点拨(学标解标)任务1:学习新单词和短语:任务2:复习本单元几种食物的制作过程;任务3;根据要求完成3a.3b,3c和4任务3:根据要求和同学完成Self Check.点拨:Its time to enjoy the rice noodles.Its time to .意为“到了做某事的时间了”,to 后接动词

3、原形,可与“Its time for .”互换,for 后接名词。例如:到了吃晚饭的时间了。Its time_ _ dinner =Its time _ dinner .三 达标测评(检标) . 根据句意,用to, up, on, in或into填空。1. Mix _ the sugar and milk, please.2. Theres some tea _ the cup.3. Dale ran _ the room and got his schoolbag.4. Please turn _ the TV. I want to watch the news.5. June, add s

4、ome salt _ the soup. 根据横线后的标点提示,将下列词语连成完整、正确的句子。1. Jim, two, butter, spoons, of, needs_.2. to, time, rice, noodles, enjoy, its, the_.3. on, yogurt, piece, put, of, a, some, bread_.4. tell, can, how, milk, you, to, me, shake, make, a _?5. help, pour, blender, please, me, milk, into, the, some_.三,作业布置四、教(学)后反思


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