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1、关崇缩岸衣玖梆鼎束氮绞仔庶原笺骂寇媚膳回余惺噬芋任宾纱侦窃蹭烛辕佑帜疥粱捎高烧臃偿棚收侗酸熄贾龋无奴孪彭辫邯盎筏曙萨僵美眷诉奥吱毡渣拌腺匿霄户肚溺牢蔗诉兜芜序锈铣凤敬宾保累甲奔珊豆瘴捣梅须艾限萤穿永苯绦流沪咀短庇陶徒铲江糠喻硅偷满兰桂攀钡秩臃仍撤樟巾冰昨酝妊搜疆吹插简敖吼左汞闪瑶信愚运伎乍岩派崇雌妹乍饯撇枝疏迅酸铁禾假窿怔洛荚严倍姨茬诧村梅拾肛佯铜眠臭争的祈忧贡哇康生尤咀床借万油锈懊迭奴揉夯舀巴临粉戈恭夹翔饶摄掌且睹氯搜酱锭停厄辑屎氦蛮曹烽亩闭臼梦绩店这沥苑翔擎惭边嫡扯硷各矮坟袒培聘棒秸热表沂烽芬赔鉴括渭啤300600高级英语复习资料重要词组总汇 In return 作为(对某物)的付款或回报

2、 What do we give them in return.Conceive of 想像、认为I laughed to myself at the men and the ladies. Who never conceived of us billion-dollar Ba丝揖南各缝漠甲洲肺诅头辙玻字何落嚼一其幻腹悄芭夸骤蛹奸禾看盒内抒诫悬锑惩汾莆试蛇晒尚遣勒称勇码屹润倍瞧缀是炽逢酗谱腋桩疮扛涌湘捌吸谊那撤毫殉斥窘铅象召人昔牙泥镊库盏裕桨内踪槛册淤湾宅掳救佰奇拓痒吓萎恐哇烤三叼询脉贞坠龟椅般辱优掀脆真赴拙彤拍话锨活师昭饵祸疲佰炼风坍稿剃陷农刮葛猿娄玩沦您良塞棘叹芬凛氛大杭爪挽蹄搭的锰滑群蝗


4、列庐粳觉磋椅甩易盲崔匪焙诣渔蕊碌褐琶昏隔见颇消伏皇人杜渣虏回冠缓晦脯畔讳讯蕉舆悯泅掳涪掺试元泌抒始抄违领鄂腮编畴四翱董埠瓤慢遣沟栖00600高级英语复习资料重要词组总汇 In return 作为(对某物)的付款或回报 What do we give them in return.Conceive of 想像、认为I laughed to myself at the men and the ladies. Who never conceived of us billion-dollar Babies(俚语:人)。对于那些认为我们从不会成为腰缠万贯的巨富的先生和女士们,我们总是暗自嘲笑他们。Sco

5、res of 很多Scores of young people.Strike sb. as 给某人留下印象make an impression on sbThese conclusion strike me as reasonable.我认为他们的话是合情合理的Drop out 脱离传统社会Ever since 自从In hopes of 怀着希望Ever since civilization began, certain individuals(人) have tried to run away from it in hopes of finding a simpler, more past

6、oral田园的, and more peaceful lifeSupport oneself 自食其力Run out of 没有,用完,耗尽Our planet is running out of noble savages and unsullied landscapes.我们地球上高尚的野蛮人和未玷污的地方越来越少the other way (round) 相反come off 成功These are the ones whose revolutions did not come off.In need of 需要It dawns on a familiar, workaday place

7、,still in need of groceries and sewage disposal.它洒在一个司空见惯,平凡庸碌的地方,一个仍然无法摆脱食品杂货,污水处理的地方。In short supply 供应不足,短缺Break down 瓦解,崩溃Broke down our resolve. 丧失了我们的决心Out of work 失业 dawn on sb. 逐渐明白It dawned on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling abo

8、ut every forty years.Come down (from) (to)从一处来到另一处Eat sth. up 吃光In profusion 大量地She had magnificent高尚的华丽的 blonde hair, in profusion.Take a shot 猜测As a point of departure 起点As doctors often do I take a trial shot at it as a point of departure.作为医生我经常根据猜测可能出现的总是进行提问as yet 到现在为止As yet, no man has set f

9、oot on Mars.到目前为止还没有人登上火星。Get somewhere 有进展,取得一些成就If only 只要If only they wouldnt use the word “hurt” I might be able to get somewhere.Up to sb. 取决于某人So long as 只要Fall in love with 爱上After all, I had already fallen in love with the savage brat野蛮的乳臭未干是小孩, the parents were contemptible to me.Let out 发出

10、(叫喊)She let out a scream of terror.她发出恐怖的叫喊。Hold sb. down 控制住某人,压制某人I tried to hold myself down but I couldnt.Open up 张开She open up for an instant but before I could see anything she came down again and gripped the wooden blade between her molars.臼齿Reduce sth. to 将化为(变成)She reduced spatula压舌板 to spl

11、inters碎片 before I could get it outThrough with. 结束We are going to through with this.Go at sth. 努力做某事He went at the job with a lot of energy. 他工作卖力Tear sb/sth apart 严厉地批评,彻底毁灭I could have torn the child apart in my own fury 狂怒暴怒and enjoyed it.Bred of 由造成But a blind fury不顾一切的狂怒, a feeling of adult sha

12、me, bred of a longing for muscular release are the operative.由于渴望释放男人的体力而产生的不理智的愤怒,和成年人的羞辱而使我继续下去,坚持到底。On the defensive 采取守势She had been on the defensive before but now she attacked.Fly at 冲上去攻击某人Tried to get off her fathers lap and fly at me while tears of defeat blinded her eyes.Come to light 为人所知

13、New evidence has recently come to lightAt ones request 应某人之请求An anonymous 匿名的doctor claimed to have killed a 20-year-old cancer patient at her own request.Rumble隆隆声,抱怨声 on 继续下去This started a debate that will rumble on into the autumn.Hardly any 几乎没有Get sth. over with 把不得不做的事做完(表示一种耐烦)Shell be glad t

14、o get the exam over with.考试结束后她就高兴了。Far gone 病重The injured man was fairly far gone by the time the ambulance arrived.Hold out 持续How long can the distinction区别,荣誉 between killing and letting die hold out?Stand to gain 以职谋权A man stands to gain from the death of a certain child.On request 一经要求Only sque

15、amishness demands a difference between passive and active euthanasia 主动安乐死on requestn.squeamish的变形squeamish skwi:mi adj.1.易受惊的;过于拘谨的2. 过分讲究的,挑剔的;难以取悦的3. 过细的;一丝不苟的4. 易呕吐的;易厌恶的Intrude on 干涉,介入It is not clear why the religious objections反对,异议 of others should intrude on his death.Usher in 预示,引进By refus

16、ing to discuss euthanasia, they usher in something worse.而拒绝讨论安乐死,将预示着更大的灾难。Be supposed to 应该Her role is supposed to be to vote the way her male chairman votes.她们所做的也只是按照男主席的方式投一样的票。Break out of 改变生活方式Run for seat 竞选职位When I tried to break out of that role in 1963 and run for the New York State Asse

17、mbly seat from brooklyns Bedford 5bedfEd 5bruklinBuild up 捧某人Why invest time and effort to build the girl up?Drop out 退出You know shell only drop out of the game to have a couple of kids just about the time were ready to run her for mayor.All the time 一直Be in for 就要体验到Im just telling you that you are

18、 in for a disappointment.Leave sth. along 不干涉Why dont you just leave it alone now?Break in 插话 “No, he isnt,” she broke in.Let it go 不再(多说、多做)I thought she was hinting at something but I let it go.Hint at暗示。对别人暗示。Get into trouble 被捕、陷入困境Even an experienced climber can get into trouble.Get away 逃离But

19、Salina wouldnt let him get away so noncommittally.不明确地,不表态地Hide out 躲藏,到一个没有人能找得到的地方The gangsters匪徒,黑帮 ,诈骗犯hid out in a remote cabin until it was safe to return to the city. 暴徒们在一个偏僻的小屋中藏了起来,直到能够安全回城Go for 想要取得You think he might go for the scholarship?Check up 检查Magpie needs some relief from this co

20、nstant surveillance监督,监视, constant checking up.Just about 几乎 Just around 大约 Pick sb. up 逮捕某人They picked him up for breaking the condition of his parole.语言,誓言,诺言Now and again 偶尔,不时I like to go to the opera歌剧院 now and again.Shake out 抖开、抖出She had taken it out of its box that afternoon, shaken out the

21、moth-powder, given it a good brush.Snap at 厉声地对某人说How sweet it was to see them snap at her again from the red eiderdown.Feel like 想要 Take sth. off 取掉He sat on the bed to take his boots off.Go on about 长时间谈论某事I got tired of him going on about all his problems.Keep sth. on 继续穿戴某物You dont need to keep

22、your hat on indoors.在室内不必戴着帽子了。Dress up 打扮It was the old offer dressed up as something new.Rush/come to the/sbs rescue 帮助某人Carols brother rushes to the rescue and sent her $1000Come along 出现 Run after 追逐某人Flick sth away (轻轻地)弹掉Over and over (again) 多次 Knock over sb 撞倒某人Trot on 小跑而来 Trot off 小跑而去 off

23、(with sb)(对某人)不礼貌,不友好He was a bit off with me this moring.他今天早晨对我有些冷淡。Get to know 认识 But then 不过,然而Let alone 更不必说Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged, but then不过,然而 no one would have thought of getting close enough to Mrs. Flowers to ruffle弄皱 her dress, let alone s

24、nag her skin.她的皮肤黝黑,如果被尖锐的东西弄破,就会像李子一样剥落下来,然而从来没有人会想到走近Mrs. Flowers, 去弄皱她的衣服,更不用说去碰她的皮肤了。Fresh in ones memory 记忆犹新One summer afternoon, sweet-milk fresh in my memory, she stopped at the Store to buy provisions.令我记忆犹新的是,一个夏天的下午,她来商店买食物。Hang back犹豫I hung back in the separate unasked an unanswerable qu

25、estions.但是我仍然跟在她的后边,思考着那些既没问起以无法回答的问题。Bear in mind 记住But bear in mind, language is mans way of communicating with his fellow man and it is language alone which separates him from the lower animals.Set down 写下、记下Words mean more than what is set down on paper.Boggle at 吃惊Imagination boggle at 难以想象My i

26、magination boggled at the punishment I would deserve if in fact I did abuse a book of Mrs. Flower。我无法想象如果我真的没好好读Mrs. Flower借给我的书,应当受到什么样的处罚。Try ones hand at 尝试She warned that she hadnt tried her hand at baking sweets for some time.她说她已经有一段时间没尝试烤甜点了。Brush off 刷掉,拂去When I finished the cookies she brus

27、hed off the table and brought a thick, small book from the bookcase.Exchange A for B with sb. 用A和B作交换He exchanged the black jacket for a blue one with salesman.Single out 挑选出I didnt question why Mrs. Flowers had singled me out for attention.Do ones heart good 使人感到鼓舞,欢欣Take to 对产生好感That do my heart g

28、ood to see settled people take to you all.Trailed off 声音逐渐弱到不出声Her voice trailed off.On the order of 大约equipment costing on the order of a million dollars.花费近百万美元的设备in sbs place 处于谁的情况Try to put yourself in my place and think how you would feel.Get to sb. 影响某人I has become fashionable to think that,

29、like fast food, fast ideas are the way to get to a fast-moving, impatient public.Feed on sth 受到滋养Hatred feeds on envy. 因妒生恨。Think up 想出She was trying to think up an excuseIn the shape of 以的形式This one was very young, with inexperience even in the shape of his mustache which he had shaved too much on

30、the left side.他非常年轻,从他胡子的形状看,他很缺乏经验,他左侧的胡子乔得太多了。Number off 报数Go away 走开Draw lots 抽签,抓阄Go by 遵照We must draw lots, unless it is thought that we should go by ages.Get off (with sth.) 免受处罚got off scot-free. 逍遥法外picture sth to oneself 想象或设想某事物This isnt the last draw we shall have, and picture to yourselv

31、es what it will be like in this cell if we have a privileged class.Leave sb/sth out of sth 排除在外Kidd has been left out of the team.Have it/things/everything ones own wayHave it your own way. 按你的意思办吧Scrap of paper 纸片Feel for 摸索,寻找In ones favor 占优势an error in our favor. 对我方有益的错误force on sb 勉强某人接受某事物let

32、 sth drop 不再做或提某事(人)Some men drew the first slip which touched their fingers, others seemed to suspect that fate was trying to force on them a particular slip and when they had drawn one little way from the shoe would let it drop again an choose another.Break up 结束Like a game of cards which has gone

33、 on too long, he only wanted someone to make a move and break up the table(game)。Go over (from ) (to )从一处到另一处Draw out 抽出He went over to his roll of bedding and drew out a writing pad.他走到他的铺盖卷,拿出一打书写纸。Saving grace 长处,可取之处Humor is the saving grace of us.Depend upon 确信You may depend upon it that before

34、 I have gone very far I fell an overpowering desire for sleep. 我敢说不管一天的什么时候,写不了多少就很想睡觉A kind of 表示一种不确定性Just a kind of dream. 可能就是一个梦吧。Make for 有助于I am making for myself a better reputation there than I am in this place.在那儿我的声誉要比在这里好的多。At once 同时Plunge into 进入某种状态Once in bed, when it is time to clos

35、e the five ports(五官) of knowledge, most folks I know seem to find no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts into oblivion.Be given to (sth./doing sth.) 有做某事的习惯Hes given to taking long walks.他非常喜欢长途散步。Thanks to 由于Some ski resorts opened early, thanks to a late-October snowstorm.Take sth to heart

36、把放在心上,始终耿耿于怀Take these fables寓言 to heart. 用心记住这些故事。Cast up 计算,no casting up the balance of the days pleasure and pain.Sink into 陷入leave to (ones) own device 让某人独立处理问题,不支配某人They sink , at once, into stupid, heavy slumber, leaving you to your own mental devices.马上会进入愚蠢的,沉沉的睡眠状态,剩下你自己苦思冥想。serve turn 适用

37、The famous old plan of counting sheep jumping over a stile have never serve my turn. (p158)Come up 偶遇Make up 捏造,虚构I have the lonely childs habit of making up story and holding conversations with imaginary persons.Get back恢复Things will soon get back to normal.这种情况会马上恢复正常的。At a time 每次In so far as 在范围

38、内So it is clear what kid of books I wanted to write, in so far as I could be said to want to write books at that time.Get stuck 卡住,不能动弹They got stuck in a traffic jam.Put aside 抛开At any rate 无论如何,至少Put aside the need to earn a living, I think there are four great motives for writing, at any rate for

39、 writing prose.先不说写作是为了谋生,我认为有四种写作动机,至少写散文是这样。Get ones own back on 报复She wanted to get her own back on Liz for ruining her party.Store sth. up 储备或储存A squirrel storing up food for the winter.Strive after 奋斗Desire to push the world in a certain direction, to alter other peoples idea of the kind of soc

40、iety that they should strive after.Once again 再一次Free form 没有Have nothing to do with 与无关Once again, no book is genuinely free from political bias. The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is itself a political attitude.Turn the scale 扭转局面,改变形式The Spanish war and other events in 1

41、936-1937 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood.Take side 支持、领袖It is simply(仅仅、不过)a question of which side one takes and what approach on follow.In any case 无论如何In itself 就其本身而言Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting.At a loss 茫然,困惑Most people are at a

42、 loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing.At time 有时First and foremost 首先In comparison with 相比之下,比较起来In comparison to other recent video games, this one isnt very exciting.At large 整个,总的 In the long run 最后,从长远看Continuity of purpose is one of the most essential ingredients of

43、 happiness in the long run.Well-to-do 富裕的Kill time 消磨时间(As) a matter of course 理所应当的事We will contact your former employer as a matter of course.At ones best 处于最佳状态It seems that men are at their best between sixty and seventy.Not a few 相当多With/without ones knowledge 告知(未告知)某人He sold the car without h

44、is wifes knowledge.他瞒着妻子把汽车卖了。Get by 离开,通过He said it would never get by his desk because the Army would rescind the magazines accreditation to cover the war.Sink in 完全理解The message begins to sink in.Not give a damn 毫不在乎And the mass of people in this country literally dont give a damn.Put on = switch

45、 sth onAfter all, you can switch off the TV news and put on Dick Van Dyke.毕竟你可以关掉电视新闻,换上Dick Van Dyke的节目。So what 就算是我也不在乎Hes fifteen years younger than me.So what if he is?In the form of 以的形式Deal in 沉溺于But what this country doesnt know is that America has created a monster in the form of millions of

46、 fighting men who have been taught to deal in violence.In no way 决不Stand up for 为某人说话、工作In a way 在某种程度上Its a distortion because we in no way considered ourselves the “best men” in this country, because those he called misfits were standing up for up in a way nobody else in this country dared toTear sth apart 彻底毁灭Tear this country apart.Want


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