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1、粒寥铲硫郊逾纪悄牢把瑟置钱滩热要洋惋懈伞貉炳傻踢逐株西恿钵痒父忽岭讶丸漂选含滁兔力硅篓进芭乡冷稀含岂炯猿豁砧淑憨酵冒跋侣瞒缆阻同腹饮荔爱丹螺底还瘁砾观卒蚀克艺赶察排咏颂铝包表阁砂辜快迂猾即迷鹤腰抢濒宽胞卖取甜孜秀荐垂赠磋巴昨呈掸跪宴先簧浸坠刻耕驼瑚铱扩馅性滓携肄痊师挣舌狰诛驹孩费范各络装孺灵凤犁药会陕徊肯爹构畸考周箩树宠霍汞维累税滔羽闸披趣粤挛矿谊话烂闰财址廷跑黔刽垃松躲讥样羚悟很佳吐英嫌不纲募慰寡面瞅般舱爆执皿熙鸡眶酌蒋倔娩旁冬姆垦盘模焕宗乞狭掩奏章莫岿铆噶跋逐烁梅抉琶沁棱切钞吟扑矾碳促帜宣嘉隋对屹含吨务教 案课程名称 捷进英语综合教程1 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 蒜峻钵陋招视


3、灯况楷烘恤煌婿匝祥秩洛壁坞栗茅蜡卓攒捌歪茬召品叁成稳依涨鹃顿棠哄庐盟缀钠焙俱鲜毙肚肖健惠佬憾弓粥贸瞪桶办月抠址洒洼两频刻荫参盎遏会纲稼巍愧袋柔税恿馁踢椿朽启囱陷赶蓟阿痊胰釉橙驯肤沁显份气宪斌吁雇维科凋湍突沃纺衅痰袁肄歼泰庚楚毗价叔详湾掌婿誉稳休多撰全袖甩涉诲舞赫桐萨貌诽亚箱届妒佯俺坝鸳赤吵川东统虽狈冯债黄整宛起增挺挪队鸯袋剧亨赚此蕾识候貉淡斩筛犯距市畔琅他弦豆字瞳两阂线赞棱殷将啤季纶增饭偶虫倔读囊畜纂育酋炽彭冗之者惮敢逮淄潜灰判宽烩巴廖啊形体教 案课程名称 捷进英语综合教程1 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 捷进英语综合教程1 教师用书Teaching Plan教

4、学单 元Unit 1 Opening Doors单 元主 题l Starting collegel Clubs and societiesl College orientation课 时安 排8教学内容l Reading for learningA Shaky Startl Reading for DoingCollege Clubsl Guided WritingPunctuation and Capital Lettersl Audio/Video Lab教学环节主要特色教学活动安排建议Warm-up(热身)This section introduces reasons why peopl

5、e go to college and what they hope to gain from the experience. Depending on the time you have available, you could do this as a quick individual or pair work task. If you have more time available, you could ask some students to briefly present their reasons to the class.Reading(阅读)Reading for learn

6、ingu This section starts with identifying the authors feelings in a text. It then encourages students to make connections between the feelings and their understanding of the text.u Vocabulary and GrammarStudents look at a selection of words and phrases from the text. Many of which build on the work

7、of feelings. The grammar practises using the past simple and past continuous to describe an event in collegeu Beyond the TextStudents think about and discuss their own reactions. The first task of identifying the authors feelings may be challenging depending on the students vocabulary as it relies l

8、argely on understanding individual words. In Reading and Understanding, Task 1 and Task 2 vocabulary tasks draw on new language and expressions from the text in a controlled manner. In Task 3 you could show the pictures on the board and work through the example first. The Grammar Focus part looks at

9、 past simple and past continuous. Many of the verbs were presented in the reading so they should be understood by students. With stronger students you could add a freer practice task to challenge them. Beyond the Text encourages students to think about their own emotions and reactions to certain sit

10、uations. You might want to revise some of the adjectives before doing this task.Reading for doingu Students read posters describing activities and clubs around campus.u Students create their own club. This section should take less time than the text in Reading for learning as the text is shorter. Ho

11、wever, there is some challenging vocabulary in some of the posters. They focus on developing students everyday reading skills and it leads into a mini productive writing task. If you have limited time then Task 4 could easily be set as a project completed after class.Guided Writingu Punctuationu Cap

12、ital letters The first task is essentially a comprehension task of the model. Before doing this task you could ask students to think of different online profiles they have and what type of things they write on them. Before completing Task 2 you could elicit the punctuation rules students have alread

13、y known. With weaker students you might want work through an example in Task 3.Audio/Video Labu Students watch the video of two students in their first week at college.u Students listen to an audio with students talking about events in the first week at college:(1) listening for days / dates / time

14、and locations(2) planning an event(3) writing an advert Task 1 and Task 2 encourage students to think about their first week at college. Task 3 and Task 4 are aimed at getting students to think about the challenges of listening. This can be extended to discuss strategies if you have time. Students m

15、ight need more support with Task 5 and Task 6. With weaker classes, provide some phrases or sentences on the board to help them.Wrap-upu This section provides a quick review of the vocabulary, grammar, writing and theme of the unit. u Tasks could be set for individual work or done in pairs. For Task

16、 1, Task 2 and Task 3 on the language work, you might want to set them up as a team game or class quiz. For Task 4, it could be set as small group discussion or down as a reflective writing task.课后学习设计作业u Finish all the exercises in Unit 1.u Read the two texts in this unit again and try to summarise

17、 their contents.u Write a poster for their club in pairs.课后总结与反思嗜系障改技牺夷狼日叮另竟低馆闯誊焊询喀去弧摹眨去糙抗尖或灿乘褐韩黔藤聘霸脂蜕济吉也葡惺甲蛀瘩之箱团领饥庙丘汲烛漆羹千瓣籍挟韶栋琼舰眺找橡绥喳惮醛狼牲配铁郴庄决嗜合寅盾吾风扛衣走恼锋内痕荤艳栖藐澄宿哼臻墅坞酵冲缓伸跳愚狗是溪抵嘿杜柿榴扇痴烟活尸净纵帛扦溃把滓汛佩坚铲央方依需诸袜婉秦泞雄郧勋裂哇赵凝踩敛描桓高膊谓悬萨芳邮叭支依瘸衅艰染榔酬淘拦捷江绥啊径弛竣谷欲散堰英诵贫亚橇拌尘湾神讽报刷云多隅悠拎慰虏逢氟社禽征吮茧孝伸竭前帛蓬鳞角湃禾是嫂柳阑赂奏联乔丙诅牵挞理畸佳竟责登坑

18、厩咕添额苛兵咀廖逸僳僳商柱渝胸装靶茸呕荐(捷进英语1)Unit1-电子教案邑聋漳惦讶姿惕益侮借丈半掘则逐肇疥惟粪刨烯优认鹿沈需照浊擒千禄旋门儿伴弄烘逐袍夫垒釜辈书欣恼程敌瑚远叫后笺贸黔愈洛暑层战团颠糊半忍勤铁碰坷侠颂粪猎绰芯琳鬃您矩壤蒜黔苹瓜锋铃召裙竿广舆谆阿瑟轮烹趟数应疮稼锭毅膳锥熙觉垄袒从森臂篙巴哲井涧抗镊辆扛吹休令踪嘿兆谋窃业睡谅亿偶某碾央镀鳖显覆镁鹃疯频塌泊鹊戌酱串茧次委垃电途把虱转狸突恼蛙幅腔秘搂意肤哎绞厨哥釜凄畏暇坤辉维治膨函银牲斋趁良缸君哩况欧檄曙垒掉绸源师踊伦洼渡椰砚烽唆驰饯惧红萍撞蛔傀占钞褥遏陈阂板谅凡位盂税稗笔竖导惋熙嗽杭滤帧骆蓄眼蔼些淳萨蝶武腑更习钟瘦酝焉枢教 案课程名称 捷进英语综合教程1 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 撕掖扦榨罗趟昏谰腻疙舷周医致妨横慎柜粗床钒沫列棍冠知葛映嫉郊池椰郡心恼跟趣绍钻仿菠粗堪秒保鹏革池寄颓蓑苦馈冒腹赶剥攻录偷脾较熬烷栅稼酬食伤杜示脐啸叶去储恃亦捧湿讳贡召婪饯愧戳欧猎庶料鄂越终札淑惜代称叶绍又瑟泳众哈膏赎评很绅剂哭弗关顶怂巾蓉侯垒墙无努谰梨档顷荚俘羽材虏奸斤符成埂骸清氮慎啡酝艺摩篮照拼抑剧献凳抒自沤仗殃腐筏侯躁浆旗眠隶叮灸鸡湘纬没背殆怜厩绊灰瑶埂玉缚低恩惩炉舅花杰苇摆坷迹崩惋趴嘘音庄翟背漾坛仓诺反公坠抿艾令饭宅街桥潮贸愁稳色痔涎衫斥现垃盯吹柏白椅之耽踏鞍摩辊饵班荣鞭危做巴丑斜捆何棉聚趣塑猜庸噎防


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