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1、2019 2019 学年度第一学期四年级英语期中考试题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分密得分号座听力部分( 40 分)一、听单词或短语,按照听到的顺序,用英文大写字母给图编号。(共 10 小题,每小题1分,共 10 分)封1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()名姓6.()7.()8.()9.()10.()二、听句子,选择句子中所含的信息。 (共 10题,每小题1 分,共10 分)()1.A. sofaB. flowersC. wall()2.A. mapB. mapsC. window级()3.A. mouthB. minutesC. minute班()4.A. closeB. openC.

2、clock()5.A. houseB. toiletsC. bedrooms()6.A. bedroomB. studyC. living room()7.A. buildingB. flatC. house()8.A. readB. homeworkC. music线()9.A. next toB. behindC. opposite()10.A. thirtyB. ninetyC. fifty三、听问句选择最佳答语。 (5 题,每题 1 分,共5 分)()1. A.No, it isn t.B. Some pencilsC. OK()2. A.No, there isn t.B. Yes,

3、 there are.C. They are some toys校()3. A.Yes, I do.B. It is beautiful.C. Thank you.学()4. A.Yes, I do.B. It is big.C. No, I don t.()5. A.There are twenty.B. They are twenty.C. Yes, there are.四、听句子写出句子所缺的单词。( 5 题, 10 分)封第 1页1. The cute child has a lovely _.2. There are some _ on the floor.3. There isnt

4、a study in this _.4. The _ is opposite our classroom.5. _ and thirty is fifty.五、判断听到的句子与图内容是否一致。一致的写T,不一致的写F。(5 题,共 5 分)1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. ()笔试部分(60 分)六、选择最佳的答案写在括号里。( 10 分)()1.How many _ are there in your house?A. bedroomsB. bedroomC. a bedroom()2.The bed is next _ the desk.A. onB. toC. in()3.T

5、here is a window _ the wall.A. toB. onC. in()4.-_ is the computer?- Itspurple.A. How manyB. WhatC. What colour()5.Our school _ thirty-five classrooms.A. hasB. isC. have()6.Welcome _ my new school.A. onB. toC. in()7.This is _ old bedroom.A. theB. aC. an()8.Are there _ chairs in that living room?A. an

6、yB. someC. a()9.It_ three rooms in the flat.A. haveB. hasC. is()10. I _ in the evening.A. do the homeB. do a homeworkC. do my homework七、英汉互译(10 分)1.我们的新教室_2. take a shower_3.上课_4. opposite the classroom building _第 2页5. 一件大的书房 _6. in front of_7. 25 台电脑_8. do one shomework _9. 放学后_10. play games_八、 根

7、据上下文和首字母的提示补全句子所缺单词。(每空一分,共10 分 )1. I like to r_ books in the library.2. The teachers w_ in the classroom and the teachers room.3. The children have m_ lessons in the classroom.4. My sister and I like to p_ g_ in the garden.5. I want to t_ a shower now.6. We w_ TV in the living room.7. We g_ some fl

8、owers behind our house.8. There is a window b_ the two pictures.9. The dog is n_ to the old man. X Kb1.C om九、给下列单词分类,把单词的大写字母编号写在相应的位置上。( 10 分)A. living roomB. beautifulC. thirteenD. bathroomE. studyF. thirtyG. largeH. openI. closeJ. lovelyK. eightyL. kitchenM. cleanN. fiftyO. oldP. drawQ. readR. fo

9、rtyS. newT. bathroom4. room (房间) _5. number ( 数字 ) _6. adjective ( 形容词 ) _7. verb(动词) _十、选择适当的单词补全对话,把单词写在相应的横线上。(每空一分,共10 分)is,or,you,how, many,who,young,inBill: _this your classroom?第 3页Ann: Yes. Come _, please.Bill: Thank _._ children are there in your class?Ann: Twenty.Bill: _ _ girls are there?

10、Ann: Eleven.Bill: _ is your PE teacher?Ann: Mr. Green.Bill: Is he old _ young?Ann: He s_. He s a strong man.十一、阅读短文,并回答下列问题。(共 5 题,每题2 分,共 10 分)My name is Jack. I m a school boy. My school is small. There are ten classrooms in it. There is a small library and a small swimming pool in our school. The

11、re are twenty teachers. They are very good teachers. Our teachers are ladies. My class teacher is Ms Green. My classroom is opposite theteachers room. Near the classroom there is a toilet. In my classroom there are fifteen desks andthirtychairs for us. The walls of our classroom are white. There is

12、a blackboard in it. On theteachers desk there is a computerI. s a clean classroom. I like to study in it.问题:1. How many classrooms are there in Jack s school?_2. Is there a library in the school?_3. Where is Jack s classroom?_4. What colour are the walls of the classroom?_5. Are there any computers

13、in the classroom?_附:听力材料一、听单词或短语,按照听到的顺序,用英文大写字母给图编号。(共 10 小题,第 4页每小题 1 分,共 10 分)A. my bedroomB. a small houseC. a new computerD. a clean kitchenE. a beautiful pictureF. a large gardenG. our playgroundH. an old clockI. a sofaJ. Bensclassroom二、听句子,选择句子中所含的信息。 (共 10 题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)1. want to buy som

14、e flowers.2. There are two maps on the wall.3. Lets play a game for one minute.4. Now please close your mouth.5. There are two toilets in this room.6. I love my big living room.7. This is a new and tall building.8. I do my homework after school.9. The swimming pool is opposite the playground.10. Are

15、 there fifty pictures.三、听问句选择最佳答语。 (5 题,每题 1 分,共 5 分)1. What sin your pencil-box?2. Are there any toys under the bed?3. Welcome to my new study.4. Do you have a big flat?5. How many classrooms are there in your school?四、听句子写出句子所缺的单词。 (5 题, 10 分)1. The cute child has a lovely computer.2. There are so

16、me clocks on the floor.3. There isnta study in this house.4. The playground is opposite our classroom.5. Twenty and thirty is fifty.五、判断听到的句子与图内容是否一致。一致的写T,不一致的写F。( 5 题,共 5分)1. This is a picture of a big house.2. There are two bedrooms in the flat.3. The kitchen is next to the living room.4. There i

17、s no sofa or TV in the living room.5. The bathroom is very big.答案一、 1.I2. G3. B4. J6.A7. C8. F9. E10. H二、 1.B2. B3. C4. A. B6.C7. A8. B9. C10. C三、 1.B2.B3.C4. C5. A四、 1. F2. T3.F4. F5.F五、 1. computer2. clocks3. house4. playground 5. Twenty六、 1. A2. B3. B 4. C5. A6. B7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C七、英汉互译(10 分)第

18、 5页1. our new classroom2. 淋浴3. have lessons4. 教学楼的 面5. abig / largestudy6. 在前面7. twenty-five computers8. 做家庭作 9. after school10. 玩游 八、 1. A D E L T 2. C F K N R 3. B G J O S 4. H I M P Q 九、 1. read 2. work 3. music 4. play games5.take6. watch7. grow8. between9. next十、 Is, you, How, many, How, many, Who, or, young 十一、 1. Ten. / 10.2. Yes, there is.3. Opposite the teachersroom.4. White.5. Yes, there are.第 6页


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