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1、_sslaC_emaNenillaeS德阳市庐山路小学四年级2012春期半期考试. 选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10 2=20 )1、 () A. concertB. factoryC. music2、 () A. yesterdayB. instrumentC. beautiful3、 () A. ringB. planetC. banana4、 () A. Mother s Day B. birthdayC. Father s Day5、 () A. moonB. sunC. star6、 () A. hotB. coldC. big7、 () A. play the pianoB. pl

2、ay the pipa8、 () A. play footballB. go skating9、 () A. cut the newspaper B. write the reports10、() A. far fromB. near to . 根据所听内容选出正确的答案。 (5 3=15)1. Sam is _.2. Daming is _.3. Lingling and Amy are _.4. Dayong is _.5. Dong5.Dong dong is _. . 听音排序。 (4 3=12)()()()() 听录音,选择正确的单词或短语圈起来。(63=18)1)AB 2 )AB3

3、)AB 4 )AB5)ABV. 看图选择正确的单词填空。 (4 3=12)feedwalkSilencetouchVI. 根据图片选择正确的短语填空。(5 3=15)watching TVhaving a partyswimmingplaying basketballsinging1. Tom is _.2. We are _.3. He is _.4. He is _.5. He is_. VII 阅读理解。 (4 2=8)It s Mother s Day today. Fangfang is painting a picture for her mother. Shes painting

4、 pandas and giraffes. Her mother s favorite color is blue. Fangfang likes to watch TV . Her mother likes listening to music. Her mother is thirty eight years old . They are eating a cake now.() 1. What day is it today?A. Father s DayB. Mother s DayC. Children s Day() 2. What is Fangfang painting?A. pandas and giraffesB. dogs and catsC. snakes and fish() 3. How old is her mother?A. 37B. 38C. 39( () 4. What are they eating now?A. noodlesB. bananasC. a cake


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