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1、,预习作业:,2. 听录音跟读课文3遍。,1. 模仿录音试着跟读课文下的单词,,争取会读这四个单词 man, woman, girl, boy,Story time,Unit 8 Were twins,开发区中心小学 王翠,Name _,Name card,Jenny,384145626,blue,running,Colour I like_,Sport(运动)Ilike_,QQ number_,QQ空间,个人中心,我的主页,Jenny,http:/J,My home Diary Share Game More,我的日志,我的分享,我的游戏,QQ空间,个人中心,我的主页,My home Dia

2、ry Share Game More,QQ空间,个人中心,我的主页,My home Diary Share Game More,Rules: (规则) 听声音或提示,辨别人物。 2. 大声说出来。,Go!,Whos _?,Shes ,woman 女人,that woman,预习反馈,Whos _?,Hes,man 男人,that man,预习反馈,Whos ?,Hes /Shes ,boy 男孩,girl 女孩,bird,birthday,toy,预习反馈,Who is that man?,Puzzle time, He is a man., He is Mikes fathers broth

3、er.,He is Mikes _.,uncle,under,Ticking time, Whos that woman?, She is 35.,She is Yang Lings _., Her hair is black., She is Yang Lings mothers sister.,aunt,Tips : aunt 与arent同音哦!,Well done!,QQ空间,个人中心,我的主页,My home Diary Share Game More,Were twins,Story time,Open Day 开放日,Look and say,1,2,_,_ is he?,Who

4、 is _?,_ my _.,_ my _.,Mike,Hes,Who,uncle,she,Shes,aunt,Watch and answer,Q:Is she Su Hai?,Q:Is she Su Hai?,3,Watch and answer,Tips : 我们要养成仔细观察的好习惯哦!,Try to answer,Q: Su Hai and Su Yang are _.,A. sisters,B. twins,Tips : 快速阅读课文,抓住关键词哦!,Try to answer,A. sisters,B. twins,Q: Su Hai and Su Yang are _.,twi

5、n,twin sisters,We are twins.,Were twins!,Well done!,Story time,1,2,Hes my uncle.,Who is she?,Shes my aunt.,Tips : 注意观察人物表情,模仿其语音语调!,Story time,3,Shes Su Hai. Im Su Yang.,惊讶,得意,Story time,4,Shes Su Yang. Shes my sister.,困惑,Story time,5,开心,以四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read together.(齐读)

6、,Show reading,Read by yourself.(自己读给组员听),Hello, Im _. The_ is my _. That _ is Yang Lings _. Look! That _ is Su Hai. Su Hais sister is _. Theyre _.,uncle,aunt,Mike,woman,twins,man,girl,Su Yang,QQ空间,个人中心,我的主页,My home Diary Share Game More,Y,We are twins.,Were twins.,Were a family,we love each other.,我

7、们是一家人,我们彼此相爱。,Family And Friends, I Love You.,F,A,F,I,L,Y,Love,We love our friends and family .,Y,您的空间有 新的照片 请注意查收!,Y,Bobby 参加Sam的舞会,Hi, Sam.,Hi, Bobby.,Who is he?,He is my father.,Look, are you twins?,?,No, were friends.,!,!,Hi, Sam.,Hi, Bobby.,Who is he?,He is my father.,Look, are you twins?,?,No,

8、 were friends.,!,!,两人一组,有感情的读一读这个有趣的故事吧。,Message board(留言板),boy, girl, uncle, aunt, twin,Who is he/she ?,Hes /Shes .,同学们,今天这节课你学到了什么?一起分享吧!,单词,句子,Whos that girl ?,She is .,We love our friends and family .,情感,Ticking time:,Homework,1. Listen and imitate.听读并模仿。 Recite and act.背诵并表演。 2.Talk about your family photo with your friends 向好友谈论家庭照片。 3. Preview Cartoon time(P53) 听、仿并理解Cartoon time。,Goodbye!,Thank you,


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