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1、8A Unit1 Friends Integrated Skills,Can you describe him?,brave, honest, kind, pleasant humorous, wonderful, great,An actor,social worker,make the elderly happy listen to peoples problems help people solve their problems,What do you like doing? What would you like to do in the future?,Id like to be a

2、/ an _ When I grow up. doctor , actor, scientist, policeman,Future Plans,Listening,What would Millie like to do in the future?,Listen about Millies future plans,Discussion,What is Millie like? What does she want to do?,Work in pairs,Dear Editor My name is Millie. I am a Grade 8 student. I always try

3、 to be _to people. I have many friends in my class. I feel unhappy when my friends are sad. I try my best to help them. I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. Then I can _ to peoples problems and help them solve their _. I will be happy if I can make people _ again. Millie,kind,listen,pr

4、oblems,happy,Millie would like to be a social worker to make people happy, Sandy also wants to make others happy.,Dear Editor I am really happy to tell you about my future plans. I like singing and I want to be a singer. It is great to _ for people. Id like to make people _ . My favourite _ is Britn

5、ey Spears. I want to be as _ as she is when I grow up. I hope to become a famous singer and _ around the world in the future.,sing,happy,singer,popular,travel,Task 1,Suppose you are Millie. A reporter from NJTV is interviewing you. Please make a dialogue with your partner, talking about your future

6、plan.,Speak up: talking about friends,Listen and answer: 1.Who are they talking about? 2.What would Peter like to do in the future?,Practice in pairs, talking about their appearance and their own plans,Task 2,Homework,1、我认为野营不是危险的户外活动。 I think is a . 2、我不知道怎样解决这个问题。你能给我一点建议 吗? I dont know the problem ,can you give me some ? 3、攀登比潜水更有益于健康。 is than . 4、双胞胎对这三个强盗的总体外貌十分了解。 The twins knew the three robbers very _.,Thank you ! Goodbye !,


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