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1、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,望谟民族中学:胡兴贵,Never Die A: Do you believe that one day well never die and be young forever? B: Oh, I cant imagine that. But _,Warming up :possible or impossible?,I believe it is possible.,Did you ever meet such a situation where someone or something vanished for no reason ?,

2、The Cat That Vanished,There are 13 paragraphs in the text. We can divide them into 4 parts. First, read the whole text and then give the general idea of each part.,Part 1: Paragraph 1 _ Part 2: From Para. 2 to _ What the cat did and how the cat vanished.,When and where the story happened,Para 5,Part

3、 3: From _ to Para. 10 What Will found and how he entered another world Part 4: From Para11 to para13 _ _,Para 6,What Will saw and how he felt after entering another world.,Will cant think clearly because _. He was very frightened in the dark at night He was excited when he saw a cat. He was worn ou

4、t.,Into the text:,2. Why did the cat behave strangely? A. Because the cat put out a paw to pat something invisible in the air in front of her. B. Because the cat came up to Will when he held out his hand. C. Because the cat approached the patch of grass and then left back.,3. Which of the following

5、is TRUE about the patch according to the text? A. Will had cut the patch out of air. B. The patch was almost square in shape and less than a meter across. C. From the most positions, the patch was completely visible.,4. According to the text, we can know that Moxie was _. A. the cat that vanished B.

6、 a friend of Will C. a tabby Will once fed D. a homeless cat,5. The phrase “be laden with” in the text means “_”. A. be burdened with B. be full of C. be covered with D. be responsible for,1. She came out of a garden to where Will was standing. =She came out of a garden to the place where/in which W

7、ill was standing.,Key points:,e.g. He is pointing to where there is a temple. e.g. The thieves have gone where the police cant get them. e.g. Where there are a large number of chemical factories, the air is likely to be polluted.,2. Still watching, Will saw the cat behave strangely. Then he stood st

8、ill, close to the nearest tree, as a truck passed by. still adj. 静止的 adv. 仍然,e.g. Please stand still when I take a photo of you. e.g. My desk mate is sitting still. It seems that he has been asleep.,3. But Will knew without any doubt that doubt n. 怀疑 e.g.毫无疑问会给那些在各自领域成功的人们奖赏。 (There is) no doubt _ t

9、he prizes will be given to the people successful in their own fields.,that,e.g.我对他是否来这个派对有一些怀疑。 I have some doubt _ he will come to the party.,doubt vt. 怀疑 我怀疑他的诚实。 e.g. I doubt his honesty. e.g. I doubt whether/if he is honest. e.g. I dont doubt that he is honest.,whether/if,4. but he didnt hesitat

10、e. hesitate v. hesitate at/about/over sth. hesitate to do sth. e.g.在给我答复之前他犹豫不决。 He hesitated before giving me a reply.,e.g.对于是否递交申请表他仍然在犹豫。 He is still hesitating about handing in his application form. e.g.如果你需要我的帮助就不要犹豫和 我联系。 Dont hesitate to contact me if you need my help.,hesitation n. 犹豫,迟疑 hes

11、itant adj. 犹豫不决的,5. When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the places where keep his eyes on: have his eyes on, or look after,e.g. 我盯着你呢,所以你要按要求做。 我不在家地时候,玛丽自愿照顾孩子。,Ive kept my eyes on you now, so you do as youre told.,Mary offered to keep an eye on the baby while I went out.

12、,6. The patch was almost square in shape and less than a metre across. square in shape: in the shape of square,e.g. 她戴了一枚鸟型的胸针。 She was wearing a pin bird in shape. =she was wearing a pin in the shape of a bird.,7. . he bent down and looked through. bend down: end your body at your waist e.g. 1) 我弯腰

13、从地上提起箱子。,I bent down to lift the box off the floor.,look through 翻阅; looked straight through假装没看到 2) 我翻阅了所有文件,但仍没找到合同。,Ive looked through all papers but I still cant find the contract.,3) 我昨天在街上看到莉莉了,她却假装没看到我。,I saw Lily in the street yesterday and she looked straight through me.,Work in groups of t

14、hree of four. Tell the story of The Cat That Vanished. Each person in the group takes turns to tell part of the story.,Post-reading: Speaking,If necessary, help the person who is telling the story. Example Student A: The cat suddenly vanished into the air,I cant remember what happened next. Student B: A truck passed.,Student C: And then, Will crossed the road. Student A: Oh, right. A truck passed and Will stood close to a tree. Then he crossed the road, trying to see the place where the cat had vanished.,2. Work together and try to guess what happens next.,


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