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1、导 学 设 计 执笔人:赵娜 日期:2013-12课题 unit 5 section A Can you come to my party?课型 new学习目标Language goals: In this unit,students learn to make invitations, say yes to invitations and say no to invitations and give reasons. . ability goals:Train the students reading and listening. Go to the concert another time

2、 have to do too much homework.重点 Can you come to my party? Sure ,Id love to. Can you go to the movies? I m sorry , I have to study for a test.难点掌握情态动词的用法,区分have to 与 must教学用具录音机与投影导学活动流程一、学生自学:(时间:8 分钟)Leading in to new lessons.1Check the students homework.2. Review “would like to do ”二、自学检查: (时间:5分

3、钟) Talk about the picture in 1aAsk the class to tell what they see in each scene. If necessary, name each activity and ask them to repeat:helping his parents, studying for a test,going to the doctor, visiting her aunt and having a piano lesson.Ask the students to rewrite these words, using them to m

4、ake sentences. 三、重点研讨: (时间:20 分钟)Discuss 1.Ask and answer questions between the class and the teacher using the words from 1a.Ask the class to do the activity, prepare for listening3. Complete the listening task. Point out the sample conversation in the box, ask the students to read it .Can you come

5、 to my party on Friday? Sure .Id love to Sorry , I cant . I have a piano lesson. Im sorry,too. I have to go to the doctor. Can vs, cant have to do sth.Groupwork:Ask the class to practice the conversations.SummeryFocus attention on the points listed in activity 2b. Look at the sample conversation in

6、the box. Work with the partner. Do the practice. Have to do sth. Has to do had to do dontdoesntdidnt have to do Can you come to my party? Yes , Id love to .sorry , I have to study for a test. 板书设计: Can you come to my party?Words : lesson have a lesson baseball game watch a baseball gameDrills: would you like to come to my house? Yes , Id love to . Can you join us in playing baseball after class? Sorry , I cant.I have to look after my sister.课后反思: 第 页


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