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1、Its raining!,Unit 7,Section A(1a-2c),Lets review,Boys PK Girls,clean,exercise,dragon,American,supermarket,study,pool,delicious,listen to a CD,read a newspaper,talk on the phone,wash the dishes,make soup,use the computer,Dragon Boat Festival,living room,Tasks:,3. Learn to describe the weather.,4. Lea

2、rn to make conversation about the weather.,1. Learn to talk about what you are doing.,(学习描述天气),(学做描述天气的对话),(会用现在进行时态谈论你或他(她)、他们正在干什么),(学习有关天气的单词),2. Learn some words about weather.,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,What do they mean?,Moscow,Toronto,Boston, Its windy, Hows the weather? /Whats the weathe

3、r like?,-Its cloudy,- Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like?,-Its sunny,- Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like?,-Its rainy/raining,- Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like?,-Its snowy/snowing,snow,- Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like?,-Its foggy,- Hows the weather? /Whats the weat

4、her like?,cloudy,rainy /raining,snowy /snowing,foggy,windy,sunny,How is the weather? /Whats the weather like? Its.,Pairwork,Shanghai,- Hows the weather in? /Whats the weather like in? - Its ,Beijing,- Hows the weather in? /Whats the weather like in? - Its ,Toronto,- Hows the weather in? /Whats the w

5、eather like in? - Its ,Moscow,- Hows the weather in? /Whats the weather like in? - Its ,Boston,- Hows the weather in? /Whats the weather like in? - Its ,Beijing,Guangzhou,Chengdu,Kunming,Shanghai,A: Hows the weather in ? / Whats the weather like in ? B: Its,B:She is swimming.,A: Hows the weather? /W

6、hats the weather like?,B:Its,cloudy,A:Whats she doing,sunny,B:They are running.,B:Its,A: Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like?,A:What are they doing?,A:Hows the weather? /Whats the weather like?,B:He is watching TV.,B:Its windy.,A:Whats he doing?,I,B:They are making a snowman.,A:How is the weat

7、her?,B:Its snowy/ snowing.,A:What are they doing?,A:_ B:_ A:_ B:_,running,cooking,playing soccer,writing,a,b,c,d,e,Hows the weather ?,Its sunny.,Whats he doing?,Hes playing the guitar.,PAIRWORK,1a,Match the words with the pictures a-e.,raining _ windy _ cloudy _ sunny _ snowing _,a,c,e,b,d,First,and

8、,next,then,finally,Summary,短语,句型,语法,How manydo we need?,Unit 8,cut up,turn on,pour into,put into,How many, How much 的用法,How do you make?,Finish the chart.,1b,Beijing Moscow Toronto Boston Shanghai,Listening,sunny snowing raining windy cloudy,Report: Its 6:00p.m. , Lindas family are doing different t

9、hings. Linda is talking on the phone with Jim. Aunt Sally is cooking . They are busy but very happy.,Groupwork,Listen and number the pictures 1-4.,2a,3,2,4,Listening,Listen again. Match the names with the activities.,c Uncle Joe _ Jeff _ Mary _ Aunt Sally,2b,a,d,b,a. is playing computer games. b. is

10、 cooking. c. is playing basketball. d. is watching TV.,Listening,cook v. 做饭 n. 厨师 cooker n.炊具,我叔叔是一位很棒的厨师。 他做饭很好吃。 My uncle is a great_. He _well. 2. 用cook的适当形式填空 A _is _ with a new_.,cook,cooks,cook,cooking,cooker,That s the weather report for today.Thank you for listening.,Shes reporting the weath

11、er.,challenge to the compere,挑战主持人,Good afternoon, everyone .Heres the weather report for some big cities in China. Beijing is Taibei is Thats the weather report for today. Thanks for listening.,.写出下列词的形容词,1. rain _ 2. wind _ 3. cloud _ 4. sun _ 5. snow _ 6. fog _,rainy,windy,cloudy,sunny,snowy,练一练,

12、foggy,II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Its a _ (sun) day today. 2. The weather is bad now. Its _ (wind). 3. Sounds like you _ (have) a good time now.,sunny,windy,are having,4. Its _ (cloud) now. 5. Hows the weather now? It _ (rain) now. 6. Its _ (snow) in winter in Harbin .,cloudy,is raining,snowy,rain,snow,rai

13、ny,snowy,sun,cloud,wind,sunny,cloudy,windy,晴朗的, 阳光明媚的,有风的,阴天的, 多云的,有雨的,有雪的,名词,形容词,+y,Which is correct?,1.Its eight oclock. Jims father _TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch,A,B,2._is the weather there?Its windy. A.What B.How C.Whats D.how,Which is correct?,D,B,3._the weather like today? Cloudy. A.Hows B.What does C What D.Whats,4.Whats the weather like today?_ A.Its rain. B.Its raining. C. It rainy. D. Its wind.,Its our duty to protect the environment.,保护环境人人有责,Thanks for your listening !,Goodbye !,


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