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1、四年级上册英语练习题-Unit 12广州版(一起)(无答案)课堂训练:1) 选择填空 .() 1. What s yourjob?A. father B. fathers C. fathers D. fathers() 2. What aboutmother?A. youB. yourC. I D. me() 3. Do you want to be a painterQi Baishi?A.likeB. likesC.isD.liking() 4. I want tofood for people.A. growB.growsC. growing D.be grow() 5. The rob

2、ot can dothings.A. aB. manyC.muchD.every() 6. There are six people want to be.A. teacherB.doctorC. reportersD. writer() 7. My father is good at.A.play footballB.singC.chineseD.make machines() 8.are we going, Daming?A.WhatB.WhenC.WhoD. Where第 1页2) 选出单词不同类的一项。() 1. A. fatherB. motherC. brotherD. teach

3、er() 2. A. farmer B. policeman C. driveD. nurse() 3. A. wantB. factoryC. machine D.bus() 4. A. hisB. herC. yourD. me() 5. A.jobB. teacherC. writerD.doctor() 6. A. IB.herC. youD. he() 7. A.whatB. whoC. howD. we() 8. A. woman B. fireman C.policemanD.footballer3) 用所给单词的适当形式填空 。1.He isa factory(work). 2

4、.Whats(he)job?3.Do you want to(be) a teacher?4.The(woman) job is teaching children to dance.5.My father is a bus(drive). 6. Let(I) showyou.7. My grandma tellsmemany(story).8. I can(help)sick people.4) 根据情境,选出最合适的答案。1. ( )当你想要问别人“你长大想做什么”时,应说:第 2页A What s your job?B. What do you want to do when you g

5、row up?2. ( )当你去超市买东西时,售货员会先说:AWhat do you want to buy? B. Can I help you?3. ( )当你想问同学长大后是不是想当作家时,你应说:A. Do you want to be a writer? B. What do you want to do when you grow up?4. ( )当别人问你” 你的职业是什么“时, 你应说:A. Whats your mothers job?B. I am a pupil.5. ( )当你想问你同学的妈妈的职业时,应说:A. What s your mother s job? B

6、. My mother is a teacher.5) 将左边的职业与右边相应的职责连线。Farmertell people storiesNursegrow foodsBuildermake machinesCookcook foodReporterhelp children learnWriterbuild housesTeacherhelp sick peopleFactory workerget news for people第 3页6) 用适当的动词填空。1.Reportersnews to people.2.Writerspeople stories.3.Teachers help

7、 children.4.Factory workersmachines for people.5.Buildershouses for people.6.Doctors and nursessick people.7.Bus driversbuses.8.Farmersfoods for people.7) 选用适当的单词填空。1.There is a computer in(I, my) room.2.What is that on(you, your) head?3.What is your(uncle, uncle s) job?4.Can you see the boy over th

8、ere? What is(his, her) name?5.The boy with a ball is(I , me) .6.I like(our, we) English teacher.(She, Her) is very funny and very nice.7.Look at these shoes.(They, Them) are too big.第 4页I won t take(They, Them)8) 将问句的编号写在相应答语前的括号里。A. How is your mother?B. How old is your mother?C. Is your mother tal

9、l?D.What is your mothers job?E.What is your mothers favourite fruit?F.What colour is your mother s car?()1. No, she isn t.()2. It s red.()3.35()4.Bananas.()5.She is a reporter.()6.She s fine9) 阅读短文,选出正确的答案。Mrs Smart is our new English teacher. She comes from America. She canspeak English and Chinese

10、. She is beautiful and nice. We all love her.Mr Smart is her husband. He is a doctor. He works in a hospital. Theyhave a son and a daughter.The sons name is Sam. He is about eleven yearsold. He is in rhe fifth grade. The daughters name is Amy. She is nineyears old. She is in the third grade. They do

11、nt live far from school.So every morning they go to school by bike.They get to school early.Theyare never late for school.() 1.Mrs Smart is a (n).A. English teacher B. Chinese teacherC. doctor() 2. Mr Smart works in a.A. schoolB. hospitalC. company() 3. Mrs Smart haschildren.A.oneB. twoC. three第 5页(

12、) 4.How does Mrs Smart go to work?A.By bikeB.By busC. I dont know() 5.Amy and Sam arelate for school.A.aftenB. sometimesC. never() 6.Amy and Sam are .A.teachers B. doctorsC. pupils课后作业:选择题() 1. Where isshirt?-It s on the bed.A. myB. me() 2. Is thatcap, Janet?A. youB. your() 3. Look at the woman in the photo. What isjob?A. sheB. her()4. The little girl in front of the car is.A. IB.me()5. I like the new school bus driver.very funny and verynice.A. He sB.His()6. These jeans are too big. I wont take.A. theyB. them第 6页()7. -What s yourjob?Shes a teacher.A.sisterB.sisters第 7页


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