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1、Unit 5 Revision单位及作者:光明新区公明街道李松蓢小学 王莹丽 教学内容及学生情况分析 本课是阶段性的复习单元,学习内容涉及到一些语法知识,主要句型也比较长,但是所学内容的实用性比较强,例如关于数量,住址,颜色,形状等的学习内容都是学生日常生活中经常运用到的知识,这充分体现了小学英语教学源于学生生活经验并紧密联系学生生活实际的理念。 对于天真,充满活力的三年级孩子来说,培养他们的学习兴趣,激发他们的学习热情,仍是首要的教学任务,在教学中利用各种机会创设情境,为学生设置各种真实的意境引导学生说英语,借助各个任务型活动的有效开展,鼓励学生大胆开口使用英语与别人进行交流,逐步培养学生良

2、好的英语语言表达能力。总体教学目标1.语言知识目标:能听、说、读、写14课的单词。熟练掌握运用14课句型。熟练掌握数字1100,能用所学的数字来数物品,说电话号码等。学生能熟练掌握Where do you live? I live at(number). I live in.句型2.语言技能目标: 培养学生听说读写能力。发展、提高学生的阅读、听力、口语和写作(仿写)能力。 运用学习过的语言知识描述情景。 学会用所学的语言开展讨论,参与解决生活中的问题,培养情感和感觉的表能力。3.情感态度目标:通过听英语、说英语、读歌谣、唱歌曲、讲故事、做游戏等,乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。培养学生

3、对英语和英语学习的积极态度以及逐步增强兴趣,培养学生敢于开口、积极参与的学习态度。课时安排Six periodsPeriod 1: Review Unit One Period 2: Review Unit ThreePeriod 3: Review Unit one and three Period 4: Review Unit twoPeriod 5: Review Unit four Period 6: Review the four units课时教案第1课时教学目标: 句型 Where do you live? I live in .应用。 地址的表达方式Flat, Block, E

4、state, Street. 熟练掌握数字1-100,能用所学的数字来数物品,说电话号码等。教学重难点:1.教学重点: Where do you live? I live at(number)Street. I live in Flat, Block, Estate.2.教学难点: 地址的表达方式Flat, Block, Estate, Street. 学生用英语说出自己的地址。 教学方法: 任务型学习模式。 小组合作性学习,情景式体验。 自主探究学习法。教具准备: 单词图片、课件。 教学过程:一、组织教学及复习Greetings:Hi/Hello/Good morning.Nice to s

5、ee you!注 利用不同的声调和不同的用语与学生亲切的打招呼,使学生在轻松的语境下掌握更多的表达方式。How are you? How old are you? 注 通过不同的快速的问答,页:3提醒学生区别于询问年龄的句子。Everyday English: an early birdPlay a short flash to show the everyday English “an early bird”, get the pupils to repeat it and encourage them to express it.注 利用生动有趣的动画短片帮助学生理解,并且能很好地集中学生

6、的注意力。二、新知识的呈现与归纳1. Use the number cards to review numbers.(注意数字几十和十几的英语单词的不同发音。)2. Say the numbers as quickly as you can (Encourage the children say out as quickly as they can when teacher gives one number.)3. Play the CAI to show some pictures to play the guessing game (read and spell words) 注 拼读单词

7、过程中既进一步巩固了单词,同时也复习了字母的拼读。4. Give some numbers and ask the pupils write down the words. 20- 50- 80- 60- 70- 30- 40- 90 65- 82 100注 特别提醒学生注意区别数字十几和几十的发音差别。5. Chant: Little cat, little cat, where do you live?I live in a park, in a park.(Give some animal or people cards to encourage the pupils to make n

8、ew chants with their friends.)注利用朗朗上口的chant帮助学生巩固所学的单词和句型。鼓励学生自编chant 有利于培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力,拓宽学生的思维,发挥他们主动学习的积极性。6. Talking.a. Give some models to the children and invite them to make dialogues with desk mates.e.g. A: Where do you live?B: I live at 49 Fumin Street. I live in Flat (pay attention to the

9、different using of “in /at”.)注 in/at的运用是该课的重难点,所以在对话练习中要求学生运用这两个单词,进一步巩固知识点。b. Give some address and ask the pupils to make sentences:e.g. Flat 204, Block 5, Daming Estate, I live in Flat 204,Block 5,Daming Estate. 78 Yunnan Street, I live at 78 Yunnan Steet. 注 进一步加强in和 at的用法。三、知识的巩固与运用Read and choo

10、se.(Read the Chinese sentences and choose the proper sentence for them.)()1.我住在光明街43号,应该说:A. I live at 43 Guangming Street.B. I live in 43 Guangming Street.()2.你住在哪里?应该说:A. Where does he live?B. Where do you live?()3.那是黄海小区,应该说:A. Thats Huanghai Estate.B. Thats Huanghai Street.()4.我住在宝新花园栋210室,应该说:A

11、.I live at Block210, Flat C, Baoxin Estate.B.I live in Flat210, Block C, Baoxin Estate. 注设置不同的练习形式,帮助学生掌握所学知识,区别in, at, do, does, estate, Street的用法。四、作业布置 1. 听录音 Part A 两遍。 2. 用英语告诉你朋友你家地址。 3. 了解朋友家地址。五、板书设计Unit 5 Revision(Part A)twenty Where do you live? thirty thirteen I live inforty fourteen I li

12、ve at(numbers)教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:六、教学后记第2课时教学目标: 复习单词:badges, coins, IC cards, key rings, soft toys, stamps等。 复习句型:What do you have? How many s do you have? I have.教学重难点:1.教学重点: 单词stamps, soft toys, coins的发音以及s在单词中的发音。 名词复数的构成。 灵活运用What do you have? How many s do you have? I have.这三个句型。 2.教学难点: 单词s

13、tamps, soft toys, coins的发音以及s在单词中的发音。 stamps, soft toys, key rings , badges , coins , IC cards 名词复数的构成教学方法: 自主学习法,小组合作学习法教具准备: Computer, Word cards, CAI教学过程:一、组织教学及复习1. GreetingsWhat day is it today?Its.注 在课前的问候后坚持日常用语的渗透教学,对学生英语知识的积累能起到事半功倍的效果。2. Show the flash to learn the Everyday English: Egg he

14、ad 鸡蛋头。注 学习Everyday English 可以很好地拓宽学生的知识面,提高学生对知识运用的认识,使学生认识到学会英语的好处和必要。3. Free talk (Invite the pupils to practice with teacher, than encourage them to talk with friends.)A: What do you have?B: I have .注 请各个层面的同学来做对话练习,尽量给潜力生更多的练习机会,最大限度地用言语或者小红花对敢于开口的孩子进行表扬,彻底挖掘孩子的表现欲。4. Sing a song of What do you

15、 have? 注 轻快的旋律是集中学生注意力的最好法宝。二、新知识的呈现与归纳First ask the pupils “What do you have?” Then ask a pupil to answer “I have some.” Next continue to ask the pupil “How many.s do you have?” Instruct him/her answering “I have.” 注 鼓励学生用实际情况做对话,培养学生活学语言知识的能力,并提醒学生注意How many 后必须用名词复数的结构形式。Show the CAI of Koko. Ask

16、 the pupils to work in pairs, and act the dialogues. Student A should act the girl Pat while student B should act the boy Tim.Each pair of pupils ask and answer questions about their favorite things. Then tell the pupils to finish the task in this part(Put a tick or a cross in the boxes for each pic

17、ture).Check the answers for the pupils. 注 复习环节以操练为主,设置各种形式的练习来培养学生的四会能力。三、新知识巩固和运用1. 谈论自已最喜欢的东西。2. 完成Workbook 练习(P.23)(1)Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.(2)Ask the pupils to put a tick in the boxes for the correct pictures according to what they hear on the

18、 tape. Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 注 教授掌握做听力题的方法:耐心地听完录音内容,抓住重点词句。四、作业布置 1. 听B部分录音两遍 2. 和朋友用英语交流最喜欢的东西五、板书设计 Unit 5 Revision(Part B)What do you have? I have some.How manys do you have? I have. 教学创意:教学创意:六、教学后记第3课时教学目标: 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词circle, square, triangle, star 能听懂、会说和会写句型 Theres a square. Its g

19、reen.I can see two triangles. Theyre blue.Is this Tims picture?No. His picture has two stars and three circles.Whose picture is this?Its Pats. Her picture has教学重难点:1.教学重点: 正确朗读单词 square, triangle 名词复数形式 句型Its和Theyre 用法2.教学难点: 物主代词his and her的应用。 人名所有格形式教学方法:交际教学法和任务型教学法。教具准备:图片、单词卡、电脑及PPT课件教学过程:一、组织

20、教学及复习1. GreetingsGreetings and the question about weekdays:What day is it today?Its .注给平时不太愿意开口说英语的孩子更多的表现机会,增强他们的自信心。2. Free talkA: Do you live in/at.B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3. Sing a song “Whats this?” to warm up. 注 在歌曲中复习一般疑问句的问答和重现一些已学的知识点,在生动,欢快,节奏性强的音乐中巩固语言知识,而且能有效地调动学生的学习热情,也能很好地调控课堂纪律。4.T

21、each Everyday English:Like father, like son. 注 熟悉的单词,熟悉的句子能表达有趣的意思,幽默生动的flash能很好地帮助学生理解和掌握新学的知识。二、新知识的呈现与归纳1. 看图问答。Ask one pupil answer the question “Whose picture is this?” Instruct him/her answering “Its.s. Her/His picture has.”呈现课件并完成里面的练习。Ask the pupils to look at the childrens thought bubbles i

22、n the picture. Tell the pupils to read the words in the speech bubbles .Then ask the pupils to finish the task in this part. (Put a tick or a cross in the boxes for each picture.)注 不同层次的学生有不同的学习需求,给接受能力较好的孩子设置更多发挥,想象空间的练习,真正地做到因材施教,尽量使学生能“吃得到,吃得饱”。2. 查对答案 3. 小组练习:One pupil asks his/her partner “Whos

23、e.is this?” Then the other pupil answers the question “Its.s.” according to the picture shown.三、新知识的巩固和运用注 在实际的操练中培养学生的听说读写能力。1. Ask the pupils to take turns to talk about the pictures shown on the board with the language focus 2. Do the exercises in the paper(1) Ask the pupils to read the sentences

24、 and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given.1. Who 2. How 3. How many4. Whose 5. How old1._ fans are there? Six.2. _ is your teacher? Mr. Li.3. _ do you come to school? I walk.4. _ T-shirt is this? Its Toms.5. _ are you? Im nine.(2) Check the answers for the pupils.3. Do the exe

25、rcises in Workbook (P. 24)(1) Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.(2) Ask the pupils to put a tick in the boxes for the correct pictures according to what they hear on the tape.(3) Check the answers: 5.a 6.a 7.a 8.b四、作业布置 1. 听录音。2. 看图说话。五、板书设计Unit 5 Revision (P

26、art B)Whose.is this? Its.s. His/Her.has.教学创意:教学创意:六、教学后记第4课时教学目标: 单词post office, restaurant, bookshop, cinema, supermarket, city, centre, letter, over there, money。 学会综合运用句型Is there a? Yes, there is./No, there isnt. Wheres the? Its inStreet谈论地址。教学重难点:1.教学重点:句型: Is there a bookshop? Yes, there is. /N

27、o, there isnt. Wheres the bookshop? Its inStreet.2.教学难点: 单词及句型的运用。 介词in的用法。教学方法: 交际教学法和任务型教学法。教具准备:图片、地图、单词卡、电脑及PPT课件教学过程:一、组织教学及复习1. 日常对话:Whats the weather like?/Hows the weather?(Use the simple drawing to express the weather, help the children to remember the different expressing for weather, guid

28、e the children to say the weather words in English.)注 巧妙地实用简笔画能很好地帮助学生理解掌握学习知识,大大提高了教学效果。2. Everyday English:Show the flash to teach the sentence: It rains cats and dogs.注 教授学生能经常运用到日常生活中的表达法可以让学生感受到学习语言的好处和乐趣,体验到真正运用知识于实际的成就感。It rains cats and dogs.3. Sing and do actions: One, one. Here is one sun.

29、 注 轻快的节奏,朗朗上口的押韵句子能有效地唤起学生的学习热情,配以活泼,快速的动作充分调动学生的学习活力,对调控课堂气氛有很大的帮助。二、新知识的呈现与归纳Talk freely for a map. 注 给学生提示,引导学生用学过的语言知识来表达,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。1. Review the words (Spelling).Ask pupils spelling and write in the air.2. Talk freely “Is there? / Are there?”, get the pupils pay attention how to use “is/are

30、”. 3. Read the sentences and guess the places. 注 用英语代替中文解释单词的意思,引导学生根据句子意思说出单词,逐步培养学生的语言组织能力。e.g. We can see a film there. Ask the pupils to guess where it is and then make sentences for them.4. Draw lines.(Understand the Chinese meaning for the words, phrases and sentence patterns.)5. Chant togethe

31、r for having rest. 6. Do some exercises._ your school?Its in Longhua Street.A. Whats B. Where C. WheresIs there a clinic? _, there isnt.A. Yes B. NoCinema is_ Purple Street.A. on B. at C. in 三、作业布置画居住小区的地图并用英语和朋友交流四、板书设计Unit 5 Revision ( Part C)Wheres the_?Its in_.Is there?Are there? 教学创意:教学创意:五、教学后

32、记第5课时教学目标: 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Please give this to Sam. Oh, dear! Let me help you, Sam! 利用图形组合实物的思维能力,并能用正确的句型对图景进行说明和描述。 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词。教学重难点:1.教学重点: 句型:Theres a square. I can see two triangles.Its green./Theyre blue.Is this Tims picture?No. His picture has two stars and three circles.Its Pats .Her pi

33、cture has.2.教学难点: 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词。 能听懂、会说和会写句型。教学方法: 交际教学法和任务型教学法教具准备: 图片、各种形状的图形、单词卡、电脑及PPT课件教学过程:一、组织教学及复习1. Greetings (How are you?/What day is it today?) 注 请学生做小老师来帮助老师提问题,充分发挥学生的主体地位,给学生创设更多地练习机会。2. Sing song(for review colors)注 在歌曲中重现已学的知识,在巩固知识的同时,充分调动学生的身体机能,有效地转移学生的课间活力到课堂学习中来。二、新知识的呈现与归纳1.

34、 Everyday English: dog-days2. Talk freely(4 pictures)Show four pictures formed by the shapes; ask pupils try to describe them in English.注 鼓励学生用自己的语言来描述所看到的东西,可以很好地培养学生综合运用语言的能力,引入小组竞争机制,增强课堂活力。三、新知识的巩固和运用1. Guess the pictures, finish the sentences.2. Listen(Part C of Unit4),answer some questions ac

35、cording to the record.(1) Whose star is blue? _(2) What color is Peters star? _(3) Who has a green square? _(4) How many squares do they have?_(5) Whose square is blue? _3. Listen and write words for the sentences.(1) Pats picture has _stars and _triangles. (2) Tims picture_ two stars and three_.注 鼓

36、励学生用自己的语言来描述所看到的东西,可以很好地培养学生综合运用语言的能力,引入小组竞争机制,增强课堂活力。四、作业布置 Make some shapes with your family. Using the shapes to make a picture. Try to write down some sentences for your picture.五、板书设计Unit 5 Revision(Part D)Whoseis this? y your his her its their .sIts _s教学创意:教学创意六、教学后记第6课时教学目标: 能听、说、读、写1-4课的单词。

37、熟练掌握运用1-4课句型。 介词in, at的用法。教学重点: 单词、短语、句型的应用教学方法: 交际教学法和任务型教学法教具准备: 电脑、课件教学过程:一、组织教学及复习Greetings.(After greeting, ask about the weekday and the weather)注 Encourage pupils to ask and answer quickly among them.快速地口头问答已学的表达法,能让更多的孩子参与到其中,既能巩固知识,又能体验到自己是课堂小主人的成就感。Sing songs:Whose car is this?注 在歌曲中复习重点句型

38、,不但可以激发学生的兴趣,使学生乐于参与各项活动,大大提高了课堂教学质量,同时可以培养学生的听、说、读、写能力,观察能力和动手能力。Everyday Englisha busy bee注 在学到语言知识的同时对学生进行德育渗透。二、新知识的呈现与归纳1. Talk freely.Where do you live?Wheres the ?Whoseis this?2. Exercises:Listening. (Listen and then finish some exercises.)a supermarket a cinemaa clinic coina post office toya

39、 restaurant key ringsa bookshop number注 要求学生写出完整的单词和短语,进一步巩固对单词的四会运用。1)A. I have two circles.B. I can see two circles.2)A. What do you have? B. Whats your address?3)A. There are four key rings. B. I have some stamps. 三、作业布置1. 背诵1-4课单词2. 背诵第1-4课A、B部分。.四、板书设计Unit 5 RevisionWhere do you live? I live in/at.Wheres the? Its inHow manys do you have? I have.Is this? Yes/ No.Whose picture is this? Itss.教学创意:教学创意五、教学后记17


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