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1、Starter Module 4My everyday life一、用 am, is 或 are 填空1 Hello, are you Robert? Yes, I am2 My brother and sister( 姐妹 ) are at the same(相同的 ) school.3 Is Mary from New York? Yes, she is4 What is the weather like today? It s fine.5 This is my bike. Itblues.二、根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词6 What s your favourite (最喜爱的 ) sp

2、ort?7 What s the weather(天气 ) like today?8 Let s go swimming(游泳 ) after school.9 I can play(玩;踢 ) basketball.10 It s warm ( 暖和的 ) in spring.三、英汉互译11 my everyday life我的日常生活12 what day什么日子13 write it in your book把它写在你的书本里14 your favourite day你最喜欢的一天15 in spring在春天16 this afternoon今天下午17 in summer在夏天18

3、 in autumn在秋天19 乒乓球table_tennis20 踢足球play_football21 放学后after_school22 好主意good_idea23 去游泳go_swimming24 在星期三on_Wednesday25 在冬天in_winter四、句型转换26 It s hot today.(对画线部分提问)Whatsthe weather like today?27 It s Saturday tomorrow.( 对画线部分提问)What day is it tomorrow?28 My dog is white (对画线部分提问)What colour is yo

4、ur dog?29 It s hot in summer in Hangzhou.( 改为否定句 )It isn thot in summer in Hangzhou.30 This is Lily s new book.( 改为一般疑问句)Is this Lily s new book?五、根据汉语提示完成句子第 1页31 今天星期几?星期一。 What day is it today? It s Monday 32 今天是星期五。明天星期几?Today is Friday . What day is it tomorrow?33 冬天天气如何?很冷。 Whatsthe weather li

5、ke in winter? It s cold34 大明 ,你最喜欢的运动是什么?足球! What s your favourite sport,_ Daming? Football!35 我们星期三去游泳吧。好的。 Let gos swimming on Wednesday. OK.六、语法填空阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(每空不超过三个词)Im Lingling. I live(住 ) _36_ Shanghai. The weather here _37_(be) very hot in summer.S

6、o(所以 ) I often( 经常 ) swim in the afternoon. I like swimming. I like playing computer games(电脑游戏 ) _38_. At school, I have(有 ) an English friend. _39_(she) name is Mary. She can_40_(write) Chinese.36 in37.is38.too39 Her40.write【语篇解读】 本文介绍了玲玲所在的城市、爱好及朋友的情况。七、任务型阅读Jim is an English boy. He s thirteen.

7、He is a new student in our class. Today he is in( 穿着 ) a green coat(外套 ). The man in blue is his father( 父亲 ). He is forty. The woman( 妇女 ) in red is his mother(母亲 ). She is thirty- six. His father and mother are teachers. The girl in the white hat( 帽子 ) is his sister( 姐姐 ). She s fifteen. She is in

8、 an orange sweater(毛衣 ). She is a student too. She is inClass 3 now. And that s their cat Mimi. It非常可svery爱的 lovely()根据短文内容 ,完成表格。 (每空一词 )PeopleAge(年龄 )Identity (身份 )The colour of theclothes(衣服 )Jim_41_student_42_Jim s sisterfifteen_43_orangeJim s father_44_teacherblueJim s motherthirty - sixteacher

9、_45_41 thirteen/1342.green43.student44forty/4045.red第 2页一、英汉互译1 on Wednesday在周三2 after school放学后3 in summer在夏天4 play table tennis打乒乓球5 good idea好主意6 a white cat一只白猫7 我的日常生活my_everyday_life8 你最喜欢的运动your_favourite_sport9 温暖的春天warm_spring10 踢足球play_football二、单词拼写11 Football is my favourite s port 12 We

10、dnesday comes after(紧跟 ) T uesday13 Sunday is the first( 第一 ) day of a week( 星期 )14 What s the weather like today in Hangzhou?15 It s usually( 通常 ) very h ot in summer in Sanya.16 Jane likes swimming(游泳 ) 17 Let s play( 玩;踢 ) football after school.18 What s the weather like in London (伦敦 )?19 Let s

11、watch TV. Good idea(主意 )20 How many days(天 ) are there in a week?三、选词填空weather, cool, table tennis, yellow, summer, spell, Thursday, favourite, warm, let21 Let splay table_tennis22 My favourite colour isyellow23 We like swimming insummer24 How do you spell “ English?”25 It s cool in autumn.26 Today

12、is Thursday 27 Football is my favourite sport.28 What s the weather like in Hangzhou?29 Let us play basketball.30 It s cold in winter and warm in spring.四、看图补全对话,每空一词31 What s the weather like today? It s cool. Lets play basketball Good idea.32 What day is it today? It s Sunday.第 3页 Lets play footba

13、ll OK.33 What s your favourite sport? Swimming. I like swimming too. Letsgo swimming on Wednesday. OK.34 What s the weather like on Sunday? It s warm. Lets play table tennis Sounds good.35 Do you like drawing? Yes, of course. Lets draw tomorrow. OK.五、根据语境写出单词36 What day is it today ? It s Sunday.37

14、Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is Wednesday38 May 26th(5 月 26 日 ) is Thursday,_ and May 28th(5 月 28 日) is Saturday.39 It s Tuesday today, and yesterday(昨天 ) is Monday 40 Tomorrow is Saturday. So today is Friday 六、根据表格,补全下面对话LondonautumncoolNew YorkwintercoldHong KongsummerhotBeijingspringwarmSydney(悉尼 )

15、winterwarm41 What s the weather like in London in autumn? It s cool42 Whatsthe weather like in New York in winter? It s cold.43 How s theweather in Hong Kong in summer? It s hot.44 Hows the weather in Beijing in spring? It s warm 45 What s the weather like in winter in Sydney? It s warm 七、根据固定搭配,给下列

16、单词分类basketball, table tennis, shopping, baseball, fishinggoplayswimming, _46_ , hiking, _47_ , boating_48_, football, _49_ , volleyball, _50_46 shopping47.fishing48.basketball49 table_tennis50.baseball八、用所给词的适当形式填空第 4页51 Mike and I go swimming (swim) on Sunday.52 Let us(we) play football this aftern

17、oon.53 My (I) favourite singer is Lu Han.54 Table tennis is(be) my favourite sport.55 Let me help(help) you learn( 学习 ) English.九、句子配对(B)56.What s your favourite colour?(C )57.How many cats are there?(D )58.How do you spell“?white ”(E )59.What s yourfavourite sport?(J)60.What day is it today?(F )61.

18、What colour is your chair?(H )62.What s this in English?(A )63.What s your favourite animal?(I )64.What s your telephone number?(G)65.What s your name,please?A. Cats.B. White is my favourite.C. One.D. W - H- I- T - E.E. Swimming.F. It s red.G. Im Mimi.H. It s a desk.I. 132 0572 1000.J. Its Thursday.

19、十、根据汉语提示完成句子66 这是我的好朋友贝蒂。This is my good friend, Betty.67 你最喜爱的运动是什么?What s your favourite sport?68 今天星期几?星期日。 What day is it today? It s Sunday69 放学后让我们一起去踢球吧。Lets play football after school70 我喜欢在夏天游泳。I like swimming in summer.十一、句型转换71 Is this your mother s dog?(作肯定回答 )Yes,_it_is.72 My favourite

20、sport is swimming (对画线部分提问)What s_your_favourite_sport?73 It s cool in London in autumn.( 对画线部分提问)第 5页What s_the_weather_like_in_London_in_autumn?74 It Thursday today.(对画线部分提问)What_day_is_it_today?75 I am in Class 1.( 改为一般疑问句)Are_you_in_Class_1?十二、补全对话(有一项多余 )A: Good morning, Xie Xia.B: _76_A: _77_B

21、: Yes. And I can play table tennis too.A: _78_B: Swimming.A: What s your favourite season(季节 )?B: _79_A: What s your favourite day?B: _80_A. Autumn.B. Good morning, Mike!C. Can you play football?D. No, I can t.E. What s your favourite sport?F. Sunday.76 _B_77._C_78._E_79 _A _80._F_十三、完形填空Hello, my n

22、ame is Sally. I _81_ new here. I _82_ drawing. I often(经常 ) draw pictures_83_ Sundays. I like swimming and _84_ can swim very well. _85_ favourite player(运动员) is Ning Zetao. I like table tennis too. It is my favourite _86_. Let s _87_ table tennis after school. I can run and play football, but( 但是 )

23、 I _88_ play basketball. My favourite season is _89_, because(因为 ) it is warm, not too hot or too cold. _90_ your favourite season?(A )81.A. amB. isC. are(B)82.A. doB. likeC. can(C )83.A. inB. ofC. on(B)84.A. sheB. IC. you(B)85.A. IB. MyC. Me(A )86.A. sportB. colourC. day(A )87.A. playB. to playC. p

24、laying第 6页(B)88.A. canB. cantC. am not(A )89.A. springB. summerC. winter(C )90.A. WhatB. How sC. What s【语篇解读】 本文介绍了萨莉的个人信息。她喜欢绘画、游泳,乒乓球是她最喜欢的运动。她会跑步和踢足球,但是她不会打篮球。她最喜欢春天因为天气温暖。第 83 题:在具体的某一天前用介词on,故选 C。第 84 题:因为是萨莉在介绍自己的情况,所以用第一人称。第 88 题:前后表示转折,所以填 cant。十四、阅读理解This is an English girl. Her name is Ali

25、ce. She is seven. She likes spring best, because it snot too hot or too cold. She is in Class 5 Grade 1. Her English teacher is Mr Lin. He teachesEnglish very well. He is a good teacher. The students all( 全部 ) like him. He is their( 他们的 )friend too.(B)91.Alice is _ A. a teacherB. a studentC. a boy(B

26、)92.Alice is _ years old.A. fiveB. sevenC. nine(A )93.AliceEnglishs teacher is _ A. Mr LinB. Mrs LinC. Miss Lin(C )94.Alice likes spring best because it is _ A. hotB. coldC. warm【语篇解读】 本文介绍了英国女孩艾丽斯的个人情况。第 94 题:根据文中 “ She likes spring best, because its not too hot or too cold. ”以及常识可知 ,春天既不冷也不热 ,很温暖

27、,故选 C。十五、任务型阅读假设下面是你6 月份 (June)的安排 ,请根据表格完成任务。Sunday_(A )_Wednesda_(B)_FridaySaturdayTuesdayy123456789101112131415161718footballswimming19202122232425262728293095 在 (A) 处填入适当的单词:Monday96 在 (B) 处填入适当的单词:Thursday第 7页97 I go swimming on Tuesday,_June 14th(6 月 14 日 )98 Can you play football?Yes,_I_can.9

28、9 If( 假如 ) today is June 20th(6 月 20 日 ), what day is it tomorrow?Tomorrow_is_Tuesday.十六、书面表达100假设你叫Kevin ,请根据下面的提示,写一篇短文介绍自己。提示: (1)13 岁,在 7 年级 5 班;(2)最喜欢的颜色是蓝色;(3)最喜欢的动物(animal) 是狗;(4)最喜欢的季节是夏天,因为可以游泳。要求: (1)语句通顺、标点正确;(2)不少于 6 句话。My name is Kevin. I m thirteen years old. I m in Class 5 Grade 7. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite animal is the dog. My favourite season is summer because I can swim in summer .第 8页


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