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1、1. Choose a definition for each italicized word below.1. Once famous, he was now a mere object of pity. A. 物体 B. (能产生兴趣或引起注意的)人 C. 目标,目的 2. Its good he enjoys his own company because he has a very lonely job. A. 陪伴 B. 客人,宾客 C. 工作伙伴 3. They were hardly ever parted in twenty years of marriage. A. 跟断绝关

2、系 B. 有分歧 C. 分离,分别 4. He found it very difficult to adjust to the stresses and strains of modern life. A. 重点,重要性 B. 压力 C. 重音,重读 5. The land was cleared of trees. A. 证明无罪 B. 清除,清理 C. 使明朗,使清澈 2. Choose the most appropriate word to complete each of the following sentences.6. A magicians talk creates a(n

3、) _ of attention so that people do not see how he does his tricks. A. interaction 互动B. illusion 错觉C. diversion 分散D. difference 7. An individual bird can _ the call of its own species. A. identify 分辨B. name C. ease D. entitle 有资格8. I felt I couldnt cope with the situation and was in desperate need of

4、 some _. A. remark 注意,观察;话语;评论,谈论B. reassurance 使安心;再保证C. assumption 假定,假设;承担;想当然;采取D. claim 要求;声称;断言;索赔9. She _ great satisfaction from her coin collection. A. has B. derives C. devotes D. awaits 10. _ mistakes and weaknesses, it did a great deal of good work inside the trade union. A. No matter wh

5、at B. Although C. In spite D. Despite 11. _ the journey, we must decide about that later. A. As to asfor(至于,就方面说)和asto(至于;关于)这两个复合介词在含义上相当接近,但在用法上差别很多。B. So as to 为了C. On D. So long as 只要12. He was _ of his brother because he could afford to give so much. A. generous B. envious C. content D. frustra

6、ted 13. He _ in the childrens games. A. enjoyed B. came C. engaged D. urged 14. He _ at the boy in silence. A. viewed B. observed C. watched D. stared 15. The poison was _ of causing death within a few minutes. A. capable 能干的;有才能的B. able C. likely D. effective 16. Their _ to their children is plain

7、to see. A. strength B. devotion C. dependence D. function 17. His rude manners _ him to frequent rebuffs (粗暴拒绝). A. make B. subject 提供,提出;使隶属C. bother D. cling 附着于,紧贴18. Only at that time _. A. did I realize that I had made a mistake B. I realized that I had made a mistake C. realized I that I had m

8、ade a mistake D. I realized that had I made a mistake 19. Id like to buy you a meal _ all your hospitality. A. to approve B. to demonstrate 证明,证实C. in return for D. in addition to 20. A lot of these children have been _ of a normal home life. A. criticized 分析,评估;批评;挑剔B. deprived 剥夺,夺去C. urged D. par

9、ticipated 21. He spent years _ to the climate in China. A. coordinating B. adjusting C. balancing D. complaining 22. The commander would have to see to it that _. A. something is done about this situation B. something be done about this situation C. something was done about this situation D. somethi

10、ng would be done about this situation 23. They felt helpless, _, and incapable of handling the job. A. confident B. envious C. insecure D. independent 24. He was criticized for pursuing the present economic and foreign _. A. regulations B. functions C. rituals 仪式;例行公事D. policies 政策25. This can lead

11、to unnecessary _ over a childs quite normal behavior. A. emotion B. feeling C. pressure D. anxiety 1. An American diplomat was expelled from the country yesterday. A. trapped in B. forced to leave C. punished by D. kidnapped by 2. It is quite remarkable that no one was hurt in the accident. A. uniqu

12、e B. unusual C. special D. successful 3. She does odd jobs, such as painting rooms and fixing cars. A. not regular B. strange C. excellent D. badly paid 4. I applied for a job as a secretary, but I was rejected. A. resented B. refused C. resisted D. retired 5. This situation does not call for this k

13、ind of behavior. A. require B. take C. show D. channel 6. These tests are beyond the capability of a 12-year-old child. A. security B. quality C. ability D. limitation 7. She intends to carry on studying after the course has finished. A. begin B. avoid C. do D. continue 8. Ive been invited to the pa

14、rty but I havent got anything appropriate to wear. A. excellent B. adequate C. federal D. suitable 9. He refuses to let others speak and dominates every meeting. A. controls B. wins C. elects D. nominates 10. The railways are about to embark on a major program of modernization. A. arrive at B. start

15、 C. put on D. expose 11. He is reading some medical books because he will have to address a group of doctors. A. write to B. meet C. speak to D. teach 12. We stayed in small hotels at night, hitting the road early every morning. A. building the road B. working C. waking up D. leaving 13. I acknowled

16、ged Tom for all his help with the project. A. admitted B. thanked C. proved D. relied on 14. The humble man was reluctant to accept the award. A. poor B. famous C. kind D. modest 1. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.1. I breathed a sigh of _ when

17、I heard my husband was safe. A. surprise B. delight C. annoyance D. relief 2. He saw a(n) _ for the government in stimulating (刺激) industrial expansion. A. role 角色,任务B. influence C. effect D. instance 3. I found comfort in his words, and reassurance _ I had made the right decision. A. which B. that

18、C. what D. / 4. There is a close link between a rising _ of unemployment and a rising suicide _. A. rate. rate B. ratio. ratio C. speed. speed D. tendency. tendency 5. As long as you have paid in advance, we wont _ you for delivery. A. depend B. charge C. accuse D. demand 6. The claim _ the fact tha

19、t every year more and more money is being spent on arms武器. A. backs down B. backs off C. backs up D. backs out 7. Nowadays, there are more and more crimes _ to drug abuse. A. related B. associated C. linked D. connected 8. Id like to _ five hundred dollars to my current account. A. shift B. move C.

20、change D. transfer 9. Rain is expected to _ to all parts of the country by this evening. A. expand 扩张B. extend 延伸C. extent 程度D. expend 花费10. You need a very _ manager to increase the rate of production. A. adoring 崇拜B. effective 有效的C. preferable 更好的D. dynamic 有活力的11. He believed that _, Timex would

21、have to sit down, negotiate谈判, and take the workers back. A. naturally B. actually C. extremely D. ultimately 最终12. The survivors of the earthquake wandered徘徊 about in a confused困惑 and _ state. A. irrational 不合理B. annoying C. unbearable D. soothing 抚慰人心13. He is seriously _ to computer games. A. eng

22、aged B. addicted C. absorbed D. related 14. A _ of this species is the blue stripe 条纹on its back. A. personality B. characteristic 特征C. character D. specialty 15. The similarity between them has always been _ on. A. reminisced B. recalled C. remarked 讨论D. referred 16. The literature of a period _ it

23、s values and tastes. A. reflects B. indicates C. demonstrates D. describes 17. Claudes work had a major _ on generations of musicians. A. impression B. influence C. aspect D. role 18. She now has _ over the people she used to take orders from. A. justice B. fury C. management D. authority 权利1. No on

24、e knew the mans age until he _ it by accident. A. reviewed B. revealed 透露C. recovered D. recalled 2. This discovery marks a significant technological _. A. process B. adventure C. project D. advance 3. Tornadoes (龙卷风)_ when a warm weather front meets a body of very cold air. A. occur B. happen to C.

25、 result in D. predict 4. She _ the opinion of several experts, but even the experts disagree. A. thought B. taught C. sought (seek过去式)D. bought 5. American cars are generally too large for the Japanese market, _ Japanese cars are popular in the U.S. A. which ;【B. because C. therefore D. whereas 6. I

26、ts a six-hour drive from Penarth to Norwich. I nearly fell _ at the wheel a couple of times. A. sleeping B. asleep C. sleepy D. sleep 7. Experts are _ that unemployment will fall slowly next year. A. predicting B. preparing C. previewing D. preventing 8. An airplane had _ into the mountain, killing

27、all two hundred passengers. A. cracked B. crossed C. crashed D. crowded 9. Weve had to _ our visit to London because Jim is ill. A. disturb B. progress C. focus D. cancel 10. I had to wait two hours for the train. It really put me in a bad _. A. mode B. mood C. move D. motion 11. I have been very mu

28、ch pleased by your _ of the situation. A. analysis B. impact C. volume D. focus 12. We couldnt imagine what had happened to _ him but he wouldnt stop crying. A. awake B. spot C. upset D. spoil 13. She must learn to _ herself to English life. A. arrange B. admire C. acquire D. adjust 14. We must work

29、 _ the difficulties until we find an answer. A. off B. by C. through D. away 15. That teacher is very popular _ her pupils. A. or B. with C. in D. at 窗体顶端1. 3,000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回。(because of, recall) Suggested answer:More than 3,000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem. 2. 他尽管病得很重,但

30、还是来参加会议了。(despite) Suggested answer:He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 3. 要确保同样的错误今后不再发生。(see to it that) Suggested answer:See to it that the same mistake wont happen again. 4. 现在他们之间的了解多了一些,相处得就好些了。(now that) Suggested answer:Now that theyve got to know more about each other, they

31、get along better. 5. 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩围住了。(find oneself) Suggested answer:Then I found myself surrounded by five or six boys. 6. 在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。(on. occasion) Suggested answer:I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion. 窗体底端 1. 昨天我去牙科医生那儿把我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。(pull out) Suggested answer:I went to the de

32、ntist yesterday to have a bad / decayed tooth pulled out. 2. 由于教育背景和工作经验不同,员工的薪水也大不相同。(depend on) Suggested answer:Salary varies significantly / greatly / tremendously, depending on the employees educational backgrounds and work experience. 3. 信息技术的使用可以给发展中国家带来巨大的进步。(lead to) Suggested answer:The us

33、e of information technology could lead to major progress for developing countries. 4. 你解决问题的方式不对。(in a. manner) Suggested answer:You are not approaching / dealing with / coping with / tackling the problem in the correct / right manner. 5. 科学家认为,人类即将找到战胜癌症的有效方法。(on the verge of) Suggested answer:Scie

34、ntists believe that humans are on the verge of finding an effective way to cure cancer. 6. 离婚可不能被视作儿戏。(take. lightly) Suggested answer:Divorce is not a matter you can afford to take lightly. / Divorce cannot be taken lightly.1. 很多事情导致了我与那家公司断绝关系。(contribute to) Suggested answer:A lot of things contr

35、ibuted to the end of my relationship with that company. 2. 面对严重的疾病,她表现出了巨大的勇气。(in the face of ) Suggested answer:She showed great courage in the face of serious illness. 3. 我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。(come to) Suggested answer:We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. 4. 他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。(fail to

36、) Suggested answer:His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting. 5. 学习语言不仅仅是记单词的问题。(a matter of ) Suggested answer:Learning a language isnt just a matter of memorizing words. 6. 她一旦决定了什么事,就没有人能阻止她。(hold back) Suggested answer:Once she has made her decision, no one can hold her back. 7. 他们说他们会努

37、力学习,不辜负父母对他们的期望。(live up to) Suggested answer:They said they would study hard and live up to their parents expectations. 8. 这位科学家称这一发现为这个领域中最令人兴奋的新发现。(refer to. as.) Suggested answer:The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new discovery in this field.1. 我所能说的是我们十分抱歉这么早把你叫醒。(all. that., wake up) Suggested answer:All I can say is that we are extremely sorry to wake you up s


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