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1、 第27 个学案 题Module9unit 3 型复 单位第五中学学生姓名主 人 核人授 2019 年月日1. words, phrases and sentences学 目 2.重点 短 的用法 去分 的意 及用法学 关 学 程学生感悟(教师 个自 知 ,完成下列 。(3 分 )性修 )1.噪音, 音2.准 , 3.笔 ,随笔4. 告, 。 者5.增 ,增大 去式6.巨大的, 大的7.造成,引起8.麻 , 9.增 ,增大10.出生11.十 百万千百12.第五13.稍等14.公寓 _15.垃圾, 弃物 _16.安静的 _(副 )_17.小学生 _18污.染 (名)_(动 )_19.公共的 _2

2、0公.共服 _21.解决 _完成短 ( 6 分 )1.稍等 _2在.正确的位置 _3.的人口 _ 4.太多的交通 _5.五分之一 _ 6.写下, 下 _7.在将来 _8增. 如此快 _9.新 空气 _10.公共服 _11.解决所有 些 _12.在公共 合 _13.住在 _第 1 页14.一个安静的小村庄 _15.搬到 _16做.某事昂贵 _17.在中心外面 _18.必须 _19.关闭 _三: Complete the sentences(6 分钟)1.我正在为一篇名为我们持续增长的人口的报告准备一些笔记。I m _some notes _a report _ “Ourgrowingpopula

3、tion2.这造成了许多问题,如交通拥挤和噪音。That _ a lot of problems, _too much traffic andnoise.3. 北京是一个拥有巨大人口的大城市。Beijing is a huge city _ _ _ _.4.人口增长在许多国家都是一个大问题。_ _is a big problem in many countries.5.那就是说一年有一亿三千一百四十万人口出生。That means _ _ _ _a year.6.住在市中心是昂贵的,因此政府在中心以外建立公寓。It _ _ _ live in the city centre, so the g

4、overnment builtflats_ _ _.7.乘公交车花费 1 小时到那儿。It_ an hour _ _ _by bus.8.为了做所有这些事情,它需要更多的钱。_ _all these things, it needs _ _.9.它描绘了全世界正在发生的事情。It describes_ _ _all over the world.第 2 页达标测试:(M9 unit3 ) 满分:( 30 分) 时间: 15 分钟一单项选择1. I think _of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam _easy.A

5、.three fourths, isB.third four, areC. three fourths, are D. three fourth, are2.A_girl named DongX Xinyi looked after her disabled father.A. three-year-oldB. three-year-oldC. three years old3.I got a good present on my _birthday.A .nineB. ninthC.the nineD.the ninth4.The _World Table Tennis Championsh

6、ip began_ the morningof May 25,2019_Moscow,Russia.A. Fifty, in, inB. Fiftieth, on, in C. Fiftieth, in, onD. Fifty, on,in5.The number of the students in our school is about nine_,_of them are boys.A. hundred, Two thirdsB. hundred, Two thirdC. hundreds, TwoD. hundreds, Two third6.How often do you exer

7、cise?-_a week.A. TwoB.TwiceC.Second7.The teacher said that _of the boys would take part in the talentshow.A. three fiveB. three fives C. thirds fifthsD. three fifths8.What do you want to be in the future, Nick?-I want to be _pilot. It is _exciting job.A. a, aB. a, anC. the, anD. a, the9.John can pla

8、y _guitar, but he cantplay_ chess.A. the ,/B./,theC.the,the10.How was _dinner at Mikes house?-It was great. Mike s mum is _wonderful cook.A. a, the B. the, a C. the, the D. a, an 二、阅读理解( 20 分)(A)What do you like? Different people like different things. Somepeople like loud music, other people don t.

9、 They think it is too noisy.They like soft music. Many people like sports, but they do not like the same sports.In some countries, cricket(板球 ) is a very popular sport. In第 3 页others, it is not popular at all. No one plays it and few people watch it on TV . The World Cup is very popular. Millions of

10、 people watch the games on TV. Some people don t like doing sports. They just like to watch other people playing.Different people like different foods. Some people do not like meat. They eat most kinds of fruits and vegetables.Some people do not like potatoes and bread. They prefer rice or corn.Not

11、everyone like the same colors. Most people have a favorite color. Some people like bright colors. Others prefer pale colors. The world is an interesting place because we all like different things.1. What s the main idea of this passage?A. People all like the same things.B. Different people like the

12、same thingsC. People all like different sportsD. Different people like different things2. Which sentence is true?A. Everyone likes sportsB. Not many people like sportsC. Most people don t like sports. D. Lots of people like sports3. How many people like to watch the World Cup on TV?A. Few peopleB. H

13、undreds of different peopleC. Millions of peopleD. No one at all4.What do people who don t like meat(不喜欢吃肉的人 ) eat?A. Mostly(主要 ) potatoes and breadB. Mostly fruits and vegetablesC. Mostly rice and cornD. Mostly potatoes and corns5.Which sentence is true?A. Most people have a favorite color B. No on

14、e likes bright colors.C. Everyone likes bright colorsD. Few people prefer pale colors(B)Mr. Hunt came from a poor family. He had three brothers and two sisters. His father worked hard but wasn tpaid much. And his mother did all the housework at home. They were both able but they couldn t get enough

15、money for their family.Mr. Hunt was in school for only three years and he had to stop to help his parents though he was good at his lessons.When he was sixteen, he came to the city and began to work in a small factory. He learned from an old worker and became a skilled worker. The old worker liked h

16、im and married his daughter to him. The young man第 4 页did not have his own house and had to live with his parents-in-law. His mother-in-law always thought he was poor and often chattered. So the young man tried to save everything and hoped to have his own house.It was one fine Sunday. The old woman

17、wanted to have a picnicon the top of thehill. She told Mr.Huntto drive her car. Butsometimes she told him to turn left and sometimes to turn right. Theyoung man had to listen to her. At a crossing the lights were red butshe made him turnleft. The policeman stopped them and told theyoung man to give

18、his license to him.“ If I did wrong, sir,” said Mr. Hunt,“ It was-inmy-lawmothersfault(过错 ). She was driving the car though she sat behind me!”()41. The Hunts were poor because _.A. they were lazyB. they were too weak to workC. they couldn t make enough moneyD. they weren t able enough()42. Mr. Hunt

19、 left the school because _.A. he didn t like studyingB. his family was poorC. he wasn t cleverD. he hoped to stay at home()43. _, so the old man married his daughter to him.A. Mr. Hunt became a skilled workerB. Mr. Hunt was friendly to himC. Mr. Hunt was paid much in the factoryD. Mr. Hunt worked fo

20、r six years there()44. The old woman was _ to Mr. Hunt.A. goodB. badC. friendlyD. useless()45. Which of the following is wrong?A. The old woman herself drove the car that day.B. It was the old woman s fault.C. Mr. Hunt hated his mother-in-law.D. The old woman told Mr. Hunt to run the red lights.选做(

21、10 分)Travel is46to us in at least three ways.First,47We can see many places with our own eyes. We canvisit some famous cities and scenic spots(风景区 ).第 5 页Second, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and c

22、ustoms of other people, taste different foods and local flavours(风味 ) if we like. In this way, we can understand how differently other people live.Third, travel will _ help us to get knowledge of geographyand history and other knowledge, _ help us keep healthy andmake us broad-minded(心胸开阔 ).With all

23、 these advantages of travel, it is no wonder that travel has now become more popular than ever in China.根据短文内容,按要求完成下列各题。46. 在文中第一段的横线上填入一个恰当的词。 _47. 选择合适的句子填入第二段,使其语句通顺,符合逻辑。 _A. by traveling we can see different people.B. by traveling we can make friends.C. by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of differentplaces.D. by traveling we can enjoy delicious food.48. 在第四段的每条横线上填入两个恰当的连词,使句子完整。_ _49. 请把第五段中的 “ advantage译”成汉语。 _50. Which is the best title of this passage? _A. TravelingB. Places of InterestC. Advantages of TravelingD. Disadvantages of Traveling第 6 页第 7 页


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