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1、太神奇了!动画图解一般看不见的机械原理!【组图】 现代生活离不开各种机械,无数复杂的机械走进了我们寻常百姓的生活中,小到我们家里客厅墙上的挂钟,大到出门上班用以代步的汽车,都离不开机械在其中默默的工作。不知道你有没有偶尔想问,究竟是什么样的机械,通过怎样的方式在运转,让我们的生活更便利呢? 平日里,我们习惯了在产品外观上品头论足,感慨设计师的精彩创意,那么今天,我们来通过以下动画来感受一下工程师们那不亚于艺术家的机械设计的美感吧。1、飞机的星形发动机,如国产初教五2、椭圆规3、缝纫机4、马耳他十字机芯用于控制时钟的秒针运动5、汽车变档机制6、汽车等速万向节,我终于明白为啥前轮驱动的汽车的轮子还

2、能转7、舰炮弹药装填系统,原来推进药跟战斗部是分着的啊8、转子发动机内燃机的一种,把热能转为旋转运动而非活塞运动,如马自达RX89、直列式发动机它的汽缸肩并肩地排成一排,L4发动机,一般的车都用10、V 型发动机 汽缸排列在成一定角度的两个平面上,V6发动机11、水平对置式发动机 汽缸排列在发动机相对的两个平面上保时捷911用的是这种的6缸in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running

3、footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet, grenade explosions were heard. After about half an hour after the gunfire stopped, came the sound of boots trampling the enemy, flogged, inmates issued a cry of pain. At this time, 5,

4、6 the devil entered the Department a few people hiding the mansion, kicked open the shed door, suddenly a beam of light came in, I saw the Devil with a bayoneted gun, that pile of dry leaves dump to the corner stamp. The scene, hiding behind that plaque, Xie Chengji was seen clearly, see the danger

5、he issued blimey shrieks, which fell from behind the plaque. Sheds and tossing the Devils heard the cry, they rushed onto the Hall, Xie was stabbing with bayonets, Xie Chengji was blood like a fountain, and herring. When the second batch of Devils come in, a look at the Windows and doors wide open,

6、lay corpses in the House, only a perfunctory look at, left in a hurry. Xies tragic death, but Wen Yongzhi, 4 people had been saved. That day, the farmers in the village virtually gone, leaving behind several people could not bear to share in the family business. In that bloody battle, the village more than more than 40 villagers were innocent of killing, Qiu surname, Wang Jia village north a peasant


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