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1、Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 3 Language in use Teaching modelRevision and application Teaching methodFormal and interactive practice, task-based approach. Teaching aims1. To review and check the words learned in this module;2. To summarise and consolidate tenses learned before. Teaching aidsRec

2、order, OHP, handouts Teaching Steps Step 1 RevisionShow some pictures to review the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2Step 2 Language practice1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.1) I visitedthe GiantsCauseway two years ago.2) It produceselectricity for millions of people in

3、China.3) Ive never seenit, so Im not sureI agreewith you.4) I lookedto the east-the skywas becominggrey.5) Youll get there in five minutes.6) Am I going the right way?2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.Step 3 Grammar.时态复习到目前为止,我们已经学过了英语中常用的时态,包括一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、过去进行时、一般将来时和现在完成时

4、。在本模块中,我们将对这些时态的用法进行总结。首先,我们将本模块中出现的有代表性的句子归纳如下:第 1页时态例句一般现在时(1)And I think the Three Gorges Dam is fantastic too.(2)It produces electricity for millions of people in China. 一般过去时 (3)Well, I visited the Giants Causeway two years ago. 现在进行时 (4)Am I going the right way?过去进行时(5)When I arrived, it was e

5、arly morning and it was raining.一般将来时(6)Youll get there in five minutes.现在完成时(7)I ve never seen it, so Im not sure I agree with you.1.一般现在时一般现在时可以用来表述或说明某一事物的特性, 如上面表格的 (1);描述现在的状态,如 (2)。一般现在时还用来描述经常发生的事情及原理,例如:Thousands of people visit Beijing every year.The sun rises in the east and sets in the we

6、st.注意 : 1) when, until, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句和if 引导的条件状语从句中 , 若主句是将来时或祈使句 , 从句则要用一般现在时表示将来。2)列车时刻,飞机航班用一般现在时。2. 一般过去时一般过去时可以用来表述过去某个时间发生的事情或行为,如上面表格中的 (3).一般过去时还可以用来描述事物过去的状态或过去经常发生的事情,例如:I was very thin in my childhood.I got up very early when I was a college student.注意:used to是过去时 , 表示过去常常。e.g. I u

7、sed to take a walk in the morning.我以前常常早晨散步。3. 现在进行时现在进行时可以用来表述现在正在发生的事情或正在进行的行为,如表格中的 (4)。现在进行还可以用来表示已经安排好的活动和事件。例如:My elder brother is coming tomorrow.We are having a meeting tomorrow morning.注意: go, come, leave, fly 等表示位移的动词的现在进行时可用来表示将来。第 2页e.g. She is flying to London tomorrow. 她明天将飞往伦敦。4. 过去进行

8、时过去进行时表示在过去某段时间内正在发生的事情或行动,如表格中的 (5)。从例句可以看出,过去进行时常常以一个过去的行为或时间为参照。例如:I was having breakfast when he telephoned me.What were you doing at eight oclock yesterday evening?注意:while 从句中的动词只能是延续性动词,when 从句中的动词延续性动词非延续性动词均可。e.g. The phone rang while / when Mr. Wang was sleeping on the sofa.王先生正在沙发上睡觉时, 电话

9、铃响了。5. 一般将来时一般将来时表述的是发生在将来的事情或行为以及未来的状态,如表格中的 (6)。在表示对将来的预测时 (没有相关迹象表明某事必然会发生的情况下),will 和 be going to 可以互换。例如:It will / is going to be a rainy day tomorrow.但在其他情况下, be going to 更强调计划性,而will 着重表达个人意愿或想法。例如:He is going to spend his vacation in Hawaii.I will give you the information when I get it.注意: t

10、here be结构的一般将来时常用There is /are going to be或 There will be 表示。e.g. There is going to / will be a film this evening.今晚将有一场电影。6. 现在完成时现在完成时与一般过去时所表示的行为都发生在过去,但是两者表达的重点不同:一般过去时表述过去的事情,现在完成时则强调过去的行为对现在的影响,如表格中的 (7)。看对话,对比两种时态:A: Have you seen the film?B: Yes, I have.A: When did you see it?B: Last night.从

11、对话中可以看出,当谈话重心在过去的时间、地点或人物,而不是事件的结果或影响时,要用一般过去时。反之,如果我们要强调的是过去的事情对现在的影响,则应该用第 3页 在完成 。 在完成 表示某个状 从 去某个 开始,一直持 到 在。例如:I have lived here for a long time.I have been ill for a week.注意: have been to 曾去 某地 , 表示一种 have gone to 到某地去了 e.g. My father has been to Shanghai twice. 我父 去 两次上海。Mr Wang isn t here. H

12、e has gone to Dalian王先.生不在 儿 , 他去大 了。各种 中一般疑 句和否定句的构成(以 do 例 ):1. 一般 在 一般疑 句式: Do I / we / you / they +do?Does he / she / it + do?否定句式:I / We /You / They +do not (dont) + do He / She / It does not (doesnt) + do2. 一般 去 一般疑 句式: Did I / we / you / he / she / it / they +do?否定句式:I / We /You / He / She /

13、It / They +did not (didnt) + do3. 在 行 一般疑 句式: Am I doing ?Are we / you / they +doing?Is he / she / it + doing?否定句式:I am not (Im not) doing We /You / They +are not (arent) + doingHe / She / It is not (isnt) + doing4. 去 行 一般疑 句式: Were we / you / they +doing ?Was I / he / she / it + doing?否定句式:We /You

14、/ They +were not (werent) + doing I / He / She / It was not (wasnt) + doing5. 一般将来 一般疑 句式: Will I / we / you / he / she / it / they +do ?第 4页Am I going to + do ?Are we / you / they +going to + do?Is he / she / it + going to + do?否定句式:I / We /You / He / She / It / They +will not (won t) + do I am not

15、 (Im not) going to + doWe /You / They +are not (arent) going to + doHe / She / It is not (isnt) going to+ do6. 在完成 一般疑 句式: Have I / we / you / they +done ?Has he / she / it + done ?否定句式:I / We /You / They have not (havent) +done He / She / It +has not (hasnt) + doneStep 4 Explain the differences in

16、meaning.1. Explain the differences in meaning between Sentences a) and b).1) a) I often play basketball.b) I am playing basketball now.2) a) She has gone to the Great Wall. b) She has been to the Great Wall.3) a) They had an English class yesterday.b) They were having an English class at nine oclock

17、 yesterday morning.4) a) He is doing an interview.b) He has done an interview.5) a) We are drawing a picture of Victoria Falls now.b) We will draw a picture of Victoria Falls.2. Check the answers:Keys:1. a) is what I do regularly. b) is what I m doing now.2. a)She is still at the Great Wall.b) She h

18、as come back from the Great Wall.3. a) They did it once in the past.b) They were doing something at a specific time.4. a) He s doing the interview now.第 5页b) He has already finished the interview.5. a) We are drawing a picture nowb) We will draw a picture in the future.Step 5 Complete the sentences.

19、1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 2.appearfinishgiveraintalkvisitwalk2. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 2.1) Listen! It _ outside.2) The great musician _ a concert in Guangzhou next month.3) Last summer, my parents _ the Terracotta Army in Xian.4

20、) He _ already _ a new book about travel.5) Thousands of people _ along the Great Wall every year.6) A few minutes later, a stranger _ at the end of the street.7) The students _ about the journey to the Grand Canyon when the teacher came into the classroom.3. Complete the sentences with the correct

21、from of the words in the box.4. Ask the students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers:Keys: 1. is raining2. will / is going to give3. visited4. has, finished 5. walk6.appeared 7. were talkingStep 6 Complete the passage.1. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 3.The sun was

22、 going down when we (1) _ (arrive) at the ground floor of the building.I (2) _ (be) afraid of going to the top of tall buildings, so I was a little nervous when I (3)_ (walk) into the lift. The lift (4) _ (climb) faster and faster until we (5)_ (reach) the 88th floor. It (6) _ (be) high up there, bu

23、t I was not afraid when I(7) _ (stand) at the top.The Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai, one of the tallest buildings in the world, (8) _ (be) 420.5 meters high. It was built in 2019, and it (9) _ (have) a fantastic view of PudongDistrict and the center of Shanghai. I really like the tower and I am sure I (

24、10) _第 6页(visit) it again.2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets3. Ask the students to check with a partner.4. Check the answers:Keys: 1. arrived2. was3. was walking 4. climbed5. reached6. was7. wasstanding8. is9. has10. will visitStep 7 Work in pairs.1. Talk about th

25、e wonders of the world you have or have not visited. A: Have you ever visited the Great Wall?B: Yes, I have. / No, I havent.A: When did you visit it? / When will you visit it?B: I visited it five years ago. / Maybe Ill visit it next year.2. Now complete the table.Wonders of the worldWhen did you vis

26、it it?When will you visit it?The Great WallStep 8 Complete the sentences.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 5.ancienthighlongnaturalopinionwonder2. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 5.1) The Changjiang River is about 6,300 kilometers_.2) The Terraco

27、tta Army is a famous _ wonder in China.3) For my homework I have to write an article about the _ of the world.4) Mount Qomolangma is the _ mountain in the world.5) In my _, the Great Wall is the greatest man-made wonder in the world.3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the

28、 box. There is one extra word.第 7页4. Ask the students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers:Keys: 1. long2. ancient3. wonders4. highest5. opinionStep 9 Complete the passage.1. Introduce background of the Louvre Museum to the students.2. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activit

29、y 6.agree withat the bottom ofgo throughlooking forward tomillions ofmore than3. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 6.I m really (1) _ my visit to the Louvre Museum in Paris. Itsthe mostvisited museum in the world-every year, (2) _ people visit it. The Louvre is inan old buildi

30、ng, but to get inside you must (3) _ a giant glass pyramid that is(4) _ 20 metres tall. The entrance to the museum is (5) _ the pyramid. Some people do not like the glass pyramid. They say it looks too new and does not suit the older buildings. I do not (6) _ them. I think it looks great.3. Complete

31、 the passage with the expressions in the box4. Ask the students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers:Keys: 1. looking forward to 2. millions of3. go through 4. more than5. at the bottom of6. agree withStep 10 Listening practice.A. Listen and number the pictures.1. Ask the students to look at

32、 the pictures in Activity 7 individually.2. Play the tape.3. Listen and choose the correct answer.4. Ask the students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers:B. Listen again and complete the table.1. Ask the students to read the information in the table in Activity 8.第 8页MountThe Empire StateTh

33、e Great PyramidQomolangmaBuildingat GizaLocationBetween China and_.In Egypt.Nepal.Height_metres. _ metres.About _metres now.Interesting factsFirst people to_Aboutclimb to the top:floors._ yearsSir Edmund Hillaryold.and TenzingNorgay.2. Play the tape.3. Listen and choose the correct answer.4. Ask the

34、 students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers:Step 11 Work in pairs.Think about three other wonders of the world and talk about them.A: Where is ?B: It sA: How high is it?B: It smetres high.Step 12 Around the world:Stonehenge: A man-made wonder of the world1. Ask the students to look at the

35、 picture and discuss what they can see.2. Read through the information with the whole class.Stonehenge: A man-made wonder of the worldStonehenge is an ancient circle of stones in the south of England. It is about 5,000 years ago. It was probably a place to bury dead people or a place to study the st

36、ars and the sky at night.There are dozens of stones, and they are different in height. The stones came from about第 9页200 kilometres away. Some of the stones are missing, but its still one of the most wonderful sights of the world. It is a wonder also because of this question: How did ancient people

37、move these huge stones without machines to help them? No one knows the answer3. Fill in the blanks. Shape: (1) _Location: in (2) _ EnglandHistory: about 5,000 yearsDetails about stones:There are dozens of stones, and they are (3) _ in height.They came from about (4) _ away.Possible usage:A place to

38、(5) _ or study the stars and the sky at night.4. Ask the students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers:Keys: 1. circle 2. the south of 3. different 4. 200 kilometres 5. bury dead people 6. Read the passage together.Step 13 Module task: Making a poster about a wonder of the worldA. Work in gr

39、oups of four. Make a poster about a wonder of the world.1. Decide on the wonder of the world for your poster.2. Find out as much information as you can in books and on websites. Think about:1) Why should people visit the wonder?2) What will people see there?3) How can people get there?4) How much do

40、es it cost to visit the wonder?5) When is the best time to visit the wonder?3. Make a poster. Find some pictures showing the wonder.B. Present your poster to the class.Step 14 中考链接() 1. Henry will give us a report as soon as he _. (2019河北 )A. arrivesB. arrivedC. is arrivingD. will arrive第 10 页() 2.

41、Linda, I called you this morning, but nobody answered the phone. I m sorry. Ifootball with my friends then. (2019 菏泽 )A. playB. playedC. am playingD. was playing() 3. Mr. Green, a famous writer, _ our school next week. (2019北京 )A. visitedB. visitsC. was visitingD. will visit() 4. My grandmother _ in

42、 Yangzhou. She was born there and has never livedanywhere else. (2019扬州 )A. livedB. livesC. was livingD. will live() 5. A number of tourists _ Yangzhou many times because it is such a beautifulcity. (2019 扬州 )A. have been toB. has been toC. has gone toD. have gone to() 6. Sally took a photo of her f

43、riends while they _ computer games. (2019杭州 )A. playB. are playingC. have playedD. were playing() 7. Millie, where is Miss Li? (2019 南京 )She _ a speech on Chinese art to the first-year students in the hall.A. givesB. gaveC. is givingD. has given() 8. Have you had your breakfast yet?Yes. Mom _ it for me. (2019兰州 )A. was c


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