五下Unit 2 life in the Arctic.ppt

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《五下Unit 2 life in the Arctic.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五下Unit 2 life in the Arctic.ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lookatsomepictures. Wherearethey? Arctic Unit 2 Life in the Arctic 快乐学堂 Words: grandad/ grandpa rndd/ rndp 【非正式】 爷爷;外公 grandma rndm: 【非正式】奶 奶;外婆 harehr 野兔 hillhl小山 Arcticrktk北极的 earlyli早期的, 初期的 earth地球 fishingf钓鱼钓鱼 sealsil海豹 shoppingmall大型购购物中心 snowsno雪 SouthPole南极 willwl能【表示可能 性】 iceas冰 lakelek湖;湖泊

2、 North Pole 北极 polar bear 北极熊 pullpl拉 动词pull的用法 意思:拉;拔;拖 例句:我把他从水里拉出来。 Ipullhimoutofwater. 他拉住绳子。 Hepullstherope. lake湖泊 武汉的湖泊: eastlake东湖 southlake南湖 (杭州)西湖: westlake西湖 造句:我家住在东湖旁. Myhomeisbesidestheeastlake. Phrases: cometoastop :停止 e.g. Music comes to a stop suddenly. 音乐突然停止了。 gofishing:去钓鱼 e.g.

3、My father will go fishing this weekend. 我的爸爸这 周末将要去钓鱼。 goswimming:去游泳 goshopping:去购物 gocamping:去野营 Review: thereis/are有 造句: 屋内有一张课桌。 Thereisadeskintheroom. 公园里有许多的花朵。 Therearealotofflowersinthegarden. thereisno+单/不可数 thereisntany+不可数 没有 thereareno+可数复数 therearenotany+可数复数 例句: 杯子里没有水了。 Thereisnowater

4、in thecup. Thereisntanywaterinthecup. 教室里没有学生了。 Thereisnostudentintheclassroom. Therearenostudentsintheclassroom. Therearentanystudentsinthe classroom. Grammar:一般现在时 (1)表示经常或习惯性动作或现在的状态。 e.g. I go to work by bus every morning. 我每天早晨做公交上班。 (2)表示主语具备的性格、能力、特征。 e.g. She likes pop music. 她喜欢流行音乐。 (3)表示永

5、恒不变、客观事实、普遍真理 。 e.g. There are four seasons in a year. 一年有四季。 练习: Polar bears _(live) in the North Pole. Miss white _(teach) us English. Dad _(wash) his car every week. Susan _(go) skating with her father every winter Uncle Joe _ (try)his best to learn Spanish Mr. lee _(not like) butter or cheese Bo

6、b always _(help) his classmates. He _ (swim)across the lake. live teaches washes goes tries doesnt like helps swims 一般将来时 一般将来时表示某个时间将要发生的事情或状态 常见的时间标志有:tomorrow,thisafternoon,thisevening, next/nextmonth,later,lateron,soon,thedayafter tomorrow. 表现形式(1)be going to+动词原形 (2)will +动词原形 例句 I will call yo

7、u tomorrow. 我明天将 会给你打电话。 Tom is going to visit his grandma this weekend. 汤姆这周末将 会拜访他的祖母。 (not) (not) 否定形式 改为否定句 not wont 不 改为否定句 not 不 一般疑问句: 将Be动词和will 提前 Tom visit his grandpa this weekend. Tom going to visit his grandpa this weekend. 练习: The teacher is giving us an English lesson. (用tomorrow改写) T

8、he teacher is going to/will give us an English lesson tomorrow. (改为疑问句) Is the teacher going to give us an English lesson tomorrow? Will the teacher give us English lesson tomorrow? will is 课文句子翻译练习 GototheArctic,andyouwillseeawhite world. 到北极,你就会看到一个白色的世界 Whatshedoingoverthere? 他在那里干什么? Hewantstocatchahare. 他想抓一只野兔。 Hewalksthroughthesnow 他从雪中穿过。 Canwegofishingagaintomorrow? 我们明天能再去钓鱼吗? Therearenoshoppingmalls,no playgroundandtheresnoTV (这儿)没有购物广场,没有广场,也没有 电视。 TheThe End!End! ThankThankThankThank you!you!you!you!


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