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1、北街小学英语六年级下期一单元检测题一、 听力理解(20分)I.选出你所听到的单词或短语,并把准确答案番号填在答题卡的相对应位置。(6分)1.A.post man B.post office 2. A.waiter B.waitress3. A.in a school B.on a farm 4.A.have a cold B.have a cough5.A.What do you do? B.Whats wrong with you?II.听句子,判断所听内容与图片所表达的意思是否相符,如相符请在答题卡的相对应位置填 T ,不相符填 F。 (5分)6 7. 8. 9. 10. III.听句子,

2、从A、B两个答案中选出与所听内容一致的图片。并将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相对应位置。 ( 5 分)12. A. B. 13. A. B. 14. A. B. 15. A. B.16. A. B.IV.听问句,选择准确的答语。并将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相对应位置。(4分)17.A.I am a teacher. B.I work in a factory. 18.A.Its big. B.The green one. 19.A.I have a cold. B.Youd better see a doctor. 20.A.She is a worker. B.He is an engine

3、er. 二、单项选择(共计40分)I.选出下面每组中不属于同一类的单词,将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相对应位置。(5分)( )21. A. farmer B. engineer C. sweet( )22. A. big B. singer C. long( )23. A. yours B. me C. her( )24. A. dress B. young C. short( )25. A. artist B. waiter C. tallII.从A、B两个答案中选出一个能够填入横线上组成准确意思的答案,并将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相对应位置。(5 分)26. The dress is s

4、hort for me. A.too B.to 27. ? Yes,I want a picture book. A. Can I help you? B. Here you are.28. Its time_ school. A. to B. for29. Whats wrong_ you? A. about B. with30. Its _ sale now. A. on B. in .根据情景选择准确的表达形式,并将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相对应位置。(10分)31. 想问别人是否需要协助,你应该说:A. Here you are.B. Can I help you?32. 不知道别人

5、怎么了.应该说:A.What the matter with you? B. What does he do?33. 不知道别人是做什么的,应该说:A.Whats your name? B. What do you do?34. 你头痛. 应该说:AI have a headache. B. I have a fever.35. 你感觉不舒服,应该说: A.I feel terrible. B. I feel thirsty.IV.选择合适的句子组成对话,并将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相应位置。(20分)36. -A:What do you do? -B:_A.I work in a scho

6、ol. B. Im an English teacher.37. -A: _ -B: He works in a restaurant.A.Where does he work? B. What does he do?38. -A: _ -B: It is swimming.A. What is it doing? B. Where is it?39. -A: How is the apple? -B:_A. Its long. B. Its sweet.40. -A: Which dress is better? -B:_A.The green one. B. Its cheaper.41.

7、 -A: What does your father do? -B: _A. He is a waiter. B. She is a nurse.42. -A: _ -B:I have a headache.A. Whats wrong with you? B. What do you have?43. -A: I feel hungry. -B:_A. You eat too much. B. Youd better eat some food.44. -A: Can I help you? -B: _A.Yes, I want a new dress. B. Yes, I need.45.

8、 -A: Do you laugh every day? -B:_ A. No ,I do. B. Yes, I do.三.配对 (共计16 分).选出下面单词或短语的正确表达形式,将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相应位置。(6分)46. post office A. 邮递员 B. 邮局47. 感冒 A. have a cold B. have a cough48. stay in bed A.卧床休息 B. 呆在家里49. drink cold milk A. 喝冷水 B. 喝冷牛奶50. have a rest A. 咳嗽 B.休息51. 在农场 A. on a farm B. in a fa

9、rm.II.将图片与相应的单词配对,并将配好的答案填在答题卡的相应位置。(6分)watch TVengineerteacher 52. 53. 54. on a farmbeautifulULsee a doctor55. 56. 57. A B C D E FIII根据对话内容选择恰当句子补全对话,将答案番号填在答题卡的相应位置。(共计4分)A. Its pretty.But I want a prettier one.B. Ill take it.Thank you.C. Yes. I want a picture book.D. Its good.But I want a better

10、one.A:Can I help you?B: _58_ A: How is this one?B: _59_A:How about that one?B:_60_.A:Please wait for a moment. Here you are. This one is the best and prettiest.B: _61_四、阅读理解(共计10分).阅读下面对话,从文后每题所给的A,B两个选项中选出正确的答案。并将选出的答案番号填在答题卡的相应位置。(5分)(L=Lele T=Tingting R=Rose)T:ShhQuiet,please.My father is sleepin

11、g.R:Sleeping?Its 10 oclock in the morning.Its time for work.T:My father is a doctor.He was on night duty yesterday evening.T&R:What does your father do,Lele?L:He is an engineer.T:How about your father?R:He works in his car.He is a taxi driver.62. What is Tingtings father doing?A.He is sleeping. B.He

12、 was on night duty.63. What does Tingtings father do?A.He ia an engineer. B.He is a doctor.64. Where does Roses father work?A.In his car. B.In the hospital. 65. Whose father is an engineer?A. Tingtings father. B. Leles father.阅读短文,判断下列句子的描述是否与短文内容相符。如果相符,请在答题卡上相应的位置填“T”,如果不相符填“F”。(5分)Rose is a thirt

13、een-year-old girl. She is a junior high school student. Her grandmother lives with her and her parents. Roses grandmother is 68 years old. She has a bad cold. She needs to see a doctor. But Roses parents are very busy. Her mother is a policewoman and her father is an English teacher. So Rose has to

14、take her grandmother to the hospital after school. She is a good helper of her parents. 66. Rose is a primary school student.67.Roses grandmother is sixty-eight years old.68.Roses mother is an English teacher.69.Rose has a bad cold.70.Rose is a good helper of her parents.71.Rose is thirteen years ol

15、d.五、写(共计14 分).观察A栏的图片,从B栏中找出能回答A栏问题的词,并将正确答案填入答题卡的相应位置。(6分)What do you do?74.73.72.A 77.75. 76. I am a studentfarmerwaiterbrotherfather waterbetterteacherdriversingerpostmanBII.下面单词的字母被打乱了顺序,请同学们将字母重新排序,使其组成一个与图片相符的正确单词,并将其填入答题卡的相应位置上的四线三格内。(4分) aghuliertdcodrot dogo78. 79. 80. 81. .下面句子里的单词被打乱了顺序,请同学们找出正确的顺序,使其组成一个意思正确的句子,并将其填入答题卡的相应位置上的四线三格内。82.better have rest a Youd _. .83.do Where work you _?84. I stay Must home at _?85. My short is pencil _.


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