教学设计Module4 Unit 1 Advertising Welcome to the unit.doc

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《教学设计Module4 Unit 1 Advertising Welcome to the unit.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教学设计Module4 Unit 1 Advertising Welcome to the unit.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module4 Unit 1 AdvertisingWelcome to the unit教学设计The analysis of this part:Ss will be asked to talk about four different advertisements, including two commercial ads that promote an airline service and a shampoo as well as two public service advertisements separately for Earth Day and Say “NO” to dr

2、ugs.Teaching aims: 1. To learn about topics related to advertising and gain knowledge about ads.2. To discuss and get some ideas of the two main types of ads and their respected purposes.3. To get involved in the discussion and practice their spoken English.Teaching procedures:Step one: Lead-in 1. P

3、resent some ads to the class. 2. Discuss those ads 3. Free talksa) Where do you find these ads?b) What are ads aimed at? Suggested answers: a) on billboards, TV, the radio in magazines/newspapers/leaflets given out in the streets.b) To promote a product or services, to believe in an idea.To educate

4、people about health, safety or any other issue which affects public welfare. Step two: PresentationTypes of advertisements Commercial advertisementsA commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service Purpose: to promote a product or service. Public service

5、advertisements (PSAs) PSAs are often run for free, and are meant to educate people about health, safety or any other problem which affects public welfare.Purpose: to teach us and help us lead better lives.Step three: Picture talking: 1. Oxlin Airlines -What image can you see in this picture ? - Does

6、 the advertisement try to sell a product or service? This poster is a commercial advertisement. It offers the airline service. It uses “I love to fly with Oxlin Airlines”. Taking airlines is a fast way to get to another place. In this way much of time can be saved.2. Earth Day -Why does this ad. use

7、 the image of a birds nest? -Do you think this advertisement helps to make people aware of environmental problems? This poster strikes us a lot. It is trying to show us that the birds have nowhere else to build their nests. They have to build their nests in the sky because all the trees have been cu

8、t down. It sends us a serious warning and tells us that we should protect the environment from now on. 3. Say no to drugs-the anti-drugs campaign-Do you think drugs are harmful? -If someone takes drugs, what could happen to him or her?-Does the ad teach you about the bad effects of taking drugs? Wha

9、t are they?Taking drug is harmful both to the people who take drugs and to their family. If someone takes drugs, he / she will become seriously ill. This poster is intended to educate people about health and the problems in society and calls on people to make an anti-drugs campaign and it also tells

10、 us not to ignore the problem around us.4. the Shampoo ad-what kind of people do you think this ad is targeting? Why?-Younger people, especially girls or females. Because they pay more attention to their appearance.-hair.-Do you think this ad will successfully persuade people to buy this shampoo?Thi

11、s poster is targeting young people, especially girls, because they pay more attention to their appearance. It uses persuasive words “Shine that lasts for days” successfully to persuade young people to buy this shampoo.Conclusion: The four ad pictures can be divided into two parts. Step four: PSAs VS Commercial adsStep five: Read a dialogue about advertisementsStep six: Discussion1. Ask Ss to discuss advantages and disadvantages of ads in groups.2. summary.Homework 1.Write a short article about your opinions on ads. 2. Get ready for the Reading part.


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