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1、Starter Module 3My English book一、根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词1 There is a black pen(钢笔 ) and two green bags.2 What colour(颜色 ) is your cat?3 Can you spell it again(再次 ), please?4 Look at the blackboard ( 黑板 ) 5 I like the colour brown(棕色 )6 Can you help(帮助 ) me, Lingling?7 Write (写 ) it in your book.8 Dogs(狗 ) are

2、 the friends of humans( 人类 )9 Don t say(说 ) that again.10 I don t know(知道 ) what colour it is.二、将下列单词与图片配对(D )11.green(E)12.black(A )13.yellow(F )14.red(C )15.white(B)16.purple三、用 a 或 the 填空 (不须填词的用 “/”)17 This is a dog.18 Tina is a Chinese girl.19 That / cat is white.20 The orange is / orange.21 Th

3、is is a ruler. The ruler is blue.四、补全对话,每空一词A: Good _22_ !B: Good morning!A: _23_ are you?B: I m fine, 24_. And you?A: I m OK.B: Excuse me. _25_ this _26_ English?A: It s27_ pencil.B: _28_ do you _29_ it?A: P- E-N- C-I- L.B: Thank you.A: You re _30_22 morning23.How24.thanks25 Whats26.in27.a28 How29.

4、spell30.welcome五、句子配对(C )31.What colour is your coat?(D )32.How are you today?(A )33.I like( 喜欢 ) your yellow hat.(E )34.What s your favourite(最喜欢的 ) colour?(B)35.What s that in English?A. Thank you.第 1页B. It s a pen.C. It s green.D. I m fine, thanks.E. My favourite colour is red.六、 理解Hello, class.

5、I m Linda. I have a bedroom( 卧室 ). It nots very big but very nice. Thewalls( 墙 ) are yellow. There are some nice pictures on them. There is a big desk. It s white.can see many books and some flowers on it. Under( 在下面 ) the desk, there is a cat.(C )36.Lindabedrooms walls are _ A. whiteB. redC. yellow

6、D. blue(D )37.What is under the desk?A. A picture.B. A flower.C. A book.D. A cat.(A )38.What is NOT in Linda s bedroom?A. A black desk.B. A cat.C. Some books.D. Some flowers.【 篇解 】 本文介 了琳达的卧室。第 38 :根据 “ There is a big desk. It s”white可知. ,琳达卧室里的桌子是白色的不是黑色的,所以 A 。【 拓展】 big 大的picture 画七、任 型 根据 内容完成后面的

7、任 。A: Good morning, Mr Miller.B: Good morning, class. Frank, what s this _ English?C: It s a bird.B: How_do_you_spell_it?C: It sBI RD.B: And what s that?C: It s a flower.B: Very good!(A )39.Mr Miller is Frank s A. teacherB. friendC. classmate(同学 )D. student(C )40.在 中提到了以下哪件物品?A. 书B. 地 C. 花D. 笔41 在空格

8、 填入适当的 , 全句子: in42 将画 的句子翻 成 。你如何拼写它?43 在 中出 了一 ,它 是 this 和 that。一、 英第 2页1 你们的教室your_classroom2 不用谢you re welcome3 她的英语书her_English_book4 当然of_course5 用英语in_English6 一只白色的猫a_white_cat7 一只黄色的鸟a_yellow_bird8 你的蓝色的书桌your_blue_desk9 一朵绿色的花a_green_flower10 那只黑色的铅笔that_black_pencil二、将下列单词归类blackboard, red

9、, pen, white, desk, green, dog, bird, pencil, bag, yellow, cat, book, brown,blackColour_11_Animal (动物 )_12_School things(学习用品 )_13_11 red,_white,_green,_yellow,_brown,_black12 dog,_bird,_cat13 blackboard,_pen,_desk,_pencil,_bag,_book三、句子配对(C )14.What colour is the cup( 杯子 )?(E )15.Hello, Bob!(B)16.H

10、ow are you, Frank?(D )17.What s that in English?(A )18.Can you help me, please?A. Yes, of course.B. I m fine, thanks.C. It s green.D. It s a desk.E. Hello, Alice!四、根据汉语提示完成句子19. 这是什么? 它是一朵花。 Whatsthis? Its a flower.20. 这用英语怎么说? 一支钢笔。 What s this in English? It s a pen21 你如何拼写 “ bird?”How do you spel

11、l_“ bird?”22 把你的名字写在黑板上。Write your name on the blackboard.23 谢谢你 ,大明。 别客气。 Thank you, Daming. You re welcome第 3页五、对画线部分提问24 Jack is nine_years_oldHow old is Jack?25 I m very_fine today.How are you today?26 Nancys shoes are redWhat colour are Nancy s shoes?27 His name is Tony What is his name?28 This

12、 is a_green_bird What is this?六、补全对话(有两项多余 )A: Hello!B: Hello!A: _29_ What s your name, please?B: My name is Amy.A: How are you?B: Fine, thanks. _30_A: I m fine too.B: What s this in English?A: _31_B: How do you spell it?A: P E N.B: _32_A: It s green.B: Thank you.A: _33_A. It s a pencil.B. What colo

13、ur is it?C. It s a pen.D. You re welcome.E. I m Miss Zheng.F. I don t know.G. How are you?29 _E _30._G_31._C_32 _B_33._D_七、完形填空Good morning, _34_. _35_ Grace. Look! This is a _36_. Its a nice bag. What _37_is it? _38_ yellow and white. And _39_ this in English? It s a _40_. The pencil is _41_ orange

14、. That s a ruler(直尺 ). _42_ ruler _43_ blue.(A )34.A. classB. boyC. girl(B)35.A. ItsB. ImC. He s第 4页(C )36.A. bookB. penC. bag(A )37.A. colourB. numberC. name(C )38.A. ItsB. IsC. It s(B)39.A. howB. whatsC. what(A )40.A. pencilB. catC. flower(A )41.A. /B. aC. the(B)42.A. /B. TheC. A(A )43.A. isB. are

15、C. be【语篇解读】 本文格雷丝向我们介绍了她身边的一些东西的颜色。第 34 题: class 意为 “同学们 ”, 通过后文可知,这是在向同学们介绍东西,故选 A。第 41 题:形容词前不能用任何冠词。八、书面表达44 假设这是你的房间,请以 “ My Room”为题介绍一下房间的布置,不少于 5 句话。My RoomThis is my room. It s very nice. Look! There is a desk in it. On the desk you can see some books, pens and flowers. There are some chairs too. My bag is on a chair. On the wall there is a picture. I like my room very much .第 5页


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