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1、山东省滕州市2019-2019学年度张汪中学八年级英语上册Unit 3自主评价试题一、选择题If you want to have true friends ,you should be a true friend yourself Wonder(11) you can do? Here are some tips(建议)Laugh and cry togetherLaughing with a friend is the best ,(12) sometimes crying brings you closer (更亲密的) togetherDont be(13) tobe yourself

2、 when you stay with your friends Show your true feelings with your friends Then friends will knoweach other(14) betterBe a nice gift giver Gift-giving isnt just for birthdays or holidays-it can be a fun way of making your friends(15) special! But youdont need to buy expensive gifts Making things by

3、yourself(16) you care , because you put time and ideas intoyour(17) Stand up for him or her If someone laughs at your friend ,dont just stand there quietly Do(18) about it! You can try to(19) a smart way tosolve (解决)the problem and make others look at your friend differently Sometimes,its necessary(

4、20) you tomake him or her feel better It may not be easy, but its what a good friend should do!1 A whoBwhenC whatDhow2 A becauseBbutC ifDor3 A boredBtiredC surprisedDafraid4 A soBveryC muchDquite5 A keepBfeelC lookDget6 A letsBwishesC helpsDshows7 A friendsBbirthdaysC giftsDholidays8 A somethingBany

5、thingC everythingDnothing9 A findBaskC startDteach10 A ofB forCtoD with二、阅读理解Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. Have you heardof it before? It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy.

6、Weshall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise).This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.Children of young age should have ten hours sleepight. Childrenevery who do not have enough sleep cannot dotheir work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy! The bod

7、y also needs exercise.第 1页Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise also helps the blood(血液 ) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes foodto all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercis

8、e helps us to think better!11 If we get up early and go to bed early, we. llA. have enough exerciseB. be healthyC. think better12 If a child doesn t have 10 hours sleep, maybe h.eA. becomes wiseB. won t do well in his workC. goes to school in time13 A person needs exercise because _.A. it makes him

9、healthyB. he has a lot of homework to doC. he is strong enough14 Exercise makes the _ move quickly and smoothly( 流畅 ).A. body B. bloodC. children15 Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. If you have enough blood, you ll be wise. B. A student should have 10 hours sleep.C. It s good for you to get up e

10、arly and go to bed early.Emily has a pen pal in England. Her name is Alice. They write to each other twice a month. In her last letter Alice told Emily how she spent a week in Japan with her family. Here is Emilys reply( 答复 ).Dear Alice,Thank you for your last letter, I enjoyed reading it very much.

11、 It seemed that you had a more wonderful summervacation than I did. I hope I can also go to Japan one day.In this letter I will tell you about my best friend. Her name is Kate.Kate has long brown hair and blue eyes and I have short black hair and black eyes. We are both 13 years old, butshe is a lit

12、tle taller than me. She is always happy and very friendly.We sit next to each other in class. She is good at math, and I do well in history. We often help each other with ourschoolwork. We always go home together and play computer games for an hour. Kate thinks very quickly and sheusually wins. Kate

13、 is learning to play the piano. I am learning to play the violin.We practice together everyMonday and Wednesday. Now we can play very well.Sometimes Kate stays the night at my house, or I stay the night at her house. We always have a good time. Haveyou ever stayed the night at your best friend s hou

14、se?Write soon!Love,第 2页EmilyEmily16 What did Alice write about in her last letter to Emily?A Her family.B Her study.CHer best friend.17 What does Emily do after she goes back from school?A She watches TV.B She plays sports.CShe does her homework.D She plays computer games.D Her summer vacation.18 Ho

15、w often does Emily practice the violin?A Once a week.B Twice a week.COnce a month.19 Which is RIGHT about Emily and Kate?A They are both good at history.B They can play the violin well.CThey are both thirteen years old.D They both have long brown hair.20 Which of the following is TRUE according to t

16、he letter?A Emily and Kate are classmates.B Kate hopes to go to Japan one day.CEmily finds it hard to play the violin well.D Emily and Kate live in the same neighborhood.D Twice a month.When I was in the seventh grade, I was shy, quiet and so was easily bullied( 受欺负 ). I used to get very sad aboutit

17、.In an art lesson, just while the teacher was out, a big boy took away my pencil case, threw it across the room andsat back down. Later on, he took my schoolbag and pulled it towards him. I pulled back the schoolbag from hishand and for the first time, I pushed him away and hit him on the back. In t

18、he rest of the lesson, I did nothing butimagined what was happening next.Then the teacher came to me,“ Peter, are you OK? ”“ Yes, ” I answered.“ No, you are not. Come to my office after class, ” he said.There we had a long talk. He made me smile and I became confident( 自信的 ) again. He taught me some

19、 lifelessons, and said,“ Get up, and dont be a bully yourself, but remember you are stronger inside, and if the bulliessee this, they will stop.”I remembered these words. From then on, every time I walked to school, I put my head high in the way, and the第 3页bullying soon stopped.21 Why was Peter oft

20、en bullied in the seventh grade?A Because he had no friends to help him.B Because he didnt study well.CBecause he came from a poor family.D Because he was quiet and not confident.22 What happened to Peter in an art lesson? A He took away the others pencil case. CHe fought back for the first time.B H

21、e made fun of another student.D He told the secret to the teacher.23 How did Peter feel after it happened?A Lucky.B Worried.CExcited.D Confident.24 Where did Peter have a long talk with his teacher?A In the classroom.B At the teachers house.CAt Peters home.D In the office.25 The teacher told Peter h

22、e should _.A believe in himselfB work hard on his lessonsChave a stronger bodyD tell it to the teacher at once三、 短文填空October the _26_ was National Day. I went to Hawaii for vacation _27_ my family. We went to theairport first and went to Hawaii by _28 _. We lived in a small hotel for a night. The ne

23、xt morning wewent _29_ in the sea for 2 hours, we _30_ very happy. So we lay on the _31 _ to have a rest. Thenwe walked back to the hotel. On our _32 _ to the hotel, it began to _33 _. And we didn t have an umbrella with us. We all got_34 _. _35_ a bad vacation!四、 全短文Its difficult when a best friend

24、 isnt around maybe because you have moved to a different school or a differentclass or youre ill at home. You may feel lonely without friends.36 But how to make friends with them? How doyou start? How do you get on with( 和 相 ) people? Here are 5 ways for you.Greet people. Greet people and hope that

25、they have a good day whatever time of a day it is. It never hurts anypeople. 37Share. Take something to eat in your pocket, candy or gum. 38 And at the same time hand it to them.Help people.Simple actions, like helping people carry something or open a door, show your kindness( 善良 ).Smile.Maybe the e

26、asiest way to introduce yourself is smiling. Theres a great reason why it takes fewer muscles( 肌肉 )to smile than to cry.39 Respect(尊重 ) others.40 So learn to respect others. Its the only way other people will respect you.根据短文内容,将所 的A E 五个句子分 填入文中空缺 ,使内容完整、正确。A It also makes people think that youre o

27、utgoing and friendly.B Nature(天性 ) just wishes us to smile more.第 4页CYou want to have new friends.D The world is full of differences.E. Ask if people would like to have some.五、单词拼写41 Mr.Liis s_( 严肃的 ) about selling the house. He needs a lot of money.42 Li Lei won first prize in the English Speech _

28、(比赛 ).43 Do you think its n_( 必要的 ) to have a friend who is popular in school?44 The Internet makes our life nicer, e_( 更容易的 ) and more colorful45 Im more o_( 外向的 ) than my sister.六、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。46年轻人应该关心老年人。The young should _ the old.47你的夹克衫和她的不同。Your jacket _ hers.48那顶帽子和我的帽子相似。That hat _ my hat.49我最好的朋友促使我表现得特别出色。My best friend _ the best in me.50只要你开心,我可以做任何事情。_ you re happy, I can do anything.七、 51书面表达Tim 和 Tom 是一对孪生兄弟,Tim 比 Tom 早出生 5 分钟。请根据以下内容提示,用英语写一篇70 词左右的短文,介绍他们的相同点和不同点。提示:相同点:长相一样;都喜欢踢足球;学习刻苦;都讨厌吃肉类食物和垃圾食品。不同点: Tim 活泼外向,擅长音乐、体育;Tom 安静,擅长英语和语文;Tim 喜欢度假、露营;Tom 喜欢在家看电视或电影。第 5页


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