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1、 教版小学英 第二册 Unit 6 Time Lesson 1 Its seven o 精clock品教案教学内容: 教版小学英 第二册Unit 6 TimeLesson 1It s seven oclock.教学目 :1、能听懂、会 、 : time, now ,day,oclock,ready, getup.2、能听懂、会 、 句型:“What time is it? Its seven oclock.Its seven twenty”. 并灵活运用。3、 渗透 差知 ,培养珍惜 的 念。教学重 点:重点: What time is it? Its .句型的学 。 点:非整点 的表达。教学

2、方法:引 法,任 型教学法,合作学 教学准 :教学 件,教学卡片, 表模型, 音机教学 程一、复 身1. GreetingsHello, I m your new teacher. INice to meet you!2. Sing a song. m Ms Zhang. Hello, boys and girls.First lets sing a happy song. “Ten little pandas.”(课件播放歌曲,学生齐唱)3.Review numbers.Do you like pandas? Me too. Can you count these lovely pandas

3、?Can you say these numbers?课(件出示,学生快速说出来)【设计意图:通过歌曲活跃气氛,调动兴趣,同时引出对数字的复习。】二、新授1. Please look carefully. Ill perform magic.( 课件将出示的数字连成钟表问) Whats this? Yes, its a clock. Every morning he says:”叮铃铃,叮铃铃, get up, get up, get up ”(课件出示 get up,学习这个词组 )Clock is useful .It can also tell us the time. (课件出示 ti

4、me 单词学习)Look! What time is it? It s seven. Its seven oclock. (出示单词 oclock 学习) What time is it? It s eight oclock.【设计意图:由闹钟叫起床引入新单词,词组的学习,把学生的兴趣和注意力调动起来,再深入到这节课重点句子的学习。】2. What time is it? Its seven twenty. (出示另一个钟表 ) What time is it? It s eight ten. 用钟表模型继续练习。【设计意图:利用上一环节的游戏活动,深入学习时间的表达,突破本节课的难点。】3.

5、 Now listen and watch, then find: What time does Li Ming get up?( 件播放 文 画).【 意 : 学生 着 有 性的听 文,初步感知 文内容】This time , listen and repeat.(第二次听 文模仿跟 ,学 新 now, ready, day) 。4. Listen again, then read in groups.【 意 :听音跟 , 学生模仿正确的 音 。】三、 1. Who can act the dialogue? 小 表演 。2. It s now. But it s not in London

6、. What time is it inLondon? Look at the screen, ask and answer in pairs quickly.(两个人看 答 ,)【 意 :通 两个活 , 学生 一步 文和本 的重点句型。】四、巩固1. 学 韵句。 Lets learn a chant. 2. 答接 。Lets ask one by one. Look at the clock,you ask, you answer, thenyou ask the next one, you answer clear? Ok, lets begin.3. 鼓 花。Now let s play

7、 a game .Here s a bag, you pass the bag, when I saystop, you take out a card, we ask:“ What time is it?” , you answer.【设计意图:通过游戏活动,让学生在玩中学,在学中玩,及时巩固本节课的重点句。】五、 Summary: What have you learnt in this class?【设计意图:培养学生养成及时总结回顾的好习惯】Homework:1. Listen and imitate.2. Make a clock, talk with your friends.。结束语:Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴,希望大家珍惜时间,好好学习。Class is over。 Bye class。板书设计:Unit 6 TimeLesson 1It s seven oclock.What time is it?It s seven oclock.It s seven twenty.


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