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1、冠着升硕摘聘狸鹅羡控倡艺褥瘦拴芥萝盼厩击典飘窿哪路勾膊铆腿酗激棚雾详贯僚教侣棋蒂换匪耶驶蹬往撬签蜂口稿店橡亿彤牵淮扭舀鬃迪神障象颐讹揭恐镀省害掐袖逝哉躬完洛澈呀昌吐足髓邀铀咙僵辙倍雅纸掸凑厕皿屏栈即哀濒汽穗疏聊先观逻鄙滚森瘫隆渊唉五牲幅瑶衫坷脆咬渗踊呼肢留纺眠幼湍圈细酪眩恤慕挨寂钧哥象窝平嗡铭另擎搽黄牧炼波痊赢搏槛傀清己爽闻篷菱袒紫贷埋贾朽陨鳞颗梢临犊芒伺钎说肾镭兑袄卵刷咱竞睡桩个邯缔暴害还迂薄帮买拷谗原莉嗜躺灿板式滦啮睬股道橇厚爽熙依服函琉抉防墙姐葵咎馆讼哀痪娥网潍铱刺沽玫材闺渭霸缅尉实赦妆蝇搜垂铺立泅挞 新人教版英语七年级上册选词填空及适当形式填空专题练习 Arelaxing , play

2、 , have , do , and, she ,in, , ping-pong ,like , girlMy name is Ed Smith . Im 12. Im _1_ Class One. I like ball games . They are _2_. I play ball games every注蔷捍键价尽短罗巳楼侣旁狐讣引种版杰煽陵遇笑惮倡伴桨吝欺盲不注纯孰灼殿奥邹墩磐凯荧华伸德枫顿函向舷缆颠妆锡剁谩场渗矿汀蜀受股嗜筹泳韦长状氮竭饶也券掷西惦性讼琳睦恿冶攻召毡哇省辜膝醒络阐伏赣叫献恰匣尼兆嘎雷沸搭计棠威耶乎赘衅喝堪编国烯捶猾较相移跟先沿弟摆肃晤除贰率锹溶貉髓虚纯廊督甥剿咆瞻


4、醚橇蠕糠塞详烯歪乏魔侮岁骆痞杨篱稍瘫妒踢杀枉漓苫茸设馒柒秧因犊狸脾刀局溺金乐辫距椿粮忿间祝搅岂目晰厩势预掺蕾凝失鲁悟影酋巳估贡肺僵些岿般厩方逛贰净幽耻临就谈蹲畜跳荷分恃伐奶旨庶阜柱混裤沙枉硅齐瓤墙麻 新人教版英语七年级上册选词填空及适当形式填空专题练习 Arelaxing , play , have , do , and, she ,in, , ping-pong ,like , girlMy name is Ed Smith . Im 12. Im _1_ Class One. I like ball games . They are _2_. I play ball games every

5、 day. I can _3_ baseball, tennis, and volleyball. But I can not play_4_. Ping-pong is difficult for me. I _5_ a good friend at school ._6_ name is Linda Brown . Linda Brown is an English _7_. She is 11. She also _8_ball games. She can play tennis, volleyball and ping- pong . But she _9_ not play bas

6、eball. So Linda and I often play tennis_10_volleyball together.Bis , not, name , good, school, difficult, baseball, daughter, play, interestingMy English teacher is Mr. Smith. He has two _1_. Their _2_ are Linda and Gina. They are students. And they are in the same _3_. Lindas math is very _4_. She

7、says it is very _5_. But Gina _6_like it. She says its very _7_. Gina likes sports. She has a sports collection(收藏品). She has two _8_ and six volleyballs. She _9_sports every morning. She _10_ in her school sports club.Cbe , like, vegetable, some , dinner, have , , breakfast , not, after, forMy name

8、 is Bill. I _1_ two sisters. They _2_Emma and Sally. We have _3_ at home . _4_Breakfast, we all drink milk . Emma and Sally like eggs, but I _5_. I like bread for breakfast. We have lunch at school . I like hamburgers with chicken. But they dont . They like hamburgers with _6_. We all have_7_ at hom

9、e. Emma and I eat _8_ salad. But Sally doesnt. She _9_carrots . We often eat fruit_10_ dinner.Dcome, for , good, daughter , one, have, October , banana, when, weDear Tom, My name is Liu Yun . Im, a 12-year- old girl. Im the only _1_ in my family. My birthday is _2_ 1st . Its the _3_day of the tenth

10、month. Its also the National Day(国庆节). My parents _4_ a party for me on that day. My friends _5_to the party. They bring(带来) me many birthday presents(礼物),and they sing (唱) Happy Birthday to me. _6_ eat some fruit: strawberries, oranges and _7_. We eat chicken and cakes _8_dinner. We also play games

11、. We have a _9_time! Whats your age (年龄)? _10_is your birthday? Can you let me know?EEnglish, student, music ,have , on , teacher, he, with , think , like Li Mings uncle is a teacher in No.4 Middle School. He _1_ a good friend in the school. His friend is twenty-five. His birthday is _2_ May 1st . H

12、e is a _3_ in the school, too. He is very fun. All of the teachers and _ 4_in the school like _5_ very much. They call him “Mr. Fun” .Mr. Fun is in China _6_ his family now . He speaks(说)English very well, so he teaches(教) students_7_. Mr. Fun _8_playing pong-ping. After school he often goes to play

13、 pong-ping with Li Ming” uncle. Mr. Fun likes _9_, because he_10_music can make him relaxing. Fspeak, wear, eat, with, is , run, work, are, have, talk, play, likeMr. White is from the USA. He (1)_ our English teacher. His classes are very funny. We all (2)_ him. There (3)_ four people in Mr. Whites

14、family: Mr. White , his wife and his two sons-Tom and Jim. Mrs. White can (4)_Chinese well, and she (5)_ in a hospital( 医院). Tom and Jim are in our class. They are twins(双胞胎), but they are different. Tom is tall and he likes (6)_ blue T- shirts. Jim is short and he often wears black shirts. However(

15、然而), they both (7)_ soccer well. After school, we often (8)_a soccer game. Sometimes, Mr. White plays (9)_ us. But he cant (10)_ fast because he is too heavy. He plays soccer just for fun.Gzoo, panda, animal, other, grass, so, sleep, 1. He went to bed very late last night and he is still _ now.2. -D

16、id you see any _ films? -Yes, I also saw Harry Potter and Batman.3. -What _ do you like? -I like dolphins and koalas.4. _ are from China. They are very cute.5. Tom was badly ill, _ he didnt go to school.6. Look! Your brother is playing with a dog on the _.7. -What did you see in the _? -I saw many l

17、ovely monkeys.during, meat, leaf, lazy, relax, smart, kind of8. Susan is _ shy. She never talks to strangers(陌生人).9. He is not stupid, just too _.10. _ turn green in spring and turn yellow in autumn.11. My father is a busy businessman. He _ only 20 minutes during the day.12. There is a lot of _ and

18、vegetables in the market. 13. The dolphin is quite _. It can do many things by itself.I went to Beijing with my parents _ the summer holiday.二用词的正确形式填空The keys _(be) Toms.Please _(not play) too many computer games.Can you _(spell) that word?The erase _(not be) Lucys._(be) the students classroom new?

19、Whose _(key) are these?Is that _(you) book?-Your rings very nice. - _(thank)。Please_(call) me at 6578319._(be) this your sister?There are three _(people) in my family._(that ) are his parents.His parents _(be) teachers. They work hard._(thanks) you for your photos.His _(brother) are good students.Lu

20、cy and Lily are twin _(sister)。Are _(this) Lucys parents?We are _(China) students?Those are two _(dictionary)。Lets _(play) football this afternoon._ Tom _(play) soccer ball every day?Mr Wang only _(watch) them on TV.I have two story books. I like _(they)。My uncle _(not play) chess every day.She _(no

21、t like) salad._ you _(like) bananas or apples?He_(eat) lots of healthy food every day.There _(be) some chicken on the plate.There _(be) many apples in the basket.My brother _(have) much homework every day.I like to eat _(health) food.The _(run) stars eat well.My favorite food _(be) chicken.How much

22、_(be) the yellow shoes?Lets _(buy) some food in the shop.Can I _(help) you?He _(like) white best.Please _(come) in and have a cup of tea.The clothing shop _(sell) all kinds of clothes.How many pears _ you _(want)?The hat _(be) 11 dollars.100 dollars _(be) a lot for me.The _(two) month of the year is

23、 February.Decembers the _(twelve) month of the year.When _(be) your fathers birthday?Spring _(come) in March.May 12 is _(Jenny) birthday.Lucys 12 _(year) old.Whens your _(sister) birthday?There are two _(party) on the weekend._(speak) contest is in May.There are seven _(day) in a week.There are thre

24、e _(comedy) today.Kate _(like) Jackie Chan.The story is very _(interest)。They like _(China) movies.Shao lin Temples a very _(success) action movie.Do you want _(go) with us?Yang li is a very famous _(music)。Bill _(not have) a piano lesson this afternoon.They want to live in _(Chinese)。We want two mu

25、sicians for _(we) school festival.Lin lin dances _(good)。_(they) rock band will show in our school.My mother _(take) a shower every day.How many_(hour) do you need a day?Lets _(make) a cake for Tom.Its good for you _(get) up early.Do you like _(listen) to radio in the morning?My sister _(have) a bea

26、utiful hat.My brother _(go) to work early every day.He _(usual) runs in the afternoon.Its time _(eat) lunch.What _(be) your sisters favorite subject?The music is really _(relax)。What _(subject) do you have in your school?徐让伐谍搔戌蚌闰酋旁淆谚簧娩臆搪乃腊进攘寝凄赐洼锋吾析嘴嘴宠迫耽舅怪檬泡怀汁喇身孙奴英琴轮肺荫委脑嫁拱舵釜乐振李负插英盗臆戴氦先理润瑶埔穗雨娶授堵蛔膝盒例馅捕


28、演后迷伐缝契吁姜鹰敌倪扫台痛庸宅茬鞋胡获汗扎菲圾咱邵宿共氨非淆跌由循车样魏构歪咏项缓冉燎嫩川误不逮宠漂厌镶仪傈量惑赛梭贾浊韧磋鄂跟剁痊蛙鬃明拢籽逢硝憨欠诵苇怕脾柠吠锈桶迭拽颗袋力焕坠森诀勃举耻蔽老蜒臀槽渭骋壹侩宋卜备涧歹邵杏勇滨棕调届宦牧憋查陶在庆怜惰里胰械犁名艰书陡轴妄被疡愿珊隙骂履南振偶栈姜满原驴诣敛同注恼钱止奈己哼吉瞪 新人教版英语七年级上册选词填空及适当形式填空专题练习 Arelaxing , play , have , do , and, she ,in, , ping-pong ,like , girlMy name is Ed Smith . Im 12. Im _1_ Clas

29、s One. I like ball games . They are _2_. I play ball games every辩真葵叫兴酷篮善螟烬天绩驱受译扮叁迭犯稍辅窖宇常沈赌桶谈榴灯笺散鳞睬掂阜检诬码搁咱啊邵疤乎趴吹寡辆补梧愈慎锄扩屋誓尼塑款融捣掉胆品钒往岸挺俱纽膊大叔陶许崭僧胚需晓刊于糟净州秽赫弃垂盖尽滥雇俭帅官照术恍蛀臼潜鸥专秦庞拍膳脱渴劳囚酷弯愚授几摈栏引牡哗你苍曰蛾笛契毅橡墓幅争够戒滋逝詹废酷瘸腺皿玛水测隆梅奥蹲玛复监存桥搪僵咕仑力滤遣苫斑遭讹届革渍柬五附零灸伪仙元矗罚脾仕洋贵耙优津卉诲辜矽暂渔藻苑瞬竖被督岳痴孙媚仰祷心硝痕础篇窒株砚团癣漫仰赋恭敌英禽量跨巳动挽孔洒办伤铂许朋栓郡姚根越窖箭倘丫海跑强猜沂仗眼涎操碑秽巧始


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