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1、PEP 小学四年级下册英语第一单元补偿性作业班级:姓名:一、看图,根据上下文,在句子的空格处填上适当的词。 (每格一词)Welcome to my school. There are 28 s here.Look! This is the new .That is the .The is green.We have five s and eight s. .There are fifty s. .二、 选择正确答案。( )1.Is this the washroom? _A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.No, it isn( )2. The library is on

2、 the _ floor.A.one B.two C.second t.( )3.Let s go and _A.have look B.have a look C.look at( )4. Do you have lunch _ school?A.in B.at C.on( )5. How many _ are there in your school?A.student B.students C.studentes( )6._ way, please.A. This B.That C. This is( )7.Welcome _ our school!A.on B.in C.to( )8.

3、We draw pictures in the _A.music room B.art room C.canteen( )9.We can read books in the _.A.library B.TV room C.gym( )10.This is my desk. That is _ desk.A.your B.you C.I三、图文搭配A B C D( )1.Is this the teacher s office? Yes, it is.( )2. Look! This is our playground.( )3.The library is on the first floo

4、r.( )4.What s on the teacher s desk? It s a computer.四、短语搭配。( )1.Go to the teacher office. A.sWater the flowers.( )2. Go to the canteen. B. Eat some noodles.( )3. Go to the library. C.Play football.( )4. Go to the playground. D.Read a story-book.( )5. Go to the garden. E.Hand in the homework.五、根据所给的

5、图片,将问题补充完整。1、Is that a library? 1、 2、2、Is this an art room?3、This . 3、 4、4、That . 4、六、选择合适的答案,把序号填到前面的括号中。1、( ) Lets go the library、. Yes,A I do.2、( ) Where is the teachers 、officeYs,? itBis.3、( ) Do you have lunch at school ? C、 Forty-six.4、( ) How many desks are there in your class? D、OK.5、( ) Is

6、that your pencil ? E、It s on the first floor.七、阅读理解,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground . In this building(大楼 ), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. There are many story-books and picture

7、 books in the library. You can read books in it. My classroomis on the second floor. It s big and clean. I like it.( )1、There are classrooms in my school.A、thirty B 、thirteen( )2、The playground is .A、small B、big( )3、The library is on the floor.A、first B 、second( )4、My classroom isA、clean B、small( )5、I my school.A、dont like 、Blike


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