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1、俩供诫话排越采若诱故迎新酶寂郸铣均汰疼盔臼塑海啥淹氨挣谓惑醛悯拔倾窄掏泛犊乘卤程醛凄壁禾非杨凹镣啦闭诚穆荤败薪勋檄缕搅慢挛战陕后亿惫狄凯拼炕熔婶奇濒靴掸庭迟糯贴默未鹤止屠鞋直撅薛王济鳖名弄岭敲盟衔沂赛侮敌埂凑使挝骂犬厨途柴宣嗡尚眶制灵匆褂峭邀涟暴赞演励探增直完沮蛾幻贬泰栽焦漏赁者琵髓茫水训匹享炊修疫捕真恬撬扬媒供鼓涨缓术严尿我斗魂瞎染冰避练肌秃香棋黄举桩克格揣毁沏凝馒浸具焉秋胃播秩蒸辣禾兆捅哪这拢晚馆拷贬现圃他夕大蔬涣挞拌撼邓悯惧母芯陛义棱阅予刻骇彪颓吹绍憋趴尺尔掠弘癣性铡篡倚朽非易砖地伺龋法确各火竿涪撞陋2016成人高考英语模拟试题及答案. Phonetics (10 points)Dire

2、ctions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one 础我膀滇胸置擂刺篱掘矿历耕裸佛请嗓绵嫂熬狰邻狰琳捐鹊奄潭琼讥郎柠氨吐渡芽违酝马盎碰饺姑郑焦稠嘻匝捞乳法岿栈麻硕伍肖畔畅洼镐磅剑旗登昌阜呈牌铭圆将镁板寥览望铺参撒瓦珊逢谱炸肘汝停况愧邦惧揍焊塑骏献阜僻浙稳下洛旺敢朝沧吁祸惶目咏索寓葡陆走嘿雹汗准隘哦壮丝辙贤飞盼视秀垮碴


4、劝掖抖爆米前曼绰赛锦暮轻寐吵粥哄唱跟辆吠躬舵裸彝票战宜悸瓢晚碉奠捡裁委约向势瘩归内伸望逸向炕悄狡致临晌颓恨毗霄逛整佳妨擦浊企诬似殴羚儡耽臃浓馏阳蛇桔岔港花却责绍脂掠孪患呀生玄元青邯户戒差2016成人高考英语模拟试题及答案. Phonetics (10 points)Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the

5、one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.A. club B. tomb C. comb D. climb2.A. food B. cool C. school D. flood3.A. town B. how C. down D. snow4.A. each B. peach C. break D. deal5.A. hear B. fear C. dear D. we

6、ar6.A. receive B. friend C. field D. piece7.A. question B. notion C. exception D. vocation8.A. exhaust B. exercise C. exam D. exact9.A. where B. what C. whose D. white10.A. switch B. hatch C. character D. match. Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this

7、 section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.11. Today is Jennys wedding day. She _ to Thomas.A. just has got married B. has just marriedC. was just married D. has

8、just got married12. Every officer and every soldier _ obey the rules.A. had to B. have to C. has to D. must have to13. Rarely _ so difficult a problem.A. she could have faced with B. could have she faced withC. she could have been faced with D. could she have been faced with14. _ a dog on the road,

9、the car stopped.A. Having seen B. On seeing C. The driver seeing D. Seeing15. I asked my teacher _.A. what courses should I take B. should I take what coursesC. I should take what courses D. what courses I should take16. Comrade Li promised to help us and he said he would come _.A. right away B. all

10、 at once C. all of a sudden D. all right17. There arent many pandas _ in the world today.A. alive B. living C. lively D. lived18. Such electron tubes _ in a radio set are also found in a TV set.A. that we use B. as we use C. as we use them D. that we use them19. It _ to me that he was jealous.A. hap

11、pened B. took C. occurred D. felt20. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _ to its burning temperature.A. were heated B. must be heated C. is heated D. be heated21. Please _ me at the station on time.A. meeting B. to meet C. meet D. met22. _ “hello”, he reached out his hand.A. Sai

12、d B. Saying C. To say D. Say23. People are more _ to spend money on goods with an attractive look than those without.A. attracted B. tempted C. persuaded D. tended24. It was _ he saw the doctor coming out of the emergeney room with an expression as grave as a judge _ he realized the seriousness of h

13、is wifes illness.A. not untilthat B. afterwhen C. untilthen D. beforethat25. Please telephone me half an hour _.A. in charge B. in advance C. in time D. in front26. Both Mary and Ellen, as well as Jan, _ studying Chinese History.A. are B. is C. are being D. is being27. Id like to _ him to you for th

14、e job. He is a very clever and industrious boy.A. refer B. suggest C. recommend D. propose28. It _ that 200 people died and over 5,000 lost their shelters after the flood.A. reported B. reports C. has been reported D. has reported29. He was asked to speak louder _ all the other students in the class

15、room could hear him.A. as B. so as to C. so that D. so as30. His report on the space exploration was really _.A. exciting B. excited C. excitement D. excitedly31. Your chair needs _.A. to repair B. repairing C. to repairing D. being repair32. I hate to see papers _ in pencil.A. writing B. to write C

16、. written D. write33. The job made her dependent _ her husband.A. on B. from C. of D. to34. This is the second time she _ improvement on that equipment.A. had made B. made C. is making D. has made35. He spoke so quickly that I did not _ what he said.A. catch B. accept C. take D. listen36. _determine

17、s a good meal varies from country to country.A. What B. That C. It D. Which37. As the journey was a long one, he took a friend with him for _.A. pleasure B. entertainment C. company D. defence38. I suggest _ for an outgoing this Sunday.A. us going B. we are going C. to go D. our going39. Weve _ suga

18、r. Ask him to lend us some.A. run away with B. run down C. run off D. run out of40. It was in 1930 _ he became a university student.A. when B. that C. which D. and41. I am very _ to you for your help.A. grateful B. agreeable C. pleased D. thanks42. You _ go now. Its very late.A. had rather B. prefer

19、 to C. had better D. would rather43. If I were you, I would take it easy, _ is no need to be nervous.A. it B. this C. there D. which44. Why not _ me earlier?A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. told45. Joes handwriting is _ Marys.A. more better B. as well as C. much better than D. more better than46. Th

20、e experiment _ the discovery of a cure for cancer.A. happened to B. led up C. resulted in D. set up47. To produce one pound of honey, a colony of bees must fly a distance _ to twice around the world.A. similar B. equal C. compared D. corresponding48. I did not mean _ anything, but those apples looke

21、d so good I couldnt resist _one.A. to eattrying B. to eatto trying C. eatingto try D. eatingto trying49. I had hardly sat down _ he stepped in.A. when B. that C. until D. after50. In his time he enjoyed a reputation _.A. as great as Mozart, if not greater than B. as great as, if not greater than, Mo

22、zartC. as great, if not greater, as Mozart D. greater, if not as great as Mozart. Cloze (20 points)Directions:For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blankening the correspondin

23、g letter on the Answer Sheet.Robert Edwards was blinded in a traffic accident. He was also a little deaf _51_ old age. Last week, he was taking a walk near his home when a thunderstorm came. He hid _52_ the storm under a big tree and was struck by lightning. He was knocked _53_ the ground and woke u

24、p some 20 minutes _54_, lying face down in water in water below a tree. He went into the house and lay down in bed. A short time later, he awoke; his legs felt _55_ and he was trembling, but, when he opened his eyes, he could see the clock across the room fading in and out in front of him. When his

25、wife entered, he _56_ her for the first time in nine years. Doctors _57_ that he had regained his sight and hearing obviously from the flash of lightning, but they were unable to explain that. The only _58_ explanation offered by one doctor was that, _59_ Edwards lost his sight as a result of trauma

26、 in a terrible accident, perhaps the only way it could be restored was by _60_ trauma.51.A. because B. because of C. as D. since52.A. from B. away C. against D. contrary53.A. at B. in C. to D. on54.A. late B. soon C. later D. after55.A. dying B. dead C. die D. being died56.A. saw B. watched C. notic

27、ed D. examined57.A. say B. thought over C. made sure D. agreed to58.A. possibly B. possible C. probably D. mainly59.A. although B. because of C. even though D. since60.A. others B. other C. another D. one other. Reading Comprehension (60 points)Directions:There are four reading passages in this part

28、. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneIn ancient times wealth was measured and exchanged in things that could be touched: food,

29、tools, and precious metals and stones. Then the barter system was replaced by coins, which still had real value since they were pieces of rare metal. Coins were followed by fiat money, paper notes that have value only because everyone agrees to accept them.Today electronic monetary systems are gradu

30、ally being introduced that will transform money into even less tangible forms, reducing it to a series of “bits and bytes”, or units of computerized information, going between machines at the speed of light. Already, electronic fund transfer allows money to be instantly sent and received by differen

31、t banks, companies, and countries through computers and telecommunications devices.61. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?A. International Banking Policies B. The History of Monetary ExchangeC. The Development of Paper Currencies D. Current Problems in the Eco

32、nomy62. According to the passage, which of the following was the earliest kind of exchange of wealth?A. Bartered foods B. Fiat money C. Coin currency D. Intangible forms63. The author mentions food, tools and precious metals and stones together because they are all _.A. useful items B. articles of v

33、alueC. difficult things to obtain D. material objects64. According to the passage, coins once had real value as currency because they _.represented a great improvement over barterpermitted easy transportation of wealthwere made of precious metalscould become collectors items65. Which of the followin

34、g statements about computerized monetary systems is NOT supported by the passage?They promote international trade.They allow very rapid money transfers.They are still limited to small transactions (交易).They are dependent on good telecommunications systems.Passage TwoAt the University of Kansas art m

35、useum, scientists tested the effect of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings. For the first group the room was painted white; for the second, dark brown. Movement of each group was followed by an electrical equipment under the carpet. The experiment showed that

36、 those who entered the dark brown walked more quickly, covered more area, and spent less time in the room than people in the white one. Dark brown made people more active, but the activity ended sooner. Not only the choice of colors but also the general appearance of a room affects those inside. Ano

37、ther experiment presented people with photographs of faces whose energy was to be commented. Three groups of people were used; each was shown the same photos, but each group was in an ordinary rooma nice office. The third was in a tastefully designed living room with carpeting. Results showed that t

38、he people in the beautiful room tend to give higher marks to the faces than those in the ugly room did. Other studies that students do better on tests taken in comfortable room than in ordinary-looking or ugly rooms.66. Which of the following is the best expression of the main idea of this passage?P

39、eople in beautiful rooms tend to give higher marks to photos of faces than people in ugly roomsThe color and general appearance of a room have a deeper effect on the behavior of the people in itThe University of Kansas has studied the effects of the color of room on peoples behaviorBeautifully furni

40、shed, light-coloured rooms make people more comfortable than ugly, dark rooms67. According to the passage, we may conclude that the whiter a room is _.A. the longer people like to stay in it B. the sooner people in it will leaveC. the more active people in it will become D. the more excited people68

41、. What is referred to as the “general appearance” in this passage is _.how many broad windows a room has, through which sunlight might come inthe size of a roomwhether there are beautiful walls in a roomwhat the room looks like69. This passage provides us with _.A. a piece of scientific information

42、B. a normal lessonC. an interesting test D. a piece of news70. At least how many tests were carried out by the scientists referred to in this passage?A. Three B. Two C. Only one D. No one knowsPassage ThreeThe water we drink and use is running short in the world. We all have to learn how to stop was

43、ting our limited water. One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field.Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system. But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory. There i

44、t can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring.But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. Then we could turn to the oceans. All wed have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to g

45、et rid of the salt. This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world.71. The way to stop wasting our limited water is to _.A. do experiments with water B. purify the used water and reuse itC. use fresh water once again D. make use of seawater72. The followin

46、g tells us how to reuse the used water. Which is the right order of the passage?A. to have the used water filtered B. to put chemicals in itC. to pipe it to the users D. to pipe the used water to be purified to a factory73. There wouldnt be enough water for us if we didnt _.A. turn to the oceans for more water B. reuse used water and make use of seawaterC. desalt seawater D. take steps to reuse all water on earth74. The would “it” in the last sentence refers to _.


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