9A Unit 7 Integrated skills 同步练习.doc

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1、9A Unit 7 Integrated skills 同步练习【自主学习】一、听读背诵9年级上 Unit 7 Integrated skills内容20分钟。二、复习课本P101-102单词、短语、句型及课文后,默写下列短语并用红笔批改订正。1 适合于各个了年龄层_ 2 票价_3 一部三个小时的纪录片_ 4 一只小恐龙_5 被挑选为未来的国王_ 6 爱上_7相关于电影的一个演讲_ 8特价优惠_9 似乎充满了谜团_ 10 相当愚蠢_【基础训练】一、根据要求写单词。A)根据中文提示完成句子。1. Tony said he did something _(愚蠢的) when he was very

2、 young. 2. The young man_(陷入)in love with the kind girl at the first sight.3. The talk on films has been_(取消). Lets go to the cinema instead.4. There is a _ (特别的)offer before 6p.m. on Friday.5. In this area, there are many hills where _(恐龙) bones were foundB)用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。6. They have changed the

3、whole _(appear) of the old building. 7. _ (tale) of Old Beijing is a documentary directed by Zhang Xiaoping. 8. All the people were _ (amazing) when they heard the news. 9. The old lady lay on the bed _ (peaceful) and she seemed asleep. 10. Michael Jacksons death was a great_ (lose) to the music ind

4、ustry. C) 用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。11. Romantic films seem_(have)beautiful stories. I like them.12. Here is some information about the photos_(show)at the museum.13. Lane _(choose) to play the lead role in the film yesterday.14. The football game_(cancel) already because of the heavy rain.15. Didnt you see t

5、he sign? It says No _(park)!”.二、选择填空。( ) 1. I dont like reading newspapers. _. A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So I do D. Neither I do( )2. _ do you _ this American film on TV? A. How; think of B. What; think of C. How; like D. B or C( )3. ABC Cinema_ a film called Love Boat. A.is show B.is showing C.

6、is showed D.is on( )4._there was a train every five minutes, _it was still very crowded. A.Although; but B.Although; / C.Because; so D.Because; /( )5. I think Paul is _ a careful person that he seldom makes mistakes. But this time he did. He was _ nervous that he made a tiny mistake. A. so; such B.

7、very; so C. such; that D. such; so三、翻译句子。1. 所有人都会爱上这个小女孩,因为她太可爱了。All people will _ because she is so lovely. 2. 这部三个小时的纪录片向你展示了很多年前北京是什么样。This _ shows you _ many years ago.3. 恐怖片似乎充满了谜团,所以我喜欢看。Horror films _, so I like watching them.4. 虽然爱情片有动人的故事,但是不适合所有年龄层的人。Romantic films _, _ stories.5. 恐龙世界正在当地

8、的一家电影院上映。这是一部科幻片,这部电影把恐龙鲜活地展现在荧屏上。The World of Dinosaurs _. It is a science fiction film, which _.【能力提高】_一、完形填空。Sui Lu is now well-known as a Chinese gymnast (体操运动员). She was one of the brightest at the Guangzhou Asian Games. At the Games 18-year-old Sui won 2 gold medals in team, all-round, balance

9、 beam and floor exercise.Sui started 3 in gymnastics at the age of 3 and joined the national team in 2005. The Hunan girl was first 4 when she got two gold medals in the 2008 National Championships (锦标赛) in Tianjin. 5 thought Sui would go to the Beijing Olympics. But Sui made a few small 6 in the fo

10、llowing two World Championships in Russia and France. She wasnt 7to be in the Olympic team. The 8 girl cried her heart out.The failure changed Sui 9 a quieter, but more hard-working person. These last two competitions have helped me learn to become more 10, especially on the balance beam, Sui said.S

11、he proved 11 again at the 11th Chinese National Games. At the Games she 12 two gold medals.Now, Suis 13 is to go to the London 2012 Olympics. Ive 14 been to the Olympics, said Sui. I will try my best to get the chance to go to London and I wont give up 15 the last moment.( )1.A. teams B. coaches C.

12、stars D. singers ( )2.A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )3.A. running B. trainingC. swimming D. teaching ( )4.A. noticed B. forgotten C. advisedD. seen ( )5.A. SomebodyB. Everybody C. AnybodyD. Nobody ( )6.A. changesB. friends C. mistakes D. excuses ( )7.A. refused B. warned C. found D. chosen ( )8.

13、A. happy B. lonely C. poor D. angry ( )9.A. into B. for C. with D. at( )10.A. excited B. proud C. beautifulD. careful ( )11.A. himself B. herself C. myself D. yourself ( )12.A. won B. gave C. found D. sold ( )13.A. reason B. job C. dream D. way ( )14.A. never B. still C. even D. already ( )15.A. sin

14、ce B. when C. after D. until二、首字母填空。I love watching different movies. No matter what my mood is, I can always find a (1) s_ movie to enjoy. When Im feeling down, I watch (2) c movies or comedies, because they may make me laugh and (3) f the unhappy things momentarily(暂时地). When Im tired from study,

15、I love to watch(4) r films. The stories of them are pretty simple and touching. The (5) l actors and actresses are usually handsome and beautiful. In the (6) f_part, there are usually happy endings. That is really a good way for me to relax. When I am happy, I like watching adventure (冒险) movies, bu

16、t not documentaries or science (7) f_films. Adventure movies will make me excited. And there are always (8)a_ endings waiting for me. With an excellent script, a good (9) d_ can take me to the exciting journey in the film directed by him. There are some other types of movies such as horror movies or (10) a movies. But I dont like them. They always make me scared or bored. I hardly watch them. 1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5. _6. _ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10. _【课前预习】预习Unit 7 Study skills.


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