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1、Unit 8 Time went by quickly!,时刻表达法,一、顺读法:先读点钟,再读分钟。(点钟+分钟) 二、逆读法:先读分钟,再读点钟。(分钟+ past/to +点钟) 1.小于30分:分钟+past+点钟 2.等于30分:half + past +点钟 3.大于30分:(60-分钟)+to+下一个点钟 15分钟= a quarter,to,past,oclock,half,quarter,quarter,five,ten,twenty,twenty-five,twenty past twelve,half past four,a quarter to twelve,five

2、past ten,ten to one,twenty to one,特别提示: am/pm之前不可有oclock,也不能和morning/afternoon同时用。 例如:“上午8点”不可以说at 8 oclock am 或 at 8 am in the morning,应该说at 8 am 或at 8 oclock in the morning 或 at 8 in the morning。,询问时间,用句型 Whats the time?/What time is it? 用Its回答 Eg.Whats the time? /What time is it? Its two oclock.,

3、如果要问别人什么时间做什么事情,可以用疑问词“when”或“what time”来提问。what time常用来问钟点,而when除了问钟点外,还可用来问日期,月份,年份等。有时两者可以换用,有的场合不可以。1.问钟点时,可以换用。When do you go to school?What time do you go to school?2.问日期,月份,年份等,只能用whenWhen were you born? I was born on July 2,1972.3.当问某事在某天的什么具体时间进行,只能用what timeWhat time did you call this afte

4、rnoon?I called at 4:00 this afternoon.,句子翻译: 1、几点了? 2、六点了。 3、一点十五分了。 4、你通常什么时间看电视? 5、我通常八点钟看电视。 6、他通常什么时间读英语? 7、他通常在四点半读英语。,Early time and early history 早期历史,_ lived 65,000,000 years ago.,Dinosaurs,_ was first used 500,000 BC by Peking man(北京人) .,Fire,_ were built between 2940-2900 BC.,The Pyramids,

5、Centuries ago 几个世纪前,_ of China was built around 214 BC.,The Great Wall,Edinburgh(爱丁堡) _was built between 1058-1093 .,It was restored(重修) in 1745 to what it looks like today.,Castle,The old _ was built between 1176 and 1209 .,London Bridge,The first_was flown in 1903 by the American Orville Wright.,p

6、lane,Years ago 几十年前,_ began to be in use in the early 1930s (二十世纪三十年代).,Computers,Tom Kilburn (汤姆 科尔本)wrote the worlds first computer programme(程序) in 1948 at Manchester (曼彻斯特) University .,_ were first made in the 1950s.,Robots,The USSR (前苏联)completed the first _ in 1965.,space walk,The _ (互联网)has

7、existed (存在)since 1992 .,World Wide Web,Into the future 进入未来,_地球村,Global Village,我们学到的单词有:,名词类:(熟读并说出汉语) dinosaur fire Peking man the Pymamids the Great Wall Edinburgh castle London Bridge computer programme Manchester University the World Wide Web the USSR Global Village,以上我们所看到的句子全部是英语的被动语态。被动语态由“

8、be+过去分词”构成,一般 我们不知道动作的执行者是谁时,可以用到被动语态。有时我们还会遇见强调突出动作的承受者时, 也可以用到。在句子结尾处加上介词by+动作的执行者就行了。 Eg.The window was opened by father.窗户是爸爸打开的。 判断以下是否是被动语态: 1、The USSR completed the first space walk in 1965. 2、Fire was first used 500,000 BC by Peking man. 3、The Pyremids were built between 29402900 BC.,句子2是一般过

9、去时,是由主语+动词过去式组成的。,动词类:说出下列动词的过去式和过去分词吧。 use - live- exist- complete- begin- write- make- fly - build-,lived - lived,used- used,existed- existed,completed - completed,began - begun,wrote - written,made - made,flew - flown,built - built,我们学到的单词有:,时间类:(熟读并说出汉语) 65,000,000 years ago 500,000 BC around 21

10、4 BC between 1058-1093 in 1903 in the early 1930s in the 1950s since 1992 in the late 1980s,Different clocks in different time 不同时代的钟表,Long ago , people remembered the time by counting the number of nights they had slept .,Sandglass,Candle clock,Weight-driven clock,Spring driven clock,Pendulum clock

11、,Modern clock,Modern clock,Modern watches,Listen and answer these questions!,1.How old was Katy? 2.What poblem did she have? 3.Did she want to be late? 4.Who bought her a new watch? 5.What colour was the watch? 6.Where would she meet her friends later that day? 7.Was she later again? 8.Why didnt she look at her new watch?,


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