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1、,Unit3(2) Lunch in the garden.,单元音,双元音,长元音,短元音,a: : : i: u:, i u e ,ei au i ai u e i,元 音,辅音,清辅音 浊辅音, t f s d v z , p t k ts tr h b d g dz dr , w j l r m n ,其它辅音,Part6 Lets act.,水果,饮料,植物,时间,名字,食物,drinks,fruit,plants,time,name,food,-Let me try! I can read it!,家庭,身体,运动,数字,学习用具,颜色,family,body,sports,sch

2、ool things,colour,number,动物,农场,动物园,沙滩,商场,书店,animal,farm,zoo,beach,shop,bookshop,me nju:, rais,bred,b:g,A: -What would you like , sir/miss?,B: -Id like some . Its my favourite.它是我的最爱。, nu:dlz, ku:ki, pits,pmpkin, njn, kfi,A:-What would you like , sir/miss? B: -Id like some. Its my favourite.,车站,公园,火车

3、站,bus stop,park,train station stein,candy,beerbi啤酒,cookies饼干,coffee,noodles,hot dog,A: Can I have some ., please?,B: -Sure.,=Ok=No problem.,chicken,eggs,chips/fries tips /fraiz,chocolate,A: -Can I have some ., please?,B: -Sure=Ok=No problem.,ice cream,sausage,5, kjsdvpotburger,Lets find out,1, arrno

4、odleslkjilmxsi,2, uvnisandwichmmklopijk,3, ascgbutterlklz,4, chincheesehyuikjl,5, kjriceotbbread,Lets find out,1, arrnchipslkjilmxsi,2, uvFrench Friesmmklopijk,3, ascgchocolateklz,4, chincheesehyuikjl,Dictation: 面包_ 米饭_ 面条_ 啤酒_ 热狗_ 薯条_ 汉堡_ 饼干_,bread,rice,noodles,beer,hot dog,chips / fries,burger,coo

5、kie,-Im hungry now! 我饿了! Lets buy(买) some food, ok?,A:-What shall we buy? Any ideas?,我们该买些什么啦?有什么主意吗?,B:-Lets buy some _.,chips and eggs,A: -Can I have some noodles, please?,B: -No problem.(没问题) Help yourself, please!请随便吃!,A: -Thank you!,B: -Youre welcome! (不用谢),-Do you often eat _? fn经常,noodles,-Ye

6、s, I do!,-No, never.(从不),-Not often, but sometimes. 不是经常,但是有时候! smtaimz有时候,/-No, I dont!,你能说出下列单词中相同元音字母组合的发音吗?,park garden farm lark mark yard,ar ,a:,pa:k,ga:dn,fa:m,la:k,ma:k,ja:d,bat,fan,cap,bag,cat,mat,rat,egg,Can you speak out some opposites? 反义词,This is a big dog!,This is a small baby!,happy,t

7、all,old,cold,short,sad,hot,long,small,big,slow,quick,young,-This is long, Whichwit is short? (哪一个),-Its overu v theree.(在那边) (Its here.在这里),happy,tall,old,cold,short,sad,hot,long,small,big,slow,quick,young,-Hello, everyone(大家好). Please work in groups now. 工作w:k gru:p组,happy,tall,old,cold,short,sad,h

8、ot,long,small,big,slow,quick,young,Match the opposites: mt搭配,We can match them. Lets do it!,1. Hello, everyone. Please work in groups now. 大家好,请大家分组工作!,2.This is a small baby.,3.This is a big dog.,4.This is long, which is short?,5.Its over there. 在那边,6.We can match them. (搭配),7.Lets do it.,1. Hello,

9、 everyone. Please work in groups now! 2. This is a small baby. 3. This is a big dog. 4. This is long, which is short? 5. Its over there. 6. We can match them. 7. Lets do it!,大家好,现在请分组工作!,这是一个小孩子。,这是一只大狗狗!,这是long,哪一个是short?,在那边!,让我们来搭配他们吧!,让我们动手吧!,8.What is he doing?,9.He is cutting a new letterlet字母

10、.,cutkt剪,10.Great! We can play a word game. w:d单词 玩一个单词游戏,11.Lets do it. 让我们行动吧!,Every child has a piece of paper, -Whats on the paper?,School things,Animals,Clothes,vegetables,12. Where is my shell? el贝壳,13. Its under(在.下面) your paper.,15. Youre welcome! (不用谢),14. Ah, here it is!(在这儿) Thanks!,=than

11、k you!,16.Where should I put(放) the book?,ud应该,我应该把书放在哪里啦?,12. Where is my shell? el贝壳,13. Its under(在.下面) your paper.,14. Ah, here it is!(在这儿) Thanks!,15. Youre welcome! (不用谢),16.Where should I put the book?,Lets listen to the radio, you should repeat(复述) the sentence loudly(大声地), ok?,Part6 Listen,

12、 say and act(演练).,Its nine oclock.,Shes late for school.,lateleit迟到的,hi,are you often late for school?,王老师,对不起,我迟到了!,没关系,下次不要迟到了!,question问题 kwestn,用中文怎么说“eraser?,-Whats the Chinese for eraser? tainiz中国的,中文的,举一反三:,1.用中文怎么说“tall?,Whats the Chinese for tall?,2.用中文怎么说“old?,Whats the Chinese for old?,3.

13、用中文怎么说“match?,Whats the Chinese for match?,excuse me iks,kju:z 打扰一下,English:英语,-Whats the English for “Qianbihe“? 用英语怎么说“eraser”?,举一反三:,1.用英文怎么说“Gaode?,Whats the English for Gaode?,2.用英文怎么说“Duande?,Whats the English for Duande?,3.用英文怎么说“Dapei?,Whats the English for Dapei?,=Come in, please!,打扰一下,我能进来吗?,当然了!,没关系!,对不起!,Now, listen to the radio and repeat the sentence. Try to remember them.,


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