剑桥少儿英语二级下Unit10 Let27s guess..ppt

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1、Grammar,Unit 10 Lets guess.,重点知识 Could-Can的过去式, 其用法与Can相同. A. + 动词的原形 B. 不受任何人称的限制 eg: I could play the piano then. He could swim when he was 5 years old. 一般疑问句: Could you tell me a word beginning with A? Yes, I could./ No, I couldnt.,.Lets +V原 让我们 Lets=Let us eg:Lets play football. .祈使句:表示一种命令或是请求。

2、 1)特征:以动词原形开头,祈使句中出现please时,表示一种委婉语气,please放前放后。eg: Stand up! Go back! Please open the door! Come in, please! You can put on your coat. (变为祈使句) Put on your coat. 2) 否定句:在动词前加dont。 Dont put on your coat. eg: Dont be late! Dont worry!,hobby: 喜好, 爱好 Whats your hobby? My hobby is singing songs. I like p

3、laying football. I like to watch TV. favourite 特别喜欢的,最喜爱的 Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is rice. I like rice.,定语从句 (简单了解) 掌握以where, who, which和that 引导的定语从句。where-地点 who-人 which/that-物 Eg: This is the place where children can read books. This is a person who can make you happy. This is

4、 a thing that we can use it to take photos. This is an animal which only has got two colours.,情态动词: can 与 could,1. He _ swim when he was 10 years old. 2. I _ see with my eyes. 3. Can you _ (open) the window? 4. My mother can _(drive) the car. 5. Could you _(tell) a story? 6. Can you tell me five ani

5、mals? _ 7. Could you tell me a word beginning with B? _,could,can,open,drive,tell,Yes, I can./ No, I cant.,Yes, I could./ No, I couldnt.,定语从句:,用 who, which/that, where 填空:,This is the place _ children can sing. This is an animal _ has got a long tail. This is a person _ can make you sad. This is the room _ we can sleep here. 翻译: 1. Teachers like the students who are polite. 2. I like the music which is quiet. .,where,who,where,which/that,老师喜欢有礼貌的学生.,我喜欢安静一点的音乐.,


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