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1、就职演讲新任班主任对同学的讲话a new head teachers address to his classmy dear fellow boys and girls, my friends,when i stand before the teachers desk, or, i wouldrather say when i stand on the stage, it seems to methatthe purplecurtainsofboth sidesaredrawingopengently. and on this occasion a play full of vigor iso

2、n itsway. tomy extremehappiness,you all,classtwoof seniorgradeone willperform theplaywho, ithink,will be loyal to your performers each. the play may beone of the longest plays in the world, because it willlastthreeyearstill your whole periodofseniorgrade.because of all these, i would like to be awar

3、m-hearted announcer. i would like to take theopportunitytodeclarethatthe playby class two seniorgrade one begins.above all, i think, as a head teacher of your class,i should be a well-qualified director. i am eager todirectplays fullwithmodern atmosphere.thekeytunewillbe unity,intentness,earnestness

4、and liveliness.the main contentswillbe comprehension,friendshipandlove each other, pioneering and creativity. the main第 1页story will be the love of collective and collective oflove.as a director,i willcarefullydesignattractiveplots,typicalcharactersand strikingstories for allof you. now today every

5、one of you presentshows us yourown brilliance as you can.the stage belongs to you. of course you are theleading roles. i will be willing to be a supportingactorand trywhat ican to serve you all.iwillsharethe enjoyment of your success silently.moreover, i will be willing to be a pious audiencewho wou

6、ld like to smile, tear, and applause for yourwonderful performances. i will be willing to shakehands with you all with heartfelt words: congratulateyou on your success.when you say goodbye to your middle school life inthe end inthethreeyearsand when you ascend thestageof life, you will feel greatly

7、that what you get fromthe classareso valuableto you. what an unforgettableperiod of your life you have in the class!afterthreeyearswhen our curtainsof theclassclose,i would like to hear your remark on my work; mr. lie,you are our qualified director as well as a very good第 2页supportingactor,and you a

8、re stillthe audiencewe alllike.thank you for your applause. from you applause i can see your comprehension and support, although the curtain just begins.let me wish to have our smooth and successful cooperation!亲爱的同学们、朋友们:当我站在这讲台上,不,应当说是舞台上,我似乎觉得两侧的紫色帷幕缓缓拉开,最富有生气的戏剧,就要开始了。最令我兴奋的是,这戏剧拥有一群忠于自己角色的演员,那就

9、是高一( 2)班的全体成员!这戏剧也许是人世间最长的了,因为要持续三年时间,那是整个高中阶段。为此,我愿意做一名热情的报幕员,此时此刻向观众宣布:高一( 2)班的戏剧开始了!我想,我这个班主任首先应该是一名合格的导演,我渴望导出充满时代气息的戏剧来:团结、紧张、严肃、活泼是它的主调;理解、友爱、开拓、创新是它的主要故事。作为导演,我将精心设计出生动的情节、典型的角色、迷人的故事奉献给所有的演员今天在座的每一位,但你们要最大程度地开发你们的才华。这舞台是你们的,你们是当然的主角,我心甘情愿地做一第 3页名配角,尽我的力量竭诚为主角服务、效劳。而在你们成功的演出中,我只想默默地分享一点点成功的快慰。不仅如此,我还要做一名最虔诚的观众,为你们精彩的演出微笑、流泪、鼓掌、欢呼,我愿意握住每一个人的手,诚心诚意地道一句:祝贺你的成功。三年之后,当你们最后与自己的中学时代告别,将要登上人生的大舞台时,你们会深深地感到,这小舞台所给予你的一切是多么珍贵,这是一段多么难忘的人生旅途。三年之后,当我们高一( 2)班的戏剧舞台徐徐落下帷幕的时候,我愿意听到你们这样评价我的工作:列老师,你是我们满意的导演,也是一名不错的配角,更是我们喜欢的观众。谢谢大家的掌声,从掌声中我感到了你们的理解和支持,虽然序幕刚刚拉开。预祝我们的合作顺利、成功!第 4页


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