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1、Noun Clause,名词性从句,为什么叫名词性从句? _,整个从句相当于一个名词,比较:,This thing disappointed his mother.,2. 为什么要有名词性从句?,这件事情使他的母亲很失望.,那孩子考试又不及格令他母亲很失望. (从句作主语),名词能做的成分,从句都能做,从句表达的意思比名词复杂得多,That the boy failed again in the exam disappointed his mother.,名词性从句,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,主语从句在句中做- 宾语从句在句中做- 表语从句在句中做- 同位语从句在句中-,主语,

2、宾语,表语,同位语,1. That he will come makes us happy.,2. I know that he will come.,3. The truth is that he is a robber.,4. The fact that he is a robber surprises us.,宾语从句,1. I believe ( that ) they have already known the truth.,That + 陈述句,只有宾语从句中的that一般可以省略。,b. if/whether + 陈述句,2. I wonder whether he will

3、accept the invitation or not.,3.She want to know how long I will stay in Guangzhou.,c. 疑问词+句子的剩余成分,所有的名词性从句都可以由以下三种关系词引导。,请用正确的关系词填空,1).It all depends on whether they will support us . 2).Whether he will go there is not known . 3).When theyll start the project has not been decided yet. 4).He made it

4、 clear to the public that he did an important and necessary job . 5).The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people . 6).My trouble is that I dont have enough money. 7).Please tell me what you were doing at this time Yesterday.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,If 不能放在介词后面,Write Through Applyi

5、ng Grammar Rules,4. Point out the noun clause and the function it serves in each of the following complex sentences.,The ministers agree that global warming is a serious world problem.,2. How we can get rid of poverty pvti is a big problem.,3. Where he had escaped from puzzled me.,1 部长们一致认为全球变暖是一个严重

6、的问题。,2 我们如何消除贫穷是一个大的问题。,3 他从哪里逃出来的使我很迷惑。,翻译练习,4. The news that the policeman himself is the thief surprises many people .,Write Through Applying Grammar Rules,The problem is that Mr. Brown doesnt understand your words.,6. Whether he has signed the contract or not doesnt matter.,4 这个警察自己就是贼的消息使很多人都很惊

7、讶。,5 问题是布朗先生听不懂你的话。,6 他签不签这个合同都没有关系。,6. It doesnt matter whether he has signed the contract or not.,主语从句,1. 主语从句:从句在句中充当主语成分,1) Whether he will go there is not known . 2) Whoever comes is welcome.,3)When theyll start the project has not been decided yet.,They havent decided yet when they will start

8、the project.,句首不能用if.,Write Through Applying Grammar Rules,2. It is evident that Mr. Brown doesnt understand your words.,1. What you told me yesterday surprised me.,1 昨天你告诉我的这件事情使我很吃惊。,2 很明显布朗先生没有明白你的话。,定语从句: The thing that you told me yesterday surprised me.,表语从句,表语从句,引导词:要加上as if / as though,becau

9、se,1. The truth is that he has never been to the countryside.,2. The question is whether we can finish the experiment by Friday.,3. He looked as if he was going to cry .,实际情况是他从未去过农村. that 一般不省略,问题在于我们能否在星期五之前完成这项实验. 表语从句不用 if,4. He is absent today. Its because he is seriously ill. He is absent toda

10、y. The reason is that he is seriously ill.,More,系动词后面,主语为reason,表语从句的引导词为that。,他今天缺席了。这是因为他病得很严重。,同位语从句,1.Two thirds of all girls in Britain are on a diet./ The fact worries their parents and teachers a lot.,2.The Queen of England was on a three-day visit in China./ We heard the news last night.,_,T

11、he fact that two thirds of all girls are on a diet worries their parents and teachers a lot.,_,We heard the news last night that the Queen of England was on a three-day visit in China.,有时候被其它词隔开,1. I have no idea _ he comes from.2. He cant answer the question _ he got the money.3.He gave us many sug

12、gestions _ we should get up earlier and take more exercise.4.I have no doubt _ he will win.5. I have some doubt _ he will win.,where,how,that,that,whether,被修饰词有: fact, news, hope, opinion, order, question, problem, belief, truth, theory, decision, discovery, conclusion, promise, rumor, fear, thought

13、, suggestion, plan, idea,doubt,同位语从句,同位语从句说明它们的内容,同位语从句和定语从句的区别:,We were excited about the news (that) he had told us. We were excited about the news that he had passed the exam.,同位语从句: 说明名词的内容, wh-表示疑问, that 不做成分, 不能省略,定 语 从 句:说明名词的性质特征, wh-不表示疑问,引导词做句子成分, that 做 宾语可以省略,在舞台上唱歌的那个女孩吸引了我。 我们昨天讨论的问题总是

14、在我脑海里出现。 如何才能赚钱买房的问题使很多男人焦虑。,Translation,昨天在舞台上唱歌的那个女孩吸引了我。 The girl who sang in the stage yesterday attracted me . 我们昨天讨论的问题总是在我脑海里出现。 The problem which we discussed yesterday always appeared in my mind. 如何才能赚足够的钱买房的问题使很多男人焦虑。 The problem how they can make enough money to afford an apartment makes

15、many men anxious.,练习,这个房子就是我目前居住的地方。 我们就是这样克服困难的。,注意下列表语从句中where, how, why 的译法,This is where Lu Xun once lived. That was how they won the match. This is why she got up so early this morning.,这就是鲁迅曾经住过的地方.,他们就是这样赢得这场比赛的.,这就是她为什么今天早上起得这么早的原因.,我们就是这样克服困难的. 那就是他昨天缺席的原因. 这就是我们上星期碰头的地方.,This is / That was how we overcame the difficulties.,That is why he was absent yesterday.,This is where we met last Sunday.,固定句型: This is where This is why This is how.,这就是的地方,这就是的原因,这就是的方法,


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