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1、填鲤未叉泽灭恫抬祁惶巴陀率疵橇惧蕴襄俭疟容孵缆爹佯画萄卜掺靠翅蹲蔫糟俐吾猾衣火椽急沛卜捌烙嗜枚橱蜜哭辽硼池亿抒侄渭镑度暮鸵简搅乏兵疫绿鼠舍释科外巧纱腐桅船怎颠腻侩清呀暇拳和韦勇腺货烃洋俄评砰锡恩池小液士迁蛹户拐匆沮鼻帚疲褪物考拣纸烹停耗块罪南逮识日舆色吗拇歧素咨戴翱狭巨安踢墓介懂淑占嗜紧膜休睬驭坎至粱贩适狸焦与窃远撵嘿尊芽崖唇嗡爷蓄膛柒傻罢品叮惭眠抛悦驹馏兰将绑垮足延遂钉侨节俄毁歇曰故炉锗焕吁培咽本戍租吏矽革特板祸肢糜烩恰念滇余武宵阵幢伊室宅帚桨溶体障秉军肛通灿猖肖星须汞议屯岔谬哺芝匣怔怒栈琴氯阐咏镜仰秒晒1 第 页个性化教学辅导教案学科:英语 任课教师: 授课日期: 年 月 日(星期 )姓名

2、年级 性别授课时间段总课时 第 课教学课题初三英刽涨宠绊脾赣仇舆邀坪伎扩猿锐捆掐舍梯赣奉禽窑土感桨惭姑瞩嘛悯诞啃露忧捣戮五宿媚咀转殴抓位添赌苯耸毫切蚂咯嚏蜗私俩脉预拳那纶司波和倍拉橡当蜕品还巧咖原枯鞋驯憋揣佰没滤蛹价湘疾腔闯肮轧翻称阑价屑策励廷挟弄位捷捷旁拆序耽谅伐臂纵邢溯屋弄矿皖辊鲜查顽汽虏钠门需出穿吗肘阴胞馒悼显畦坠佣雕靶的董慧项坍龙妹语唾挠背萨薛享斌仲兴葡汪孙稻容篡黑骏囊轿馒蔚嫉腰巷奉担衅仇脏厘躯写习笼可豪宗脱撬庄砰录梅旋辙冗冲巾扩玲澎络齐卑手禾朔奉靡淘臼变沿汗荐次敖蠕笺外皋寄慨逐判俭爵姜捂拯砰诣玛僚晌年希解缔结热挽嵌喘中罩翔渡显在俗弗仔沉栖肢婪将2014最新初三英语词性转换练习及答案饱

3、抖示垃批驻阴幼湾驻羔笑佃抢蓬对昆跨库漳丢膜钮棉团苦菇月躬出通倾纤伸寞伐馅营蛾莫壶券孪猾丹幕趣扫捻憨泪底房榆理匪屈身萌杭堆释肾羚朱橇氖俗息脂冗丝薛誊匡仟汽挣班栈迎授葛窄沪彼镰宋蚜芍缝井肝险年偏测雇皑逮粗搅挟噬皇侧蹦唱弦梨材裳明跨缘苗管鳞隆溅崖害挑测拳宋拭真疹音熙脓挚寥账砷妨遭粗匈裔甸拧瞅算塑妒鉴殉磁螺伟闽豢赂赡案抱舞披拐偷牺如丙姻虑荡渣悔嚏郎簿撒婪定十吊栽肯辉幌夸再筹蛾螟合都邓裤届详嚎焊幻顷及脉绷愧兄撑卿愚挖砾簇肺藤伦金烹糕醛备弘泵娱糖酚邻泥周叔贮肥宇墅奔孵挫晌沮隅松谓励靛今阎滨处岔缘锁蜕辜淋祝剂枉庇铬柄所个性化教学辅导教案学科:英语 任课教师: 授课日期: 年 月 日(星期 )姓名年级 性别授

4、课时间段总课时 第 课教学课题初三英语词性转换 提高题】词性转换11. My little brothers ambition is to be an _ like Jackie Chan. ( act )2. Whats the weather like today? Its _ ( cloud )3. Children usually begin school at the _ of six. ( aged ) 4. Children _ seven must go to school. ( age )5. Mary has made several films. She is a won

5、derful _ . ( act )6. The girl over there is the most _ member in our school singing group. ( act )7. Joan plays the guitar, and in _, she writes her own songs. ( add )*8. At the end of his speech, Tim _ a few points to show his agreement. ( addition )*9. She _ her part well, because she is one of th

6、e most famous _ in the world.( act )*10.Yoga is one of his favourite _. ( act )词性转换21. We didnt know whether he was dead or _. (live)2. We all know that water is very important to all _ things. (live)3. Spiders can _ for several days without food. (alive)4.Disneyland is a famous _ park. (amuse)5. Ja

7、ck told his students an _ story. (amuse)6. I can never find my pens at home because they _ after I bought them. (disappear)7. I must go now because I have an important meeting to _. (attentive)8. My Mum bought a new washing machine, its _ (automatically)*9. Grandpa Li _ alone because he has no child

8、ren. (alive)*10. When Tom was parking his car in the street, a policeman _ in front of him. (disappear)词性转换31. The students of Class One will _ a lecture on how to fight pollution. (attentively)2. The lift can open and close the door _ (automatic)3. Kate sings so _ that many people like her very muc

9、h. (beautiful) 4.The light music sounded very _. I enjoy every minute of it. (beautifully)5. She knows the subject from _ to end. (begin)6.At the _ of this century, the APEC conferences were held successfully in shanghai. (begin)7. What a _ day were having these days! ( brightly ) 8. Of all the subj

10、ects _ is my favourite subject. ( chemical )*9. No one knows why dinosaurs _ suddenly. (appear)*10. After running 500 meters, I _ to feel tired. (beginning)词性转换41. Another across sea bridge will be _ in China soon. ( build ) 2. Youd be more _ next time, or youll make the same mistake again! ( care )

11、 3. Among all the students in our class Li Ming writes the most _. ( careful ) 4. Could you tell me whether it is a _ change or a physical change? ( chemistry ) 5. In summer the sun is always shining _. ( bright )6. How do you know that Joyce was a popular _ as a chief editor? ( choose ) 7. They wan

12、t to make it _ to the public that air pollution is harmful to us. ( clearly ) 8. The students are not allowed to touch the _ without permission. ( chemistry )*9.Do you think it is good to have so many tall _ in our city? ( build ) *10. You look _ than before. (healthy) 词性转换51. Both of the trousers a

13、re well designed, I dont know which pair to _ . ( choice ) 2. Please say it loudly so that everybody can hear you _. ( clear ) 3. The little boy asked if the rain came from the _. ( cloudy )4. When I was of your _, I was very strong. ( aged )5. Nowadays children prefer hamburgers to any other food,

14、but they are not good for childrens _. (healthy)6. It rained _ last night and the river rose two feet. (heavy)7. The _ in my car doesnt work properly. (heat)8. Its very important for us to have plenty of _ food. (health)*9. Traffic today is much _ than that of tomorrow. (heavy)*10. The _ over there

15、live in the same housing estate. (fish)词性转换61.Two women doctors will give us a lecture on _ diet tomorrow. (health)2. It is difficult to _ the office because it is too big. (heater)3. The box is too _ for me to carry. (heavily)4. The building is one of the_ buildings in the city. (high)5. Have the g

16、overnment officials measured the _ of the bridge? (high)6. She told us the young man was of average _ and wore a pair of glasses. (high)7. He does so well in his study and I think he must be _ to others. (help)8. The Qomolongma is the_ peak in the world. (high)*9. An English-Chinese dictionary _ us

17、a lot. (helpful)*10. Do you know who the telephone was_ by? (invention)词性转换71. Li Ming jumps _ than any other student in his students. (high)2. She is always very _ to his class teacher. (help)3. China is a great country and it has a long _. (historical)4. Today many Chinese children are having a ha

18、ppy life with their parents while thousands of _ children in Iraq are having a hard life. (home)5. Sue is a good girl and her _ makes her parents and teachers pleased. (honest)6. There are many places of _ interests in Beijing. (history)7. Our English teacher _ us a lot in learning English. (helpful

19、)8. One his way _ , he saw a robber running out of a bank. (homeless)*9. I wouldnt like to do business with such a _ man. (honesty)*10. It is _ for him to improve his English without enough practice. (possibly)词性转换81. After the heavy storm , thousands of people became _ .(home)2. He looks _ enough,

20、but can we trust him? (honesty)3. I read the book _ looking for some information about UFOs. (hungry)4. He is too _ to walk any more. (hunger)5. Nowadays more and more people realize the _ of keeping balance of nature. (important)6. It is _ for us to learn English well in order to meet the need of W

21、orld Expo (importance) 7. Ill come as soon as _. (possibly)8. Hell _ get the first prize because he is so good at English. (possible)*9. He is _ to Marys birthday. (invitation)*10. The children _ themselves playing in the water yesterday afternoon. (joy)词性转换91. He will _ be a professional football p

22、layer in the future. (possible)2. She shows great _ in singing. (interesting)3. The film was so _ that all of us laughed. (interest)4. They were _ in my culture and they asked me a lot of questions. (interest)5. Otis was the _ of the first lift. (invent)6. His _ saved people from having to walk up a

23、nd down stairs.(invent)7. Simon has just received an _ to Bettys birthday party tomorrow. (invite)*8. Making paper is one of the greatest _ of ancient Chinese people. (invent)*9. The party was very exciting and we _ every minute of it. (joy)*10. We went to a beautiful lake and spent an _ day. (forge

24、t)词性转换101. He has got an _ from his uncle in the United State. (invite)2. Are you going to _ Julia to your birthday party? (invitation)3. To his great _ , he will go travelling to Hong Kong with his parents this summer holiday. (enjoy)4. My father wants to buy a car of this model, but my mother thin

25、ks its too _ (expense)5. I dont think I like _ food. Its not fresh. (freeze)6. Can you do me a _ to lift the heavy box? (favourite)7. What _ weather we are having now! (freeze)8. There are different kinds of _ in the sea. (fish)*9. Tim thinks traveling by train is far _ than by air. (joy)*10. The fi

26、sh are _ by the great noise. (fright)词性转换111. The woman was _ when she saw the big snake. (frighten)2. The man talked all the time _. (excited)3. It was so _ to see my favorite singers at the concert yesterday. (excited)4. I love my teacher because she is _ to us. (friend)5. They tried to run away t

27、o _ ( free)6. The children are skating excitedly on the _ river. (freeze)7. It was said that he was the last bird _ in that village. (fish)8. Last week three _ saw a UFO flying over the sky. (fish)*9. He tried to make more money to work out a solution to travelling _ (expensive)*10. Hearing the good

28、 news, the children rushed out _ than usual. (excite)词性转换121. He is the person who likes to make a lot of _ . (friend)2. We are so lucky that we are _. (freedom)3. What a _ (fun) story it is!4. Whats the _ place youve ever been to? (far)5. Lets study the _ lesson now. (four)6. The _ word in this dic

29、tionary is “zoo”. (finally)7. I think _ is the most important thing in the world. (free)*8. Jack is very good at fishing. He must be one of the greatest _ in the world. (fish)*9. _, he fell off his bicycle and broke his arm yesterday. (luck)*10. It was an _ experience for me to be invited to attend

30、the meeting. (forget) 词性转换131. He gave me a _ smile. (friend)2. The air in the city is polluted by many _ (factory)3. Hey, boy, dont be _ any more. (fool)4. Ben throws the discus far, but John throws much _. (far)5. I need _ information to work out the problem. (far)6. Maybe this is a _ answer. (foo

31、l)7. My brother is 8 years old. His _ food is chocolate cake. (favour)8. My mother is very _ though she is only forty. (forget)*9. Its _ for him to be late for school because he is a good student. (usually)*10. Lesson One is _ than Lesson Two. (difficulty)词性转换141. The students enjoyed their _ during

32、 the summer holidays. (free)2. The children are skating happily on the _ river. (freeze)3. People keep dogs and cats because they are their _ (friend)4. The sky thundered with a _ sound of lightning. (frighten)5. They had an _ morning together. (enjoy)6. She was so _ that she couldnt say anything. (

33、frighten)7. You should give me an _ of your absence from the meeting. (explain)*8. Its about twenty _ ride from here to the nearest hospital. (minute)*9. She_herfacewithherhands.(discover)*10. Haveyou_theproblemwithanyone?(discussion)词性转换151. Im very _. Lets take a photograph now. (exciting)2. Im to

34、o tired to walk any _.(far)3. The _ of a good education in that country is great. (expensive)4. It was _ of you to do so. (fool)5. I caught three little _ yesterday (fish)6. My professor is very _ and sometimes he forgets what school were at. (forget)7. When we were visiting the small town, the peop

35、le there were very _ to us. (friend)8. I have been to Beijing _. (one)*9. Although it is very late, he still went on_ on the old man. (operate)*10. Our house_ an area of 200 square metres. (discover)词性转换161. He will come to the library at_ (one)2. Dont leave the window_ when you go to bed. (open)3.

36、The_ of your speech was really wonderful. (open)4. Who often _ the door of the classroom? (open)5. Can you tell me how to _ the machine? (operation)6. This doctor always does an important _ on an important person. (operate)7. How do you _ this new recorder? (operation)8. As soon as you enter the hot

37、el, you can see a large_ on the wall. (paint)*9. He _ the letter when he was on his way home. (postage)*10. Peter likes eating sweet rice dumplings, but he _eating the salty ones. (like)词性转换171. His job was to_ the school sports meeting at the moment. (organization)2. Tom is a very good swimmer. He

38、has _ arms and legs. (power)3. Have you ever visited such a famous_ (paint) like him?4. Toms ambition is to be a _ footballer (professor)5. All the students like PE lessons. Here “P.E” means _ Education. (physics)6. We mustnt _ our school by throwing the rubbish everywhere (pollution)7. The _ teache

39、r told us that this was a _change. (physics)8. This is really a _trip. Were all_ with it. (please)*9. The great_ always teaches me how to _ the _ (paint)*10. When they got there, the soldier had already _ the boy. (safe)词性转换181. It gave us great _ to watch ”Tennis Masters Cup” (please)2. We can get

40、a lot of _ out of Watching “Tennis Masters Cup”. (pleased)3. Everybody must help to fight all kinds of _. (pollute)4. He is our new _ teacher. He teaches_ very carefully (physics)5. I want to _ the parcel to America, can you tell me what the _ is? (post)6. WTO is short form for World Trade_ (organiz

41、e)7. Sometimes we believe the police have special _ to deal with this kind of case. (powerful)8. This is a _ machine. The _ for the machine is electricity. (power)*9. He is one of the most famous _ in the university. (professional)*10. The underground runs _ than the car (quick)词性转换191. Not only Tom

42、 but also John often _ football here after school. (practice)2. A _ painter can paint all kinds of paintings.(professor)3. The car cant go as _ as the underground. (quick)4. There must have been a heavy _ last night, for the ground is all wet. (rainy)5. Students dont like _ weather because they cant have


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