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1、初三英语中考复习情景交际,中考考点设置 典型例题解析 课时训练 考点揭密,考点揭密,交际是学习英语的主要目的,英语的这种功用越来越在英语教学中得到重视,能否在特定的交际场合恰当地使用语言,在中考试题中已作为一项重要的考查内容。,中考考点设置,1.打电话 (Making telephone calls) 2.问路 (Asking the way) 3.购物 (Shopping) 4.看病 (Seeing the doctor) 5.就餐 (Taking meals ) 6.谈论天气(Talking about the weather) ,1.Making telephone calls:, He

2、llo! May/Can/Could I speak to This is Whos that? Hold on, please./Hold on for a moment, please. Can I take a message for you?/May I leave a message? Its very kind of you. Thank you very much.,2.Asking the way and responses:, Excuse me. Which is the way to ? Could you tell me the way to? How can I ge

3、t to ? Where is ? Is there a near here? Go along Take the turning on the right/left. Turn right/left at crossing. Go across Its about five minutes walk.,3.Shopping: What can I do for you?/Can I help you? Id like What size/colour do you need? How many/much do you want? Can I try it on? How much is it

4、/are they? Ill take it.,4.Seeing the doctor:,Whats your trouble? / Whats the matter with you?/ Whats wrong with you? There is something wrong with ./I dont feel very well./Ive got a pain here./Ive a bad cold. How long have you been like this? Dont worry. Nothing serious. Take this medicine three tim

5、es a day. Have a good rest.,5.Taking meals: What would you like to have? Id like Would you like something to eat/drink? May I take your order? Help yourself to What about some more rice/meat/? Anything else? Yes, please./No, thanks. Im full.,6.Talking about the weather:, Whats the weather like today

6、? /How is the weather ? Its sunny/cloudy/ I dont like the weather. Will it last long? The radio says the rain will stop later on.,2009-2011中考题,1._? I have a headache? (2009) A.How do you do B. What do you do c. Whats wrong with you D. How do you like it 2.Yesterday I won the first place in the 100-m

7、eter race 2010. Really?_!(2010) A.Congratulation B.Never mind C.That is all right D. Im sorry to hear that. 3. Would you mind if I sit here?(2011) _ ,Its for Miss Zhang. A.Better not B. Never mind C. Not at all D. Of course,【例1】 Please dont make any noise in the reading-room. _.2005安徽省 A.Sorry,I won

8、t B.Sorry,I cantC.Yes,I wont D.OK,I didnt,典型例题解析,A,【例2】 You look very nice in dark blue. _.2005 安徽省 A.I dont mind B.No,not at all C.Thats all right D.Thank you ,D,【例4】 Can I get you a drink? _.But I have already got one.2005 甘肃 A. Thats very nice of you B. No, you dont have to C. Yes, please D. With

9、 pleasure,A,【例3】Im going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. _! (2006 ) A.Have a good time B.Best wishes to you C.Congratulations D.Please go,A,【例7】Would you mind watering the flowers for me? _. I have to go to the post office.06 重庆A. Not at all. B. Never mind C. No, please D. Sorry, I

10、 cant,【例5】 Thanks a lot for helping me. _.2006 南通 A. You are welcome B. It doesnt matter C. No, thank you D. Its kind of you,典型例题解析,A,【例6】 Hello!Could I speak to Jim? _.2003 哈尔滨市 A.Yes,I am B.No,Im not C.Hold on for a moment D.Please dont go away,C,D,.单项选择 1.Merry Christmas,Mike. _. A.Thank you B.Th

11、e same to you C.Youre so kind D.OK 2.How do you like your new teacher? _. A.I like her very much B.No,I dont like her C.Shes nice and helpful D.Yes,you are right 3.Whos that? _. A. Im Miss Yang speaking B. Im Miss Yang C. Miss Yang speaking D. This is Miss Yang speaking,课时训练,(B),(A),(D),4.How is you

12、r friend now? _. A.He is at work B.He is a worker C.He is friendly to me D.He is much better 5._,madam? Im looking for a skirt for my daughter. A.What do you do B.Will you give me a hand C.Can you help me D.What can I do for you,课时训练,(D),(D), 6.Will you please come to my birthday party this Sunday?

13、_. A.Yes,I do B.No,I dont C.Yes,Id love to D. No, Ill go 7.Dont play in the street,please. _. A.Sorry,I dont B.Sorry,I wont C.OK,I wont D.All right,课时训练,(C),(B),.,8.Help yourself to some fruit, please. _. A. Thats right B. Youre welcome C. Not at all D. No, thanks. Im full,(D), 9.What a beautiful da

14、y!Shall we go for a walk? _. A. Good luck B.Good idea C. come over D.Lets go to the park ,课时训练,(B),10.It is very kind of you to help me with my English. _. A. Thats right B. Thank you C. With pleasureD. Dont say so 11.Jim, I have passed the exam. _! A.OK B. Best wishes to you C. Congratulations D. G

15、lad to meet you,(C),(C),12.Excuse me,where is the bank? Sorry,I dont know. _. A.Thank you very much B.Never mind C.Thank you all the same D. Ill ask the policeman,课时训练,(C),13._,young man? Ive got a headache. A. Whats matter to you B. Whats wrong to you C. whats your trouble D. what have you got ,C,.

16、根据对话内容,选择框内恰当的句子补全对话 (1)A:Hi,what are you going to do this Sunday? B:_ And you? A:Nothing much. B:_ A:A party?What party? B:Itll be my birthday this Sunday. A:Thats great._. B:Thanks a lot. A:_. B:At half past twelve. A:OK. _see you later. B:See you later. ,课时训练,A.Happy birthday to you! B.Ive no ide

17、a. C.What time will the party begin? D.Ill have a party at home. E.It doesnt matter. F.Ill be there on time. G.What about going to my party?,1,D,2,G,3,A,4,C,5,F,(2)下面的对话发生在2008年奥运会之前的某一天(W:服务员;F:外国人) W: Can I help you, sir? F: Yes. (1) W: You can go to the Center Hall. Theres a store there. F: Thank

18、s. Your English is quite good. W: (2) By the way ,are you working here in Beijing? F: No, Im not. Ive come for the Olympics(奥运会). W: Oh, so you are an athlete(运动员). Welcome to Beijing. What sport F: Oh, no ,no. Im not an athlete. Im just a football fan (球迷). W: Me too! (3) F: Two weeks. I ve visited

19、 some places of interest. W: What do you think of Beijing? F: (4) Green ground, blue sky and Oh, I forgot. My friend is waiting for me there. I must go. Goodbye. W: (5) Have a nice day.,How long have you been here? B. Id like to get a map of Beijing. C. Its a very beautiful city. D. Goodbye. E. Than

20、k you. F. Thats all right. G. How much is it?,B,E,A,C,D,(3)根据情景,完成对话。 LiLy: Hello! Could I speak to Meimei, please? Meimei: Speaking! _that? LiLy: This is Lily. Ive got two _for the film. Are you _tonight? Meimei: I _ so. why? Lily: Would you like to go with me? Meimei: Great! Id love to. But _and_ shall we meet? Lily: How about 7:00 at the gate of the cinema? Meimei: That would be _.Thanks a lot for having me. Lily: Youre welcome.,课时训练,Whos,tickets,free,think,when,where,fine,


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