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1、宋代女性在婆家和娘家的财产权探析3600字 本篇论文目录导航: 宋代女性在婆家和娘家的财产权探析宋朝传统女性继承制度研究绪论嫁妆-女性主要的财产从娘家获得的财产权在夫家拥有的财产权宋代女性财产权研究结语与参考文献摘 要本文研究的对象是宋代女性的财产权,在整个封建社会女性一直处于弱势地位,男尊女卑;延续了两千多年,古代妇女的财产权利通常依附于娘家或夫家。宋代在中国历史上是一个承前启后的朝代,商品经济空前的繁荣,女性在生产过程中开始扮演更为重要的角色,社会地位逐步提高。商品经济的迅猛发展,义利观念带来的思想转变,使得婚姻关系中的门第婚向财婚过渡,婚姻论财成为当时的社会现象。不问阀阅,直求资财;反映


3、态,但不能从夫家获得已婚女的相应的财产权利,只能回到娘家与婚前的在室女分享相应的财产权利。本文按照从娘家获得财产权利和在夫家具有的财产继承权划分就有效地避免了以往按照时间以及角色划分带来的重复的论述问题。关键词:宋代, 女性, 财产权ABSTRACTThe research object of this thesis is the property rights of women in the SongDynasty.Has been in a weak position in the whole feudal society of women.Theancient women s prope

4、rty rights are usually attached to their parents andhusbands.The Song Dynasty is a dynasty in the history of the past China.Theunprecedented prosperity of commodity economy.In the production processof women began to play a more important role.Gradually improve the socialstatus.The rapid development

5、of commodity economy. Ideas and concepts tobring.Make marriage family status marriage transition to financialmarriage.Marriage on fiscal become the prevailing social phenomenon.Thisconcept help the society of Song Dynasty thick married the wind.Not only reflectsthe song s parents for her daughter s

6、love, but also improve the economic statusof women in the Song Dynasty in the family and society.The dowry is the main property rights of women in the Song Dynasty.In thefirst chapter focuses on the analysis of the types, quantity and description ofthe Song Dynasty thick married the wind.Analysis of

7、 the dowry in SongDynasty in different periods of change and the reason for higher.Expoundsthe significance of various disputes occur due to dowry and dowry of women in theSong Dynasty.In the previous literature.Study on the habits of women in the SongDynasty property rights according to the daughte

8、r, wife, mother, played the roleof different period division.It has a cross.Even by women before marriage and aftermarriage Division will inevitably repeat.For example, the married woman is hiswife s identity and has a daughter s identity, and even have some rights ofthe mother.The normalized daught

9、ers in marriage status, but can not get marriedwomen s property rights corresponding to the husband s family, only back to thehome and marriage in family share the corresponding property rights.In thispaper, according to the obtained from their property rights andpower division is inthe family prope

10、rty inheritance.To effectively avoid the past brought in accordancewith the time and the division of roles and repeated discussion questions.Key Words:the Song Dynasty,Female,Property 目 录 中文摘要英文摘要1 绪 论1.1 引言1.2 选题意义1.2.1 学术意义1.2.2 实用意义1.3 研究现状1.3.1 国内研究现状1.3.2 国外研究现状2 嫁妆-女性主要的财产2.1 嫁妆的种类与数量2.2 宋代的厚嫁

11、之风2.3 嫁妆走高的原因2.4 嫁妆引发的纠纷2.5 嫁妆对宋代女性的意义3 从娘家获得的财产权3.1 在室女的财产权3.1.1 非户绝的情况下3.1.2 户绝的情形下3.1.3 关于女合得男之半;的分析3.2 归宗女的财产权3.3 出嫁女从娘家获得的财产继承权3.3.1 户绝情况下的分产3.3.2 户绝有继子情况下的分产3.3.3 招婿入赘的情况下妇女所具有的财产权4 在夫家拥有的财产权4.1 丈夫在世时妇女拥有的财产权4.2 寡妇从夫家获得的财产继承权4.2.1 无子守节时具有的财产权4.2.2 有子守节时对财产权利的继管4.2.3 立嗣的情况下对财产权的继管4.2.4 招接脚夫时妇女具有的财产权4.2.5 寡妇改嫁时财产权的归属5 结 语致 谢参考文献


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