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1、教师代表英语发言稿分享Distinguished leaders, dear collogues and students, good morning,My name is Long Yin. I am a Chinese teacher. It is mygreat honor here to represent all the teachers inInternational College to give special welcome to allof you and congratulate you in your effort and courageto come to study

2、 in a foreign country. We are so happyto see so many new faces today. We are delighted thatyou have chosen CQUPTto further your education, please make use of your stay here and take advantage of every opportunity to improve yourselves. Please be sure touse your abilities to their fullest, to expand

3、and broaden your horizons.To think about your life here is not as a competition,but as an adventure. CQUPT is an adventure that shouldhave at leastthreeelements:First,TryingNewThings;Second, Combining Theory with Practice and Third, Deciding what you stand for. Spend your time doing notwhat you know

4、 you can do, but tryingout thingsyouvenever tried.You come afarfrom differentcountries,withdifferent第 1页customs and languages, yet you all come here and share something in common, the pursuit of excellence of self, the brand new start of life and the great expectation of future.The teachers here are

5、 quite kind and responsible and we will work hard to teach you in an interesting and relevant way. You will find the beauty of Chinese language and also the charm of traditional Chinese culture. We are not only your teachers but also your friends.With confidence that this will be an exciting and rewarding year for us, I offer my best wishes for an enjoyable successful semester at CQUPT. And also Ibelieve that these years at CQUPTwill be among the most treasured moments in your lifetime. I truly hope thatyour stayin China is a pleasantone and make CQUPTyournew home.Thank you!第 2页


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