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1、新目 九年 英 第八 元 合 姓名得分 _翻 (30分 )1.clean up_2 give away_3 set up_4 think up_5 plan to do sth_6 elementary school_7 ask for_8 make use of_9take after _10 fix up_11 put up_12 run out of_13be similar to_14 call up_15 work out_16in general_17 prefer to _18 逛 _19 使高 _20 赚钱 _21 不但而且 _22 推 _23 分 _24 不知道 _25 列

2、,展 _ 26写下 _ 27自学 _28 梦想 _29 急 _30 属于 _单项选择 (30分)()1.We had to put off _the sports meet because of the beavy rain.A.haveB.to haveC.hadD.having()2.They _a large ad. Board by the roadside to introduce their products.A.put upB.put onC.put offD.put out()3._to the moon is not easy for us.A.GoB.GoingC.Goes

3、D.Went()4.Not only _help him with his math ,but you should help him with his Chinese.A.you shouldB.should youC.you willD.will you()5.Not only the students but also their teacher _itA.likeB.likesC.likingD.to like()6.I can t write on . I have _ink.A.run afterB.run backC.run out D.run out of()7.Does Zh

4、ao Ping _ his father or his mother?A.take placeB.take outC.take afterD.take off()8.The food in that restaurant is terrible .So I don t go there_A.no longerB.no moreC.any longerD.any more()9.He s very sad .Ito d like.A.cheer up him B.cheer him upC.clean him upD.think him up()10.He always asks me _adv

5、ice whatever he does.A.forB.onC.ofD.at()11.Bill Gates,ChairmanofSoftwarein theUSA,has a habit of _his evenings_books.A. taking ;to readB.spending;looking atC.costing;watchingD.spending ;reading()12.-Must we hand in the money for the tickets now?-No,you_A.mustn t B.can tC.needn tD.may not()13.Gold is

6、 similar in color _brass(黄 ).A.atB.ofC.forD.to()14.We ll have a _holiday. What about going to the West Lake?A.two daysB.two-dayC.two-daysD.two- day ()15.The students need to _up with a plan on Clean-Day.A.comeB.go C.workD.study()16.The woman _some clothes to charity because they are too small for he

7、r.A.takes afterB.hangs outC.gives awayD.puts off()17._ of them love to play basketball.A.EachB.EveryoneC.EveryD.Both()18.The students _the windows already ,so the classroom looks much bright.A.cleanB.have cleanedC.are cleaningD.will clean()19.Nick is a boy _many hobbies.A.inB.onC.withD.for()20.Don t

8、 be _. Is the news so _?A.excited;excitedB.exciting;excitingC. excited ; excitingD. exciting; excited()21.She likes neither summer nor winter. They are _too hot _too cold.A.both;andB.either;orC.neither;norD.not ;but()23.Tom has _my pen everywhere,but he can t _it.A.found;findB.looked for; foundC.loo

9、ked for ;findD.find ;found()24.The story is very _. We are all_in it .A.interesting;interestingB.interested;interestedC.interested;interestingD.interesting;interesting()25.When she died ,she gave_all her money to a charity for cats.A.awayB.outC.onD.off()26.It often snows in _winter.A.aB.anC./D.the()

10、27.Johnson wrote the notice and I_.A.set it upB.put it upC.set up itD.put up it()28.This dress is nice . Can I_?A.try it onB.try on itC.try it outD.try out it()29.Now I spend time_what I love to do.A.to doB.doingC.doD.did()30.Please tell him _me a call as soon as he_home from work.A.to give ;comeB.g

11、ive ;comesC.to give; comesD.gives; will come句型转换 (10分)1.My bike is broken . Can you repair it? (改为同义句)My bike is broken . Can you _?2.I will leave for Chengdu tomorrow. (改为否定句)I _ for Chengdu tomorrow.3.The man is our new headmaster. He visited our class yesterday.(改为定语从句)The man _yesterday is our n

12、ew headmaster.4.Tony likes music . He can sing along with it . (改为定语从句)Tony likes music_he can sing along with.用所给词的适当形式填空(4 分 )1.My sister and I take turns _(look after) my sick mother.2.They decided to try their best to help the _(home)children.3.The movie is so exciting that the boy can t stop _(

13、laugh).4.The boy always _(volunteer) his time to clean the park.用方框内所给的词组的适当形式填空。(10 分 )clean upcheer upgive output offtake after fix uphand outcall upset upcome up with1.You weren t in the office this mouning when I _you _.2.Can you _Tom _with a room here ?3.Don t _ _ until tomorrow what can be don

14、e today.4.Please _the candies_to the children.5.They re going to _ _a school football team.6.Jack _his father.7.He even _advertisements at a lacal supermarket yesterday.8.They won the match at last ,and we _ them.9.The waiter hurried to _the pieces of the broken plates.10.He couldn t _ an apporpriat

15、e answer at the time .阅读理解( 10 分)Our eating habits (习惯) are very important for good health and strong body. There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice cream better than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a

16、 meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲) . So the doctors suggest us we should have our meal regularly.In old England, the judges usually asked the prisoners to eat bread without water. If theycouldnt swallow (吞) the bread, it meant that they weren t telling the truth. Though this seems strange an

17、d foolish, they thought it was an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something has difficulties in swallowing dry bread, because he loses his appetite.()1. Good eating habits make us_.A. strongB. happierC. more beautiful()2. It is good for us to have sweets and ice c

18、ream every day _.A. after a mealB. before a mealC. when we are hungry()3. It is good for us to have our meal every day _.A. earlierB. at the same timeC. at any time()4 The jud ges in old England thought if a man didn t tell the truth,he could _.A. drink milk or teaB. eat a lot of dry breadC. hardly eat dry bread()5. A person who feels _ may not want to eat.A. happyB. shyC. unhappy


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