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1、1)根据对话内容,在空白处填上恰当的表达,使其意思通顺、合理、结构完整。A: Mum, the weather report says it will be sunny tomorrow. Lets go for 86 tomorrow. B: That sounds like a good idea. 87 would you like to go to have our picnic?A: Rose National Park. I like the mountains and the rivers there.B: I agree with you. But can you 88 you

2、r father whether hell be free tomorrow?A: Sure.(Goes to his father)A: Dad, are you free tomorrow?C: Yes.A: It will be fine tomorrow. Lets have a picnic in Rose National Park.C: OK. Has your mum told you what to take for our picnic?A: 89 . But Mum asked me to go to the supermarket with her this after

3、noon.C: Great! 90 ?A: How about 9:00? I dont want to get up early. I want to have a good rest on weekends. Whats more, the park isnt far from our home.C: OK.2) 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的表达,使其意思通顺、合理、结构完整。A: Youre not glad today, Betty. 86 ?B: Mum, it seems that Im getting fatter these days.A: Thats a problem.

4、 Can I give you some advice?B: Sure. 87 ?A: First of all, stop eating too much. Secondly, 88 .B: But Im afraid I am too busy to exercise.A: Then why not join a club on weekends?B: 89 ?A: You can join the basketball club. You are tall enough to play basketball, arent you?B: 90 . Thank you, mum.A: You

5、re welcome. I hope it will help.3)根据下面的对话内容,在对话的空白处填上恰当的表达,使其意思通顺、合理、结构完整。Jenny: I hear that you fought with Tony last week when playing basketball. Steven: Yes. He didnt obey (遵守) the game rules. Jenny: So you havent talked to him for days, have you? Steven: 86. _Jenny: Are you still angry with him

6、 at the moment? Steven: No. Ive calmed down and I want to get on well with him. 87. _ Jenny: Maybe you can go to his home and visit him. Steven: 88. _ You know, its embarrassing (尴尬的) to say sorry to him face to face. Jenny: 89. _Steven: But I dont know his telephone number. Jenny: Ah, yes. You can

7、invite him to play basketball again.Steven: 90. _ Thank you very much. Jenny: My pleasure. 4)根据对话内容,补出空格内所缺的内容,使对话完整、通顺。A: Hi, Li Ming. Youre reading the novel again?B: Yes. Ill never be tired of it.A: Really? 86 B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can learn something new.A: 87 B: Charles Dicken

8、s. He is my favourite foreign writer.A: He is also my favourite foreign writer. 88 ?B: Sure, here you are! What do you think of it?A: 89 Where did you get it?B: Rose Bookshop.A: Sorry, I dont know where it is. 90 B: No, only 10 minutes walk from here, just next to the post office.A: Oh, I see. Im go

9、ing there to get one, too5)根据对话内容,在对话的空白处填上恰当的表达,使其意思通顺、合理,结构完整。A: Cathy , (86) _ this weekend ?B: Im going to the beach with some of my classmates . Do you want to (87)_?A: Why not ? (88) _ like to go ?B: Golden Beach in Florida . I always want to watch the sea boats there .A: (89) _ ! When are we

10、leaving ?B: Friday , about 4:30 . Shall I pick you up somewhere ?A: Yes , please . We can (90) _ at 4:00 in front of my house .B: OK. See you later .A: See you .6)根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的表达。A: Hi, Kevin. We want to have a class party. _ 86 _ you like to join us? B: Of course, Id like to, Marry. What can I d

11、o ?A: You may pass on the _87 _ to some of our classmates. B: OK, when shall we have the party?A: _88 _ tomorrow afternoon? B: But tomorrow will be a busy day and _89 _ will be a school meeting in the afternoon. A: Then, _90 _ have it the day after tomorrow. B: The day after tomorrow? Oh, its Tuesda

12、y, the first of the summer vacation. OK.7)根据对话内容,在对话的空白处填上恰当的表达,使其意思通顺、合理,结构完整。A: Hi, Tony. Why do you look so tired?B: You cant 96 how unlucky I was this morning.A: 97 B: This morning I nearly forgot the lecture to be held in City Library. I woke up a little late. But the note on the desk reminded

13、me of the lecture. So I had to rush to the bus stop.A: Did you catch the bus?B: No. I 98 to do so. As soon as I saw a taxi coming near, I shouted and stopped it at once.A: So you got to the library in time, didnt you?B: No. 99 , when the taxi was two blocks away from the library, it couldnt move on

14、even a bit because it had knocked into a bus when turning left.A: What did you do then?B: Right at that moment I received a call. I was told I 100 go to the lecture this morning. The news made me relaxed. I was happy.A: Did you return home directly?B: No. I had to stay in the town instead, for the lecture was put off until this afternoon.


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