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1、要求考生推断所选文段可能来自何处。提问方式有: (1)Where would you be most likely to find the two texts? (2)The passage is most likely to be taken from_. (3)Where can we most probably read this text? (4)The text is most likely to be found _.,MSZJ: P69,推断文章出处-解题方法,文章的出处和来源可从文章的内容或结构来判断: (1) 报纸:前面会出现日期、地点或通讯社名称。 (2) 广告:因其格式特

2、殊,容易辨认。 (3) 产品说明:器皿、设备的使用说明会有产品名称或操作方式,而药品的服用说明会告知服用时间、次数、药量等。 (4) 网站:文中会出现click (点击)、online (在线)、web (网络)、website (网址) 等字眼。 (5) 展览手册:提供有关展会的各方面信息。,推断文章出处,A. On a notice board. B. In a company brochure. C. On a teenage website. D. In a college newspaper.,59. Where would you be most likely to find th

3、e two texts?,C 由广告最后一句“For further information, click here(欲知更多信息, 点击这里).”可知, 此则广告是刊登在网站上的,故选C。选项A布告牌,选项B公司宣传册,选项D大学校刊,均排除。,MSZJ: P69,2009年陕西卷When people hear a president speak, they seldom think about others helping to shape the presentation (报告). Today, however, presidents depend on writers such a

4、s J. Terry Edmonds to help them communicate effectively. Edmonds is the first African American ever to work as a full-time speechwriter for a U.S. president; he is also the first African American to serve as director of speechwriting for the White House. His is an all-American story of success. Edmo

5、nds grew up in Baltimore, Maryland; his father drove a truck, and his mother worked as a waitress. A great reader, Edmonds showed a gift for writing at his high School, Baltimore City College. After graduating in 1967, Edmonds went on to Morgan State University. 48. The text is most likely to be found in a book about _ . A. popular science B. historical events C. successful people D. political systems,


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