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1、Period Learning notes for Word power & Grammar and usage【 Learning goals】1. Learning some new words: alternative2. Learning grammar 虚 气(二)【 Language focus】1. (P57) alternative adj. 可供替代的n. 可供 的事物1) 无 地干某事 have no alternative/choice/option but to do2) 除了等待下一班汽 之外,他 无 。3) You have the alternative of s

2、taying or leaving.4) 他 正在 找可替代能源。They are searching for.【 Grammar 】虚 气(二)一、混合虚 条件句当主句 作 生的 与 if 引 的条件从句 作 生的 不一致 ,我 可以用混合虚 条件句。(1)Ifwe_(start)earlyyesterdayafternoon,we_ (be) in thehotel now.(2) _ you _ (follow) my advice, you _ (not be) introuble now.二、虚 气的其它表达方式1、我 可以用otherwise、or 或以 with 、without

3、 、but for 开 的短 代替if 从句表示 含的虚 气(1) _ ( 要是有更多的 ), I could help more people in need.(2)_(要不是有来自 合国的帮助), thosewomen wouldn thave been able to set up their shop2、我 可以用even if 、 as if、 as though 和 if only (要是 就好了)引 非真 条件句。(1) Nicholas is smiling _ (似乎他一无所知 )about it.(2) Mike talks _ (好像去 ) the Great Wallb

4、efore.3、虚 气 用在 wish、 would rather 和 It s (high / about) time后面的从句中。(1) - Id like to see a film tonight, Mum.- _ ( 我想你 去了。 忘了,期末考 快到了 ).(2) How I wish I _ (我主修医学而不是 史 ) when Iwas at college! (主修: major in sth. )4、在一个 “ 决要求 ( insist )”,两个 “命令( order, command)”, 三个 “建 (suggest, advise, recommend )”,四个

5、“要求( desire, demand ,request, require)”等 后的 从句中, 用 “(should) 原形 ”,表示建 、要求、命令等。第 1页Some countries suggested that a UN meeting (should) be called to discuss the problem ofglobal warming.The situation required that everyone (should) be present .在表示提 ,建 ,命令,要求等名 ,如: advice, decision, demand, desire, ord

6、er, plan,request, recommendation, suggestion 等后面的表 从句或同位 从句中, 同 用should + do (should 可省略)表示虚 。The teacher gave the demand that we (should) finish the project within this week.His suggestion is that the question be discussed at the next meeting.在 it is strange (necessary, important, natural) that引 的从

7、句中或在it is a pity/ a shamethat 引 的从句中表示“理 、 、竟然”等意思 ,用虚 气。(1)Theyorderedthatforeverytreecutdown_ ( 要栽种另两棵 ).(2) It is necessary, absolutely, that _ (归 所有借 的 ) this morning.(3) The idea is that the nation_ ( 先 射无人宇宙 船探索外 空 ).5、我 也可以使用以下 构表示虚 气。was / were going to do ; was / were to have done等。*- You d

8、idn t come to my birthday party yesterday evening.- I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.【 Feedback】1. Everything _ if Albert hadnalled thefiretcbrigade.A. will be destroyedB. will have been destroyedB. would be destroyedD. would have been destroyed2. If you hadn t gone with Tom to the party last ni

9、ght, _.A. you would meet John alreadyB. you w on t have missed JohnC. you will have met JohnD. you would have met John3. Supposing this ship _, doyou think there would be enoughlife jackets for all thepassengers?A. was sinkingB. has sunkC. were to sinkD. sunk4. The insects would devour all our crops

10、 and kill our flocks and heads, if _ for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.A. it is notB. it were notC. were it notD. they were not5.The teacher suggested that each student _ a plan for the vacation.A. madeB. makeC. makesD. will make6.Frankly, I d rather you _ anything about it for th

11、e time being.A. doB. don t doC. didn t doD. will not do7.After the way she treated you, if I _ in your place.A. beB. amC. wasD. were8.The idea is that the nation _ an unmanned spacecraft to explore the planet first.A. sentB. sendsC. sendD. must send9.It s high time you _.第 2页A. start to workB. would

12、 start to workC. started to workD.had started towork10.“ If I hadn t practiced when I was younger,” the musician says,“ I _ able to play sonow. ”A. wouldn t beB. won t beC. wouldn t have beenD. couldn t haveben11.It is imperative that you _ there in person.A. areB. wereC. beD. will be12.The atomic s

13、tructure is, _, a miniature solar system.A. as it isB. as if they wereC. as it wereD. as if are13.We required that the machine parts _ cast iron.A. is made ofB. be made fromC. be made ofD. is made by14.The management urged that the cost of production _.A. to be further reducedB. was further reducedC

14、. be further reducedD.shouldfurtherreduced15.The business is risky. But _ we would be rich.A. should we succeedB. we should succeedC. might we succeedD. would we succeed16.I wish our teacher _ to give another test. I haven t got prepared yet.A. isn tnggoiB. weren t goingC. will not goingD. could hav

15、e gone17.I wish I _ to the movies with you last night.A. wentB. did goC. could goD.couldhavegone18.I d rather _ rudely to her.A. that you won t speak B. your not speakingC. you not speakD.youdidn tspeak19.If I _ in the twenty-first century, I _ my vacation in a very different way.A. should live; wou

16、ld spendB. will live; should spendC. are living; should have spentD. will be living; would have spent20.It is required that the machine _ as frequently as necessary.A. be oiledB. must be oiledC. is oiledD. will oil21.His English teacher recommends that he _ a regular degree program.A. beginsB. begin

17、C. will beginD. is beginning22.We prefer that the plan _ before being put into execution.A. is fully discussedB. must be fully discussedC. be fully discussedD. will be fully discussed23. What do you think of his proposal that improvements _ in the old type of vacuum cleaner?A. be madeB. will be made

18、C. would be madeD. will have to bemade24.The doctor s advice is that the patient _ about his real physical condition.A. be not toldB. not be toldC. will not be toldD. must not be told25._, we could not have finished the work on time.A. If they do not help usB. Was it not for their helpC. Should they

19、 offer to help usD. But for their help26.If we had been more careful, we _ much better results now.第 3页A. gotB. had gotC. would be gettingD. would have got27. Henry _ a rich man today if he had been more frugal in the past.A. would beB. isC. will beD. was28. They thought it desirable that an armed g

20、uard _ in readiness.A. standsB. standC. stoodD. would stand29. All science students, _, should have a good foundation in basic sciences. A. whether they are future physicists and chemistsB. they are future physicists of chemistsC. they should be future physicists of chemists D. be they future physic

21、ists or chemists30. Sally can t have written home, or _ the letter by now.A. I ll getB. I ll havet goC. I d have gotD. I d get31. I should very much like to have gone to the party but I _.A. am not invitedB. was not invitedC. shall not be invitedD.am not beinginvited32. There is a general understand

22、ing among the members of the Board of Directors that chief attention _ to the undertaking that is expected to bring in highest profit.A. is givenB. givesC. should be givenD. must be given33.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _ to its burning temperature.A. be heatedB. is heatedC

23、. would be heatedD. to heat34.- “ Did you go to see the football match yesterday?”-“ No. I didn t feel well, but I would have gone if I _.”A. didB. haveC. wouldD. had35.If we had known that she had planned to arrive today, we _ her at the bus station.A. may have metB. might meetC. may meetD. might h

24、ave met36.We re safer in a train than we would be if we _ any other way.A. traveledB. had traveledC. travelD. have traveled37. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I _ of hunger and cold.A. would be diedB. would have diedC. would dieD. will have died38._ today, he woul

25、d get there by Friday.A. Was he leavingB. If he is leavingC. Were he to leaveD. If he leaves39.Had electronic computers not been invented, many problems of space flight _.A. could be not solvedB. could not be solvedC. could not have been solvedD. could not have solved40.He is a poorly learnt man. Bu

26、t he acts as though he _.A. isB. wereC. should beD. seems like41.The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it _ on the way.A. goes wrongB. go wrongC. went wrongD. would go wrong42. _ the fog, we should have reached our destination.A. Because ofB. In spite ofC. In case ofD. But for43. The old

27、man went to office on foot, but he _ by bus.A. might have goneB. ought have goneC. could have goneD. should be gone44. He is working hard for fear that he _ to pass the exam.第 4页A. failsB. may failC. should failD. would fail45.She put on her glasses in order that she _.A. can seeB. sawC. had seenD.

28、might see46.Whatever _ we ll go ahead.A. had happenedB. will happenC. might happenD. may be happened47.If I _ out of ink, I might have finished writing the paper.A. hadn t runB. shouldn t runC. didn t runD. haven t run48.But for your advice, I _ into trouble.A. would getB. gotC. might have gotD. should get49._ for the traffic jam, I should have covered fifty miles.A. Had it beenB. Had it not beenC. It had not beenD. It not had been50.Were it not for the adoption of the open policy, things _ they are today.A. would never beB. could have beenC. wou ld never have been D. didn t have第 5页


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