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1、淮安市范集中学2012 届高三英语文化班寒假作业BImportant changes took place in the lives of womenin the19th century. Whenmen went out from their farms to cities toseekjobs in industry, peasant womenhad to take over the sowing, growing, and harvesting of the fields as well as caring for cattle and raising their children.

2、When womenalso moved to the cities in search of work, they found that it was increasingly separated by sex and thatemployment opportunitiesforwomenwere limitedtothe lower-paidjobs.Laterin thecentury, women in industry gathered mainly in cloth-making factories, though someworked in mining or took sim

3、ilarly difficult and tiring jobs.In the 1800s, service work also absorbed a great number of women who arrived inthecitiesfromthecountry.Young women especiallytookjobsasservantsinmiddle-class and upper-class homes; and as more and more men were drawn into industry, domestic ( 家务的 ) service became inc

4、reasingly a female job. In the second half ofthe century, however, chances of other service work also opened up to women, from sales jobs in shops to teaching and nursing. These jobs came to be done mainly bywomen.For thousands of years, when almost all work was done on the family farm or inthe fami

5、ly firm, home and workplace had been the same. In these cases, women coulddo farm work or hand work,and performhome dutiessuch as childcare and preparationof meals at the same time. Along with the development of industry, the centralworkplace,however,such as the factoryand the departmentstore,separa

6、tedhome fromwork. Faced withthe necessityforwomento choose between home and workplace,Westernsociety began to give particular attention to the role of women as homemakers withmore energy than ever before.50. We learn from the first paragraph that_had been done chiefly by menbefore they went to citie

7、s to seek jobs.A.mining, teaching, and nursingB.sewing clothes and miningC.sowing, growing, and harvestingD.caringforcattleand growingcrops51. Domestic service became a female job mainly because_.A. women took care of childrenB. women took jobs as servantsC. men were employed in industryD. men seldo

8、m worked in shops52. We know from the passage that in the 1800s _.A. more and more women began to work in domestic serviceB. women mainly worked as servants, nurses, and minersC. service and industrial jobs absorbed more women than menD. women enjoyed working as sellers, teachers, and miners53. This

9、 passage is about_ in the 19th century.A. service and industryB. female and maleC. women and their workD. male jobs and the payCNickname: Hawaii s Island of AdventureSize:4,028 square milesPopulation: 148,677 The most heavily populated areas are Hilo on the east side andKailua-Kona on the west.Tempe

10、rature: Averages between 71F and 77 F year around .Beaches:47 ; Golf Courses: 20 ; Highest Peak: Mauna Kea, 13,796 feet.Agriculture: The bulk (主体 ) of Hawaii s farming products are grown and processedon the Big Island, including coffee, macadamia nuts and papaya.Lodging:9,655 rooms total; Nightly ra

11、tes range from $ 35 $ 5,000.Airports:HiloInternational Airport ontheeastsideand KonaInternational用心爱心专心- 1 -Airport on the west side.Rental Cars:All ofthe nationally knownrentalcar companies have locationsat HiloInternationaland Kona InternationalAirportsas wellas many resorts Inaddition, Hilo, Kona

12、 and the major resort areas are serviced by taxis.Resources: Call (800) 648 2441 to order a video, poster, brochures and maps fromtheBigIslandVisitorsBureau Seewww.bigisland.orgforUpdatedinformation.Shopping: The largeshoppingcentersare inHilo, Kona, Waimea and theKohala Coast.54. The passage is int

13、ended to be read by _.A. studentsB. businessmenC. touristsD. immigrants55. The average population per square mile on the island is about _.A. 28B. 32C. 37D. 4456. Which of the following isNOTmentioned as a traffic means to get around the BigIslandA. By trainB. By airC. By rental car D. By taxi.57. W

14、hat can we infer from the passage ?A. You can see www.bigisland.org for updated information.B. You can call (800) 648 2441 to order some food.C. You can find some courts to play tennis on the island.D. You may pay a high price for spending one night on the island.The world has changed and being inte

15、lligent isnD.t normally equal to being asuccessful person. Look at the example of the blue whale: it has a huge brain, butit still doesntknow how to avoid whalers or use its large size and weight to dealwith those who try to use their body for profit. Scientists hold an opinion that theblue whale is

16、 just like some highly intelligent people who fail to succeed. Thosehighlyintelligentpeoplecantsucceedinlifebecausetheycant communicatewellwith the world around them.Intelligence is a word in life that makes you think you are better than others.Intelligencecan blind theseverypeoplefrom how othersvie

17、wthem. These peoplealsothink that the route to power and success results purely from intelligence and theysometimes live in a fantasy world that they create by their supposed brain power.This is a distance that develops whether or not they realize it and sometimes,a person can be disliked simply bec

18、ause of his or her intelligence. This distanceis sometimes so far apart that it gets to the position where they cant listen toeach other. One side thinks the other is stupid and the other thinks he/she ishaughty( 傲慢的 ).And most ofthe time itistheintelligentpeople who losethemselvesin this situation.

19、 They become unpopular with most of the people around them. Thisaffectsthem in whatevertheydo and soonerorlater theywilllose theirconfidence.It doesn t help that theyget a culture shock - especially when they leavecollege and realize success and richness dont always and sometimes never comenaturally

20、 with intelligence. While some might think this is a dramatic picture topaint, it is sometimes the end result of some people.58. The example of “the blue whale ” is used to show _.A. communication is more important than intelligenceB. human beings are always more intelligent than animalsC. humans sh

21、ould have the sense of protecting animalsD. the blue whale is the largest animal in the world59. What makes the intelligent people lose their confidence?A. They become separated from other people and lose their support.B. They often can t get higher positions though they are intelligent.C. They can t persuade those stupid people to accept their ideas.D. They often cant make good use of their advantages.用心爱心专心- 2 -60. Wecan inferthatthe end resultof the supposed intelligentpeople would be _.A. great achievementsB. more enjoyableC. failure in the futureD. surely successful用心爱心专心- 3 -


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