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1、M8-UNIT 4 Pygmalion高二年级1. Professor Higgins (H): an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person s E命 人: 迎 校 人: 咏燕his/her position课文in学society案.第第姓名班 学号convincevt.1) convince sb (of sth/ that ) 使(某人)信服;使(某人)明白I am convinced of his honesty/ that he is honest.I don tthink her forced smi

2、le will convince her father that she lives happily.convince sb to do sth 服某人做某事I ve been trying to convince Jean to come with me.3) be convinced of /that 信 , 确信 .I am convinced of his guilt. I am convinced that he is guilty.2. What if I was? 如果我是又怎 呢? What if “要是 又会怎 ? ”。What if we move the picture

3、here?3. But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, the girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.Now once taught by me , shed become an upper class lady .以 once, if, as, unless, when, though, although 引 的状 从句 , 若从句主 与主句主 一致, 且从句中 be+ v-ing/-ed,

4、 或从句中主 构 it is (was)+ adj .时, 从句 构可以直接由以上 加 v-ed/-ing 或 adj .代替。1). Although _(wound) all over, the brave soldiers continued to fight.2). Though _(beat), we were not discouraged.3). Once_( taste), the dish is hard to forget.4). Strike it while _(heat).5). If possible, pay a visit to that famous park

5、.When_ help, one often says“ Thank you.” or “ It s kind of you.”. offeringB. to offerC. to be offered80D. offeredWhile_ the river, he saw a big crocodile.A. to crossB. crossingC. crossD. crossed4. I ain tdone nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman.第 1页我跟那位先生 ,又没做什么坏事呀。ain 是t不 范的 言,相当于 am not, i

6、s not, has not, have not.1) We ain t coming我. 不来了。2) They ain t got 他it. 没有那玩意儿。5. Will that be of any use to you? be of + 名 =be + 形容 The dictionary will be _ ( 你非常有用 ).Getting up early is_( 你非常重要).His advice is _ ( 非常有价 ).The film is _ ( 有趣 ).The newly built factory is _ ( 非常有益 ) to the local peopl

7、e.6.I thought maybe you was a policemanin disguise.in disguise 装 e.g. The emperor liked traveling in disguise.7.Here you are (hands over the paper covered with writing). 你 (他把写 字的 来 )hand over移交 ; 与;交 某人照料1) The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of his ship.2) The thief was handed over

8、to the policeman.hand down 传给hand on 传递hands up 手hand out 分 ,分 8. (looking at the collected money in amazement )Well, I never . in amazement 于惊 状 似 构有 :in action 在行 ;in anger 气忿地 ; in danger; in debt; in detail; in doubt; in excitement; insafety; in secret; in trouble;9. What do you take me for ?tak

9、e sb /sth for sb/ sthtake sb/sth to be sb/sth(尤指 地)以 ,把 看做 ; 以 , (不用 行 )Even the experts took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh.Of course I didn tdo it! What do you take me for?I took the man with him to be his father.IV . 文重点短 1. _出租 的 笛声2. _朝四面八方3. _ 雨4. _做第 2页笔 5. _ 疑片刻6. _从我 一束花7. _零 8. _乔装 9.

10、 _ 下10. _ 递给11._ 如果那又怎 呢12. _ 出 自己 13. _ 你 14. _ 一把 15. _惊 地2.What if we move the picture here?3.DB5.of great use/ very useful/of great importance/ very important / of great value/is very valuableof great interest/ very interesting / of benefit/very beneficialIV . 课文重点短语1. cab whistles 2. in all directions 3. hide from the rain 4. make notes 5. hesitate for a moment 6. buy aflower off me 7. small change 8. in disguise 9. take down 10. hand over 11. what if 12. betray themselves13. make your acquaintance 14. a handful of 15. in amazement第 3页


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