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1、1,unit 3,英语选修7,2,1.aware,aware adj. 反义词 unaware awareness n. u意识、觉悟( + of ) be/become aware of 对知道、明白、意识到 =(realize) 作表语 Are you aware that there is a difficulty?你知道有困难吗? He is aware of the danger 他意识到有危险。,3,1.aware,扩展: awe n.U畏惧,敬畏 aweless大胆的,无畏惧的 awesome使人敬畏,感到畏惧的 awe stricken awestruck 敬畏的畏惧的 awf

2、ul 令人敬畏的,极坏的,极度的,威严,庄严的,可拍的,4,bebecome aware of sth. 意识到某事 be aware that-clause知道;意识到 make sb.aware that-clause提醒某人意 make sb.aware of . 让某人注意到 He wasnt aware of the danger. 他没有意识到危险。 Is she aware that Im coming? 她知道我要来吗?,5,2.vivid,vivid:生动的,鲜明的,鲜艳的 vivid的同义词:sharp ,intense,lively 逼真的,清晰地,生动的 Eg: a v

3、ivid description 生动的描写 vividnessn n. 【U】 3.neat:好的,整齐的,均匀的,6,4.narrow,narrow 狭窄的,有限的,狭义的 反义词:wide / broad narrowness n. 狭小,狭窄 Eg: The road was too narrow for cars to pass 路太窄,汽车不能通过。,7,4.narrow,扩展: in a narrow sense 在狭意上 a narrow circle of friends 狭小的朋友圈 a narrow mind 小心眼 narrowness minded 气量狭窄,目光短浅

4、 live in a narrow circusnstances 生活在贫困中 a narrow inspection 严密的检查,8,5.upside down,upside down:上下翻转 【作状语】 颠倒,倒转Eg: turn the box 翻箱倒柜 乱七八糟,七颠八倒 inside out 里面朝外,翻面的 He wore the sweatshirt inside out. 他把运动衫反过来穿。,9,6.sharp,sharp:adj. 尖锐的,锋利的,敏捷的 反义词:dull blunt sharp eyes(ears)敏锐的目光(灵敏的嗅觉) a sharp wind 凛冽

5、的寒风,10,7.tasty,tasty:好吃的,可口的 Eg: The food is tasty,11,8.shallow,shallow: adj. 浅的,肤浅的,明显的 反义词:deep The shallow end of the swimming pool Eg: a shallow man 浅薄的人 shallow talk 肤浅的谈话 shallow handed 头脑简单,知识浅薄 shallowly adv. shallowness n.,12,9.scare,短语:be scare to death Eg: when I heard the bed news ,I am

6、scare to death. 10 the Antarctic 南极洲,13,11.target,target:目标,靶,受批评的对象 hit(miss) the target 靶 对象,指标 The target of criticism 批评对象,14,12.reflect,反射,反照 Eg: A mirror refects light 镜子反射光线 Tress feflected in the water 映在水中的树影 反应,表达,表现 Eg: A mans actions reflect his thoughts 人的行动反应出他的思想,15,12.reflect,带给 reflect credit upon sb 给某人带来荣誉 反省考虑 reflect how to fulfil the task / he reflected that his troubles would soon be over 他的困难马上就过去了,16,12.reflect,考虑,思考 reflect upon a problem 思考一个问题 指责 reflect on sbs cinduct in ones speech 在讲话中指责某人的行为,17,end,


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