外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第三册Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing 教学设计.doc

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1、外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第三册Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing? 教学设计教学目标1.知识目标:会说本单元的单词和相关句子。 Lets, get on, lots of, interesting, thing, look at, people, park, lake, row, boat, men, chess, drink, hungry. What are they doing? They are doing something.2.水平目标:会使用本单元的重点句型“What are they doing?” “They are doing”3

2、.情感目标:学会观察日常生活中的点滴。教学重点:(1)学习并掌握单词学词语Lets get on lots of interesting thing look at people park lake row boat men chess drink hungry(2)句型:What are they doing? They are doing sth.教学难点:学生学会使用What are they doing? They are doing sth.教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片教学过程:Step 1: Warming up1. Sing a song.2. Do some new acti

3、ons.Step 2: Presentation 1词句表现T: Look, where is it? (出示柳候公园的照片) This is Liuhou Park. (认读单词park)If I want to go to Liuhou Park. How can we go? We can go to the park by (如果我要去柳候公园,要怎么去呢?引导学生说出能够坐公共汽车去。)(1)T:We can go to the park by bus! Oh, the bus is coming, lets get on the bus. (教读lets, get on the b

4、us.)(2)T:In the park, we can see lots of interesting things. 教“lots of”.(3)T:In the park, we can see monkeys, snakes, they are interesting things. (教interesting things) Lets see some interesting things in the park.(4)出示课件:T: Guess. What are they doing? 他们在做什么?Ss:划船。T:They are rowing a dragon boat.教r

5、ow, boat 和row a boat以及复习dragon。(运用TPR进行教学。)(5) T: Guess. What are they doing? Ss:打太极。T:They are doing Taijiquan.(6)出示课件: T:Guess. What are they doing? Ss:下棋。 T:Yes. They are playing chess.教chess和playing chess(7)T:Guess. What are they doing?Ss:Drinking.T:They are drinking soybean milk.教drinking(TPR),

6、 soybean milk. 导入课题T:Today we will learn M4U1 What are they doing? 2、 课文呈现Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. 1.T:Now please open your book and turn to page 14. Look they are Daming and Amy, they are going to go to the park. Lets listen and underline what interesting things can they see.2. T:

7、 OK, listen again and fill in the blanks. (1)Look at the people in the park.They are doing _. 教授单词people。 (2) Look at the people on the lake.Theyre rowing a _. 教授单词lake。(3)Look at the men under the tree.They are _. 教授men 区别man,men。 结合图片: He is a man, and they are men. (4)Look at these girls.They are

8、 drinking_.a. 区别this和these。出示图片: Look at this boy. Look at these boys. b. 教授单词hungry。2. Listen and repeat.3. Look and say. 看图复述课文。Step 3: Practice1.Game : Passing gameT:It is show time now, lets play a passing game. First, lets pass the cards and say “ What are they doing?”。让学生分别传递几张图片,一边拍手一边说What a

9、re they doing?,老师喊停时,图片传到谁手上,谁就要站起来根据图片回答What are they doing?Step 4: Consolidation Look and say T: Now, look at this pictures, and then choose two of them to make a dialogue. Let me show you an example. Example: A: Wow! Look at them. What are they doing? B: They are doing lots of things. They are ro

10、wing a boat. They are dancing. T: Now work in pairs, and then Ill choose some of you to make dialogues.Step 5: Extension Guessing Game1、出示课件,快速复习一些有关动作的词playing with a basketball, writing a letter, watching TV, taking pictures, talking to friends 等。2、T:Lets play a guessing game. I want four students to come here and help me. Who can? (学生上来以后)One student guess, and three students do the actions according to the PPT. The others ask “What are they doing?”这一遍是为了给学生做示范,所以在玩的过程中师会提示。3、在这四个学生的帮助下,师做完了示范,此后开始玩游戏。Step 6: Summery Look and retell. 根据板书复述课文。Step7: Homework1.完成课堂作业。2.预习第二单元。


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