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1、握緊拳頭 好像抓住許多東西, 其實,連空氣都沒抓到!,張開雙臂 好像雙手空空, 但全世界都在你手心!,I used to be afraid of the dark.,Did you used to .?,I used/didnt use to .,but now I . and now I still .,What things did you use to do when you were a child?,play the piano,catch insects,on the soccer team,have P.E. class,tests,go to swim,play every

2、day after school,study,wear the school uniform,.,eat,candy,chew gum,eat ice cream,read comics,play with dolls,play with balloons,What other things did you use to like when you were a child?,1a Check () the things you used to like when you were a child.,_music class,_P.E. class,_painting pictures,_an

3、ts and other insects,1c,Listen and check () the sentences you hear.,_ I didnt use to like tests. _ We used to walk to school. _ I used to hate P.E. class. _ I used to be on the soccer team.,Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past and now? Fill in the chart.,tests,test

4、s,play,study,P.E. class,love,the school uniform,whatever we like,1d,1. What does the boy think of the tests in primary school? 2. Did they use to wear school uniform when they were in primary? 3. What did the boy think of the school uniform in primary school? Why? 4. What did the boy use to hate in

5、primary school?,He thinks they were easy.,Listen once more and try to answer the questions.,Yes, they did.,He didnt mind wearing a school uniform.,He used to hate P.E. class.,Write sentences about the past using used to.,Grace / watch a lot of TV / watch a lot of movies Grace used to watch a lot of

6、TV. She didnt use to watch a lot of movies. 2. my mom / have curly hair / have straight hair 3. Jerry / read books on European history / read books on African culture 4. Sandy / teach British English / teach American English,My mom used to have curly hair. She didnt use to have straight hair.,4a,Jer

7、ry used to read books on European history. He didnt use to read books on African culture.,Sandy used to teach British English. She didnt use to teach American English.,look at the information and write sentences about Emily.,4b,4c,Which of these things did you use to be afraid of? Which ones are you

8、 still afraid of? Check the boxes and then ask your partner.,I used to be afraid of the dark, and Im still afraid of the dark. ,silent require absent fail interview take pride in be proud of in person influence humorous seldom,1. The mother traveled for many hours to return home to talk to her child

9、 _. 2. He used to be a very quiet teenager. He remained _ most of the time and _ talked to other people. 3. If you are always _ from class, you will _ the examinations. 4. The techer _helping his students win the English competition. 5. Kates grandparents have had a great _ on her. 6. That British t

10、eacher is very _. He always tells us interesting jokes. 7. People are usually _ to give a general self- introduction in a job _. 8. Tina played very well in the basketball game and her parents _ her.,in person,silent,seldom,absent,fail,took pride of,influence,humorous,required,interview,were proud of,


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