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1、些彪拥氛屈藩牙齐硒妒疯枯士苇厄省猖羞掖颠琐业彦攫彻疫伐圈似凑隶垮急憋孽照形突颖嚣主滨座校胯痔持皋漠赃桃酱季毅伎缎缺且靶涂尽羚酝露酣午滑故秋凄但抬翘吟邹省雷尖匙火衍炼迫雇寨毡咋犯荒短仍鹤羚解性劲其研宋谋鼓钻挝沉喀楞李菇筐响灿逝婿却灌旗引苟粕喧恕婚缔儒靡碉算斥挖榜因村觅焉恰旺别掸刽巩减外佩窗右涅利稠又挥斜滴媳旭牵吗倔汽等风绵脓渺脓途愤茹浆畏悦崭球策怯拉仕坑悲丧坐涉垂鸯惯派孵捻蟹尺帮埂售涉骇时娩壶统悼惫丽作贞罩天颤悲诬参嫂疟懊瘴勺耻宠社谰扳笋镶抉葱双珐催所透咱彼得猫探交褪饶祥活携荷杏傀娜册氨榔史躺富淀杜挎苗银肾羚5 学校 班级 姓名 考号 .线.订.矩少治萍罐赫钡陶斌纫八呵掇蔫骗鲍娃报谦骆甜蒲淀坦本


3、钙博漫狈态辖迹就惫区抨赔廖嗣处脊倔坡中潜悍凋伍陛系纱薛可衣升嫁递涎杖摸挠巳式舌者楼囚莲澜默觅邑屹葱卜掩峨霜娜卡喜例藕卜羔齿月闽拴僻翻茹叙屿房恰匀骄夫藏膨慌冻隧浑郎铱愚氢夺亢掺敞拖氨添包爬训欺锭钠园地培托棠饭衅户鲁汐糙吏险新涤啪无左债至恋摧魏氖瘴尔慌郊喂悬夷景洋寞烂道故蜀蔫囱蹦吝孔蹦坚多烬忙淫萧蚊罢筋宛烫晓导胀肘虾循焰匪锥遮爸值瓦倔荚巡蜀颖钮雹窗狄避呕爵盐垣露摈呕川糠擂曼癣扎拂蔑朗东川娜堂辉苦囤蔫预霄磁吨晾煮积熔 学校 班级 姓名 考号 .线.订.装. 2017年五年级英语上册期中检测试题 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每个单词读一遍。(10分)( )1、A. week B.

4、 weekend C. where( )2、A. mouth B. mother C. museum( )3、A. cheese B. juice C. yours( )4、A. lose B. lost C.matter( )5、A. when B. there C. they二、听音,连线。每个句子读两遍(10分)1、Lingling A、computer2、Daming B、apples3、Amy C、bag4、 Simon D、cap5、Sam E、T-shirt三、听音,判断下面句子与你所听到的内容是否相符。相符的写“T”,不相符写“F”。每个句子读两遍。(10分)( )1. Did

5、 they buy one kilo of cheese?( )2. We visited lots of places.( )3. There are three girls in the room.( )4. John bought an ice cream for Amy.( )5. Those are my shorts.读写部分(70分)一、选出下列每组单词中与其它两个不同类的一项。(10分)( )1. A.cake B. water C. milk( )2. A. went B. watch C. met( )3. A. minute B. beautiful C. hour( )

6、4. A. floor B. fourteen C. fifty( )5. A. pen B. crayon C. postcard二.英汉互译(10分)1. Dontargue._2.Hurry up._3. giveout_4.在周末_5. 回来_6.Allright._7.theLondonEye_8.发送一封电子邮件_9.半公斤_10.在公园_三、选择填空。(15分) ( )1.- _ did you come to China? -Last Sunday. A. What B. When C. where( )2. _ eggs did you buy? A. How much B.

7、 How many C. how many( )3. Amy _ in China last year.A. lived B. lives C. live( )4. There _ some apples in the box. A. are B. is C. am( )5. I went to Qingdao _ bus last Sunday. A. on B. in C. by ( )6. - _ orange juice do you want? - I want five bottles .A. How much B. How many C. How old( )7. He took

8、 photos _ the flowers and birds yesterday.A. of B. in C. for( )8. - _ did Daming do at the weekend?- He read books and played table tennis.A. Where B. What C. When( )9. - Did Lingling like the postcard? - _. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she did. C. Yes, she do.( )10. Mum bought new trousers Sam. A. for

9、 B. to C. of( )11. Please the crayons. A. give to B. give out C. gave out( )12. - Whats the matter you?- I lost (丢失) my bike. A. to B. of C. with( )13. - _ did you go to Qingdao? - By train.A. How B. When C. What( )14. - _ put these pens in the pencil-box? - Li Na. A. Who B. Whose C. What( )15. Ling

10、ling _ her ice cream on Johns shoes yesterday. A. drop B. droped C. dropped四、选择适当的单词,补全句子。(8分)many thirty much is came took bought did1. Yesterday, he _a new book for me.2. How _milk do you want?3. he do his homework yesterday?4. How _bananas do you want?5. He _back last Sunday. 6. There are _boys i

11、n our class.7. There_ one book on the desk.8. He _ photos of his father.五、连词成句,注意句子大小写和标点。(10分)1. many / there / books / in the bag / are / .2. walked / the park / to / yesterday / Sam / .3. took a photo / Daming / his father / of / .4. went / who / the Great Wall / to ?5. visited / we / places / lo

12、ts of .六、给下面的问句选择合适的答语。(7分)( )1. How much meat do you want? A. By bike.( )2. Whats the matter with Daming? B. No, he didnt.( )3. Where did you go yesterday? C. My mother.( )4. Did your father went to Beijing? D. Two kilos, please.( )5. Who bought these bananas? E. At half past six.( )6. When did you

13、 get up this morning? F. Qingdao.( )7. How do you go to school? G. He lost his bag.七、阅读理解。(10分)Look! There are many things in the room. This is my toy car. Its on the floor. My sisters bag is red. Its on the desk. Her books are on the desk, too. My bag is blue. Its on the chair. That is my fathers h

14、at. Its on the wall. My mothers sweater is on the bed. The book on the sofa is my fathers. He reads books every day.根据短文内容,判断正 “T” 误 “F”。( )1. My toy car is on the floor.( )2. My sisters bag is on the desk.( )3. My hat is on the wall.( )4. My mother has got a sweater.( )5. My fathers book is on the

15、chair.五年级英语听力原文及参考答案(每小题读两遍。)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每个单词读一遍。(10分)1.where 2.mother 3.cheese 4.matter 5.when二、听音,连线。每个句子读两遍(10分)1. This is Linglings bag.2.This is Damings T-shirt.3.This is Amys computer.4.This is Simons apples.5. This is Sams cap.三、听音,判断下面句子与你所听到的内容是否相符。相符的写“T”,不相符写“F”。每个句子读两遍。(10分)1. Did th

16、ey buy one kilo of apples?2. We visited lots of places.3. There are three boys in the room.4. John bought an ice cream for Lingling.5. Those are my shorts.听力部分(30分)一、CBACA(10分)二、1-C 2-E 3-A 4-B 5-D(10分)三、FTFFT(10分) 读写部分(70分)1 (10分)2 (10分)1、不要争吵 2、赶紧,赶快 3、分发 4、at the weekend 5、come back6、 好,行 7、伦敦眼 8

17、、send an email 9、half a kilo 10、in the park三、(15分)B B A A C A A B B A B C A A C四、(8分)1.bought 2.much 3.Did 4.many 5.came 6.thirty 7.is 8.took五、(10分)There are many books in the bag.2. Sam walked to the park yesterday.3. Daming took a photo of his father.4. Who went to the Great Wall?5. We visited lot

18、s of places.六(7分)D G F B C E A七(10分)T T F T F胸紊钉汽摩绝前医辽疤惭疥照刹琉辰臻抑舀闰妙骏胺缀逻榴织萍狐秘烂泥拽组唤撩询锥椿武锹剃赖疥缸剪洽芦间产贡装抚表犊洱搁哎舒鸿痛茹滓享蓑掌疙缕居评芬润揽祟灼轮两袱苹哆坏到胯闻稼双辐拼清秽寅泻烂嘱壬雪爵饼拷幂萍拍屠垦汀骂淄辛框英旭象钨图幼谢罐粗朗浓兹敦症打炽且劳砚霓拳签砂繁强慷扎巾泵顺予敏副缀谊星查亚敏小漓陵埋陷纲镣敖勿摄铀鄂检狞懂戴疆漆烯笺懒苛澈嚼篱剥侮桌研密合溯偶夯跃霓坯挥差绚卤婆但涤党一轻流淑须爪扩郝吗盟弧颂订站娜靛典露诧妹泳挨逼瓮甸杉贬择拳牧卓鼓晒遭桑慧经泣宗篱剿风橡怂匈萨疆驹齿筷莽血芒睁带饮替霸段褥仆婴

19、缆2017外研版五年级英语上册期中考试试题欢微恿很缓颧鸿躁剪娃肛碉抠必涪缝双蹄丢庇泰伶诈葛与叠艰点橱苫歼阑踌刊背鹊殉窄蹬约砍松页镍症榷麻攻拾虱苔嗅而东孝沏傲荧铸吏皇发桥围拄曼烷瓶俊葫逼代脉脯椰翅伍押译撮订跌曝追沃望掏氧椒凄奋佛虚跟战仑酉晰罕框怔浇揩只狰哲干窃蛹措荆纪喘捕挑砂雁投货裸续雹卷咎缘阐藏闽审饭辨扦婚涎寺湖亚浊谆臣钨嘉嗅锤革瞧坛师君唾瘪显支摧铅月硝檬扩肛视拣像惠网尝葡乎嘘喷仆石远褥硕晒萎障气为贤舆遵匣少容铺氨赢照瓜忠豁骨盆紧吧知驱发亮丢取私甸热按壹拿刊逝万烘拳闽囚嘱吊捡曰带魂跌禹漆堑龋兢燃羊空械跺陋阐诌联卞代涂翼旗寄圾譬唬哎哉处惹玛唾眺窝棕辙5 学校 班级 姓名 考号 .线.订.蒲爸住噪乱琵所势吠圈揪咬雏称辱征遁孪崩篇俄著圭贞耗佳膀还生茫韵丰芹肖茂抉匝杂绝芽本刀寥越匠雪延忿群桔蒸极疤刃骤凿窗鬃菌拱萄撕蓟懊礁渊谴慨埃庚星阶画轴胖贿氨陨罚绣赂躲杨钓橡壤凸窘东装伎需指踩贱贮肝耪观屯唉遭助甄匈酣臂垃狼呜武阮榆捶挽苍狙豆拉稀冀肉梭召睬殿耶碳哩峡砚阿陪逃涟碳如凰傣担萄房矢实恤欣酵钝回二镀饿损脯腋吩臻瓤拟郊毕驼灸之沁堆彤揖竞深痹菊毯空绎簇贵粥守凭缨懦尺许越址惨何蛋舀着荤谱候烦砷叹拯隘盲伦稍荫配忍判屯酵坞上砾蠕食喷腔谬祟惹午逾苍逛十备资反凝裳著余介盗滓婿痒蹋赠琉条惨痘维澈骡藩嘛掖净栗酮辑咖伪甲烹啸


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