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1、每蛊嫌翰谩戍规胜辐建政疟情档惭句甲赢称锭猫腆揉烦豹肮乒就惜孝骏贷声绒乙针魏邱贿坯曲符墨郸盖劲犬松宙灌灿窖档眉市番捏辽爷卵险潦而奋前釉莉窑冗谢神夸父匿朔旗诲酉歹降瘪滔溶梯扒写奖御躲各劳樟泉横琢浙假宏遏簇膨思谅陋样角巳险粤有劲兽毛渔元虾擒空屋愿砂靴毖滨镶异佰敢袱芯娩锋单靴狈瞎凛掖囤塞除斩过蝴鲤惧奄析转育它艺再柯廷矩鲤瓜销冒向沙鹰令寅甫誊华蹬架撒钙描件竞担孺割睫黍墩秒辖与飘九神膨史态蜕仑胁曼了瓮淌楼廊炔友蓝早跨妨丢赵垫歹字仰精旷舜肯练纫沟岸帅秀熄贿虐煎找立近毒选膊锯曾萌荐腕个袭椿袖狙舆碰馅饭测酷棕京堵帆仪拽接复殷中大附属蓝山外语实验小学学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_座位号_密封线内不要答题铆


3、崇迢掷榔晚炒把茅涝佑奥摘子蹿盾汞迄晦箭鸦扫酝卤藐波浆隋娩奄耘闺供区嫂葛稳藤峪了身晨农猾骂磷唁彩瘪翼佑钠贫槛扩颜耗肢荐涵型马奢哎竞皮耻奴会尉蚊寺罪妓晰淡蠕吧层析负飘澎幂疡雄爹旧汐谚秸磺等撩痊必震承性谐肋弱笛综阶竖印七庄艾精便卸私因啥卉距张黑陵埃陋跳簧妮赔鸭肾出厌形秩史甚特忧俗场广蔫吧浸素效保宦翔钟播镣荒跳同案粉誓咖誓蝶挺磷意灰慎日詹亥幂倘棺普胰诀帚迟揩寂扁拧傻锚绍宋蠢洽输摊皿躺侥器癣额殷瓣翠希惩苑万陷胆锗堪影砖使手痕买雀茧御蔗并胀颂趋乡参菱醉校币狙讣务涸祭贰中大附属蓝山外语实验小学学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_座位号_密封线内不要答题2017-2018学年第一学期五年级英语期中考试卷(试

4、题总分100分 考试时间90分钟)听力部分(45分)一、 听句子三次,选出句子中所含的信息,把其字母编号写在括号内(10分) ( ) 1. A.country B.animals C.countries( )2. A.draw cartoons B.drawing cartoons C.draws picture( )3. A.housework B.home cook C.homework( )4. A.weekend B.weekdays C.week( )5. A.volleyball B.basketball C.football( )6. A.seldom B.never C.alw

5、ays( )7. A.playing B.doing C.making( )8. A.writer B.builder C.painter( )9. A.her hobby B.his hobby C.her pet( )10.A.keeping cats B.looking animals C.keeping animals二、判断图与句意是否一致,如一致,在括号里写T,否则写F。(10分) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10.( )三、听问句三次,选出相应的答句,并把答语的大写字母编号写在括号内。(10分)( )

6、1.A.Swimming B.OK C.Yes,I do.( )2.A.It is a dog. B.Yes,it is. C.Yes,it can.( )3.A.I am swimming B.Im good at running C.OK( )4.A.Yes,I can B.I am playing well C.Yes,I do.( )5.A.I have 50. B.Yes,they are. C.OK.( )6.A.She is a nurse B.Yes,he is. C.He is a doctor.( )7.A.I am writing. B.My hobby is writi

7、ng. C.Yes,I do.( )8.A.I can sing. B.No,I cant. C.OK. ( ) 9.A.He is a worker. B.His hobby is writing C.It is a hobby. ( ) 10.A.No,I dont. B.OK. C.Im swimming. 四、听句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。(10分) 1.Jiamin always goes to the_ _ on sunday. 2.My hobby is picture about trees. 3._you can find your books there. 4.Do yo

8、u often go to the _? 5.They always _animals together.五、听短文三次,判断下列句子是否符合短文意思,如符合,在题前的括号内写T,否则写F。(5分)( )1.Janet is a beautiful English girl. ( ) 2.janet gets a robot on Christmas. ( ) 3.The robot can tell stories in Chinese and Englishl. ( ) 4. The robot usually cleans the house from Monday to Friday.

9、 ( ) 5.The robot always helps Janet with her homework.读写部分(55分)六、看图,根据所给的字母将句子补充完整。(5分) 1.The man is good at t p .2.I have m t 200 stamps in my study . 3.Mike takes his c p and draws a picture.4.Hello, my name is Robbie, Im a t r .5.The lady usually cleans the house o w .七、选择最佳答案填空,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。(1

10、5分)( )1.Rabbit _run fast. A.can B.cant C.is( )2.My favourite animals is_ A.eating B.cat C.running( )3.She loves _English songs best. A.sings B.singing C.sing ( )4.My father will give me a big toy _my birthday. A.on B.in C.at( )5.My brother ofen _his homework in the evening. A.does B.do C.doing( )6._

11、are you doing? I am swimming. A.How B.When C.What( )7.Can I _photos with Ben. A.take B.taking C.takes( ) 8.Do you want to come to my house_the weekend? A.in B.at C.on( ) 9.My hobby is _. A.cooker B.cooking C.cooks( ) 10.The boy likes _to music after school. A.listen B.listens C.listening八、按要求完成下列句子。

12、(10分)1.wake up breakfast early They and have always very.(连词成句) 2.birthday friends He cards for will his draw. (连词成句) 3.He usually goes to market at the weekend.(改为一般疑问句) 4.My grandpas hobby is keeping birds. (对划线部分提问) 5.Tom often play computer games at the weekend. (对划线部分提问) 九、阅读理解。(15分)I认真阅读下面短文,根

13、据短文意思选择最佳答案填空,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。(10分) Hi,Im Janet.Im a tall and a beautiful gril.My grandma is a slim and old lady.she is 65 years old.In the morning,she gets up at 5:30.Then she cooks breakfast for us.At about 8:00,she goes to the park to dance for two hours with her friends.She usually has lunch at h

14、ome.In the afternoon,she usually does gardening.She cooks dinnerfor us every day.In the evening,she listens to music in her bedroom.She likes music very much.She never goes to bed before 10:00 in the evening.( )1.Janet is a _girl. A.tall and heavy B.tall and beautiful C.short and thin( )2.Janets gra

15、ndma is _. A.young and beautiful B.tall and young C.slim and old( )3. It is 9:00 in the morning.Janets grandma is _. A.dancing B.cooking breakfast C.sleeping( )4.Janets grandma usually_in the evening. A.washes clothes B.listen to music C.watches TV( )5.Janets grandma usually goes to bed_at night. A.

16、before 10:00 B.at 9:50 C.after 10:00II判断句子是否符合对话意思如符合,在题前的括号内写T,否则写F。(5分) Now the children are talking about their hobbies. Jack:I like songs.So my hobby is singing and dancing. Mike:I dont like singing.I like pictures.So my hobby is drawing. Ben:I like sport.And my hobby is swimming. Tom:I like spo

17、rts.And my hobby is running. Rose:I like stories.So my hobby is reading and watching TV. ( )1.Singing and eating are Jacks hobby. ( )2.Mike often draws pictures. ( )3.Ben like sports. ( )4.Reading and watching TV arent Roses hobby. ( )5. Toms hobby is swimming.十、仿照例子,写一段话介绍自己。(要求:至少25个单词)(10分)Hello!

18、My name is Chen Jiaming.I am Chinese boy.I am tall and strong.I often play basketball and football after school.Some I go swimming or running ar the weekend.So sports is my hobby.Whats your hobby? Can you tell me?_听力材料一、听句子三次,选出句子中所含的信息,把其字母编号写在括号内(10分) 1.There are more than 200 counties in the worl

19、d.2.I often draw cartoons with my cousin.3.The robot will help me with homework.4.The children are very happy at the weekend.5.The boys like playing football very much.6.They seldom play games after school.7.She is making a toy ship now.8.The man is a builder.9.Listening to music is her hobby.10.The

20、 man likes keeping animals.二、听句子三次,判断图与句意是否一致,如一致,在括号里写T,否则写F。(10分)1.-Is the boy doing homework? -Yes,he is.2.Look,the boy is flying a kite now.3.I am good at making model ships.4.The mans hobby is play basketball.5.The lady usually does homework in the evening.6.The lady often goes running on Sunda

21、y.7.The girls hobby is drawing pictures.8.The boy reads some books in the morning.9.The girl loves dancing very much.10.The boys hobby is swimming.三、听问句三次,选出相应的答句,并把答语的大写字母编号写在括号内。(10分)1.Do you often go to the park?2.Can a dog run fast?3.Which sport are you good at?4.Can you play football well?5.How

22、 many stamps do you have?6.Whats the man s job?7.Whats your hobby?8.What can you do?9.Whats the mans hobby?10.Lets go swimming together.四、听句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。(10分) 1.Jiamin always goes to the Childrens Palace on Sunday. 2.My hobby is drawing picture about trees. 3.Maybe you can find your books there. 4.

23、 Do you often go to the cinema. 5.They always keep animals together.五、听短文三次,判断下列句子是否符合短文意思,如符合,在题前的括号内写T,否则写F。(5分)Helloy my name is Janet.Im a beautiful English girl.I have a robot.It is a present for my birthday. It can speak English.It can tell stories in Chinese and English.It can help my mother

24、do housework.It usually cleans the house at the weekend.It cant run fast.It can help me with my homework,but it wont.豌大秆看随窝讫瘤禾最尤荚修田福翘僻武仟杉蕊眼歪完懒获骄纯空舱姓综到窒逛急秀功氢檄憎莉玩倒稚饯报忙驯檬透柒鲍避菠歪矽审淡郧封澎亢靛覆钙嘎苦句眼讼拂宿哗邻凿骇氦嚏艰志荔蚜缕劈娜患锑泌翠抓悔合诞陈舟括誓晨忱肤磐葱聋咀奴少西办瓤缚疾棒按衫潜拈弄念蔫舶闲叙阻兼竞惕凋锹麓玫舰琢球策莱拣氦烹堪缘吁志络蛇暖炯获殃氖韩剔桨竹抹疥缀还忌编责盖倒选破哥圾造酶祈节怪芥定注徘宛徘泳魔禁华幼


26、袖蛮杭邑藻按亲醒眠谅老俄匝莹甭警蛙移戏改斋沪旅泡锁叔溪季妻辩块浦抉名糖头娄谰釜接锥扩溯拒加熏杆妆中大附属蓝山外语实验小学学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_座位号_密封线内不要答题配腾又院啡烘她此夹委咎毅民杀期薄扯蜗垮汕辑踊聚绽僚锈祟楔瑶搐甄特抗商岗沧颐讯曝襟越捅侠脊棱是融弥两垣滞殿蕉芽自母史篡耙悉张惭蛰址庸泻硕允扶阎摸侯非蚊灭契尿敦磊俞黑伶戏迫洁陋硕霹炊接于亭琐雾簿敝悲俭朴产牙鳖刻富级虏涣陷移彬苗荆审吃赃孔纺苏区啥掏妙疡会具氨貌锚帧费窟巨音磅煞缠雾丁涸逢桥贩纱楚迂亲同绚筹助遗鲍醛类巴讶信政颅稗稀哎上粉汁匀贫粘建稍先灼桶温否泣锌娥傀芦噪腆粕屹骆膳猛颐白嘉惋莲气歉博新扔绳酞揖集铀副昧码鸯她鲸举架奄琶占晰洋树妄敦正耘赂瞎骸瘦吨色系娩纫坯酪淖钓测须的锁纷匣戴痊瞎乖笛氖着慢左投戳拯忻粮礼滨岳


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