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1、度米文库汇编之英文求职信必备七大要素英文求职信必备七大要素如何写一封有效的求职信,看以下几点要素。put the name of a mutual contact in the first sentence.在第一句里提到一个你和雇主都认识的人的名字。this is the ideal way to start a cover letter, because it immediately sets you apart from the pile of applicants who have no relationship to the employer.这是求职信理想的开头方法,因为这让你迅速

2、从一大堆和雇主毫无关系的应聘者中脱颖而出。tell a story, if you can.如果可以的话,讲一个故事。that is a tall order for most of us, but if you can relate your desire for the job to an experience or anecdote in your life, do it.这对我们大部分人来说很困难,但如果你可以把你对这份工作的渴望和你的人生经历或故事联系起来的话,就这么做。near the beginning, briefly summarize your career.在开篇简单总结

3、你的职业生涯。in one or two specific sentences, describe your work experience.用一两个句子描述你的工作经历。 ilustrate your qualifications with examples. 用例子来说明你的资历。give concrete specifics of achievements that illustrate how you could advance the companys agenda.用具体的业绩来说明你会如何给公司带来提升。 conclude by saying when and how youll

4、 get in touch. 在结尾处说明雇主可以在何时怎样同你联系。in your last line, tell the recipient when to expect to hear from you.在最后一句告诉收信人何时期待收到你的回音。 dont cut and paste from the job description. 不用简单地从职位描述里复制粘贴。if youre applying for a posted job, do keep the requirements in mind, but dont use the exact wording.如果你是申请一份公开发

5、布的职位,记住职位要求,但不要逐字引用。err on the side of formality.礼多人不怪even though your cover letter will be an e-mail, keep the style businesslike, unless you are writing to a contact with whom you already have a relationship and you are mirroring her informal style.哪怕你的求职信是电子邮件的形式,也要让行文有条理,除非你的收件人已经和你很熟,你只是模仿她的非正式文体。


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