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1、2019 高考英语(人教)一轮预热自练题选修8U1 及答案完形填空。Each time I see a balloon,my mind flies back to a memory when I was a six-year-old girl.It was arainy Sunday and my father had recently died.I asked my mum if my dad had gone toheaven. “ Yes,honey.Of course,” she saidwewrite.“himCan letter?” I asked.She paused,the l

2、ongest pause of my short life,and answered,“ Yes. ” My heart jumped.“ Camailman go there?” I asked.“ No,but I have an idea.” Mum drove to a party store and returned with a red balloon.I asked herwhat it was for.“ Just wait,honey.You ll see. ” Mum told me to write my letter.Eagerly,I got myfavourite

3、pen,and poured out my six-year-old heart in the form of blue ink.I wrote about myday,what I learned at school,what Mum was doing,and even about what happened in a story I hadread.For a few minutes it was as if Dad were still alive.I gave the letter to Mum.She read itover,and a smile crossed her face

4、.She made a hole in the corner of the letter where she looped theballoon string.We went outside and she gaveme the balloon.It was still raining.“ Okay,on thecount of three,let it go.One,two,three.” The balloon,carrying my letter,darted upwards against therain.We watched until it was swallowed by the

5、 mass of clouds.Later I realized,like the balloon,thatDad had never let his sickness get him down.He was strong.No matter what he suffered,he dpersevere,dart up,and finally transcend this cold world and his sick body.He rose into sky andbecame something beautiful.I watched until the balloon disappea

6、red into the grey and white and Iprayed that his strength was passed on.I prayed to be a balloon.1.When the girl asked her mother if they could write to her father,her mother_.A.believed it easy to do soB.thought her a creative girlC.felt it hard to answerD.found it easy to lie2.When the girl was to

7、ld that she could send a letter to her father,she_.A.jumped with joyB.was worried that it couldn t be deliveredC.started writing immediatelyD.became excited第 1页3.In the eyes of the author,what was the rain like?A.An incurable disease.B.An unforgettable memory.C.The failure her father experienced.D.T

8、he hard time her father had.4.What would be the best title for the passage?A.An unforgettable experienceB.Fly to heavenC.The strong red balloonD.A great father参考答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.D; 4.C解析:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了女儿想和已故的父亲通信,这使母亲很为难。但聪明的母亲用红气球作为邮递员把女儿写给父亲的信寄往天堂,让女儿感到父亲还活着。1.C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“ She paused,the longe

9、st pause of my short life,andanswered, Yes可.知”,母亲停顿了很长时间,这意味着她思考了较长的时间才回答了女儿的问题。这说明女儿的问题很难回答。故选C 项。2.D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“ My heart jumped.可知”,“我 ”很高兴。故选D 项。3.D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“ No matter what he suffered.became somethingbeautiful. 可知”,雨就像父亲经历的艰难时光。故选D 项。4.C 主旨大意题。本文是一篇记叙文,文章以红气球为主线贯穿整篇文章,红气球也象征着父亲。故选

10、 C 项。单句语法填空1 They are likely_ (fire)by the company justbecause oftheirfault.答案: to be firedSb. be likely to do sth.“某人可能做某事”。主语they 与fire之间为被动关系,故应填不定式的被动形式。2 The majority of the interviewees _ (prefer) watching TV at home togoing to the cinema.答案: preferthe majority of .作主语时,谓语动词的数与of 后的名词保持一致。由 in

11、terviewees可知谓语动词应用复数形式。3 It suddenly occurred _ him that he should adopt the homeless child.答案: toIt(suddenly)occurred/occursto sb.that.“某人突然想起某事”。第 2页4 Whoever breaks the school rules will surely receive _ (punish)答案: punishment句中 receive后缺 ,故 填名 punishment 作 。5 We should not have _ (race) discrimi

12、nation.答案: racial句中缺少一形容 来修 名 discrimination,故填racial“种族的”。6 She became the first black woman _ (elect) to the Senate.答案: to be elected当名 或代 前有序数 或最高 修 , 常用 不定式来充当其后置定 ,且elect与 black woman 之 被 关系,故填to be elected。7 He couldnt express himself correctly _ means of words.答案: byby means of .“借助于;用;通 方法”。

13、8 She _ (slip) out of the house before the others were awake.答案: slipped句意:她趁 人 没醒,溜出了房子。分析句子 构可知 空 句子的 ,由从句中 were 可知, 用一般 去 。9 _ (hire) a car, you must produce a passport and a current drivinglicense.答案: To hire句意:若想租 ,你需要出示 照及当前 照。此 用 不定式作目的状 。10 By the time she knew the news, John _ (fly) to Amer

14、ica.答案: had flown由 By the time引 的从句的 一般 去 可知,主句 用 去完成 ,故 填had flown 。完形填空。 下列短文,从短文后各 所 的A 、B、C 和 D 四个 中, 出可能填入空白 的最佳 。(2019 2019 州一中上期高三入学 )Mildred Webinga Freeman was an English teacher at the new middle school I attended in theninth grade.She wasnt my _1_ ; she was the adviser to the safety patro

15、l( 巡 )on which I_2_.I loved being around her and _3_ her sense of humor and kind personality.She was _4_ a good listener.At the end of the year , she _5_ that she was moving to Florida , and I was very sad.Weexchanged _6_ and became pen pals.I could tell her _7_ ,and she treated me _8_ respecteven t

16、hough I was a teenager.In Florida , Mrs.Freeman became a Realtor(房地 人), _9_ she managed to find time第 3页to write letters.She wrote _10_ stories and always took my concerns _11_.She had given mea(n) _12_ invitation to visit , and I missed her so much.When I _13_ to take her up on the_14_ ,she answere

17、d,“ Get your shoes on and your bags _15_ !You are welcome anytime !”I spent three weeks with her in Miami.Her _16_ of poetry, music ,and creative writing_17_ me to follow these endeavors( 努力 ) One day _18_ hanging sheets on the clothesline,she _19_ and said, “ You know, the sky is fuel for the soul.

18、” I had never looked20 at the _before hearing those words.Two years later , I received a call that Mrs.Freeman had passed away.1 A.motherB friendC classmateD teacher2 A.servedB advisedC expectedD led3 A.sharedB enjoyedC imaginedD found4 A.neverB justC stillD also5 A.knewB announcedC thoughtD realize

19、d6 A.addressesB giftsC viewsD roles7 A.manyB muchC everythingD something8 A.inB asC withD to9 A.soB butC orD for10 A.amusingB different第 4页C emotionalD ordinary11 A.immediatelyB carefullyC seriouslyD privately12 A.urgentB luckyC ambiguousD open13 A.decidedB hesitatedC wroteD hurried14 A.offerB promi

20、seC excuseD message15 A.boughtB foundC filledD packed16 A.loveBdreamC senseD feeling17 A.persuadedB encouragedC forcedD allowed18 A.beforeB onceC whileD after19 A.looked overB looked outC looked upD looked down20 A.cloudsB flowersC peopleD houses【解题导语】本文主要讲述了作者在中学期间和一名英语老师之间的故事。【核心词汇】adviser n顾问pen

21、pal 笔友concern n担心的事,关切的事1 D根据上文中的“ Mildred Webinga Freeman was an English teacher at the new middleschool I attended in the ninth grade和空后的 “”she was the adviser to the safety patrol( 巡逻队 ) ”第 5页可推知, Mildred Webinga Freeman 不是作者的老 (teacher),下文中的 “ and became pen pals”也是提示。2 A根据 境并 合 可知,作者当 也在巡 里。ser

22、ve “ 工作 ”。3B根据空前的 “ I loved being around her可知,作”者喜 (enjoyed) 老 的幽默感和善良的品 。4D根据上文中的 “ an English teacher和 “ the” adviser可知”,本句是 位老 身份的 充 明。她也(also)是一个好的 听者。5 B根据 境可知,老 宣布(announced)了一个消息,她要搬到佛 里达州了,作者感到很 心。6A根据上文中的“ At the end of the year, she5_ that she was moving to Florida和空”后的 “ and became pen p

23、als可推”知,作者和老 互 了地址(addresses),成了笔友。7 C根据上文中的“ and became pen pals与空后”的 “she treated me _8_ respect eventhough I was a teenager 可推知”, 作者与老 无 不 , 与上文作者 于和老 相 的背景呼 。故 C。8C固定搭配: treat sb.with sth. 意 “以某种 度 /方式 待某人”,符合 境, 故 C。9 B根据空后的 “ she managed to find time to write letters 可推知,上下文”表示 折关系。故 B 。10 A根据

24、上文中的 “ I loved being around herand _3_ her sense of humor and kindpersonality可推”知,老 很幽默, 是 作者 一些好笑的(amusing)故事。11 Ctake sb./sth.seriously 固定搭配,意 “ 真 待某人 /某事 ”。老 真 待作者所关切的事情。12 D根据下文中的 “ You are welcome anytime可推知”,老 迎作者随 来 ,anopen invitation ,意 “随 可以来 的邀 ”,符合 境,故 D。 urgent 急“迫的 ”;ambiguous 模“棱两可的 ”。

25、13C根据上文中的“ We exchanged 6_ and became pen pals 可推知”,作者写信 (wrote)第 6页告 老 ,他接受她的提 (offer) 。14 A参 上 解析。 offer 提“供,提 ”。15 D因 作者要去看望老 ,因此老 建 作者收拾行李(packed),随 迎作者的到来。16 A老 歌、音 和文学 作的 (love) 激励 (encouraged)着作者去努力。17 B参 上 解析。18 C一天,当老 正在把床 挂在晒衣 上的 候,她抬 看(looked up) 到了天空而有所感悟。 while “当 时 ”。19 C参 上 解析。20 A根据上

26、文中的 “ You know, the sky is fuel for the soul 并 合 可知”,当 老 看了天空,此 指的 是天上的云(clouds) 。 句改 1 This is believed that hard work can lead to success._答案: This ItItis believedthat.“人 相信”,其中it 形式主 。2 An idea occurred me when I was walking in the park._答案: occurred后加 tosth. occurs/occurred to sb.“某人突然想起某事”。3 A

27、great many of people gain a great deal of information from the Internet._答案:去掉第一个ofa great/goodmany直接修 可数名 复数,只有当名 前有限定 the/these/those/ones等 ,才用a great/good many of短 。4 We regret to inform you that our company has hired on another girl for thejob of secretary._答案:去掉onhire“雇用;租用”, 及物 ,后面不需加介 。5 They will carry out the plan in this means._答案: in byby this means “用 种方法”。第 7页


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